Archive > DrakentheBlack > Stories > Legend of Emerald > Not Your Day
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Not Your Day By DrakentheBlack -- Report

Cora was livid! True, she knew there were consequences to setting up a camp in dragon territory, but she thought she’d already seen the worst of it.

A few days ago, the dragon who lived in the area took off with a couple of tents to make clothes of all things. Clothes!? She’s a dragon! She’s always naked – something that her men annoyingly comment on. Another time, the dragon snuck into camp, directly to her own tent, and devoured a guy who she was in the process of fucking!

The one nice thing about the dragon’s visits was she typically ensured there were fewer hands to have to pay, but this time was especially infuriating, as the dragon had taken off with a chest full of riches her gang had just stolen from a nobleman.

And so, Cora gathered her men, and they made their way to the dragon’s lair to reclaim their plunder.

The cave was easy to find, it was big enough for a 50-foot dragon to enter, and also stank of reptile and estrogen. It was not a deep cave, and so the party did not have to get far before they discovered the chest resting near a pile of bedding.

“Alright boys, let’s get our treasure and go.”

They did as they were told, but before they could leave the cave, some of the men blocked their leader’s path. “What’s the meaning of this?” Cora demanded. They answered, “How many of us have to be killed by this dragon before you decide to move the camp?”

The bandit leader rolled her eyes, “This really isn’t the time or place to have this conversation. The dragon will be back any minute, and she’s going to be pissed if she finds us stealing from her.”

“And then I bet you’ll leave us to deal with her while you run and hide? We’ve been thinking it’s time for new management around here.”

“You idiots! You won’t last a day without me! I’ll…” She was so blind with anger that another traitor snuck up behind her and clobbered her on the back of the head, knocking her out in an instant.

When Cora woke again, she found she had been stripped of all her belongings, including her clothes. As she sat up, she found she had been left in the dragon’s cave, and the dragon in question was home.

In terms of appearance, the dragon was mostly human, bearing the body of a young woman. The fact that she was fifty feet tall was not the most unusual feature about her though. She had the horns, eyes, wings, and tail of a dragon. Stripes of green scales tattooed her pale skin, and her lower arms and legs were replaced with vicious talons.

She saw the two-piece outfit that the dragon had turned her tents into, and figured it was probably better this monster had some modesty.

The dragon sat like a cat as she spoke, “So I was just entering my home; it’s a cave, so no doors to lock, but I’m still surprised to see I have a visitor. So, what brings you here?” She certainly sounded friendly, but Cora knew what a ravenous beast this creature could be, and so she got to her feet and darted to the far side of the cave – since the entrance was currently blocked by the dragon-girl. Unfortunately, there were no alternate routes to escape down, and the dragon asked, “What are you afraid of? Do you have something to you need to say?”

The bandit put her back to the cold stone wall as she demanded, “Get away from me you monster!”

“I don’t want to hurt you.” She said with a hint of offense. She stood upright as a human would, and removed the top of her outfit, exposing her considerable bust.

“What are you doing!?” Cora exclaimed. The dragon-girl answered, “You’re naked, so I figure you’ll be more comfortable if I’m also naked.” In spite of protests from the human, the rest of the tent fell off the dragon’s body, leaving a giant, naked, female form before her. This only made things more embarrassing, not only because Cora was not into girls, but because this dragon had a better figure than she did.

A strong, scaly talon wrapped around her body, and the dragoness laid on her bed before setting Cora between her boobs, each of which was larger than her whole body. “I’m Emerald by the way. I don’t suppose you want to tell me your name?”

“Fuck you!”

“Well, Phuck-yu, nice to meet you.” There was obvious sarcasm in Emerald’s tone this time. She then asked, “Will you at least tell me why you’re streaking in my cave? I can’t imagine cold stone feels good under bare feet.”

Once again, Cora did not give the dragoness an answer, and so Emerald sighed and looked around her home, casually petting her nude guest while simultaneously squeezing her with her breasts. There was something missing from her lair. Her treasure chest!

She looked down at her ‘guest’ suspiciously as she asked, “I used to have a chest here. You wouldn’t happen to know why it’s missing now, would you?”

At this question, Cora thought of a way she might be able to get back at her treasonous crew, and she spilled the beans, “Yes actually! I saw a gang of bandits walk into your cave, and they left with a big chest full of rubies and sapphires.”

“I never mentioned what was in the chest.” Emerald pointed out, and Cora went pale. The dragon-girl studied her with her reptilian eyes, and she said, “I recognize you now. You’re in that bandit gang I’ve been visiting throughout the week! Sorry I ate your mate by the way, I was hungry, and he smelled so good!”

“I uh… I’m not a part of that gang. They used me as a fuck toy, and then sent me to run off into the forest once they got bored of me.”

“You know, for a fuck toy, you certainly gave them a lot of orders. What? You think I’d walk into a camp of heavily armed humans without reconning the place first? Little miss boss.”

Cora became more worried by the fact that this dragon girl was calling out her bluffs so easily, and so she finally admitted, “Alright, I was a part of the gang. But they betrayed me and left me here to die!”

“So you did try to steal my riches.”

“You stole them from us!”

“After you stole them from a nobleman. Honestly, I don’t care about that part. He was an asshole, and tasted like shit! But do you have any idea how hard it is to buy real food without money? A few pieces of gold means the difference between eating a shepherd’s flock, or eating his children.”

Just talking about food was getting Emerald’s stomach to growl. Cora tried to diffuse the situation by saying, “Well you know where the camp is, so you can go there and take as much of the loot as you can carry. Like I said though, I’m not a part of them anymore, so it’s really not my fault or problem what they do.”

Emerald finally interjected, “Yes, I know. You were betrayed by your comrades, stripped of everything you own, and are about to be eaten by a dragon. This just isn’t your day.”

“I… wait, what? No!” It took a second for Cora to process what Emerald just told her, and upon realizing what was about to happen to her, she begged, “Wait, you don’t have to eat me! You can eat your fill when you take your treasure back from the camp!”

Emerald sighed, “I’ll do that shortly, but I never like to work on an empty stomach. And seeing how I can’t buy my meals like a civilized girl, you’ll have to do.” She brought Cora to her mouth, opening it wide to receive her prey, and the bandit kicked furiously as her legs entered the humid interior.

The dragon’s teeth closed on her belly, and her lips clamped on her chest, squishing her breasts and making it hard to draw breath. Cora could feel Emerald’s tongue wiggling between her legs, forks grinding against her crotch before penetrating her. The human let out a squeal of shock and pleasure as she was given a tongue fuck by the predator. She begged for Emerald to stop violating her and just eat her without such humiliation, but as her arousal grew, her begging changed to pleas for the dragoness to finish her.

Emerald gladly brought the bandit to climax, getting delicious love juice to spread all over her tongue and wash down her throat.

Cora hung limp in the afterglow, remembering too late that she was in process of being eaten. That changed when she was completely slurped between the dragon’s lips. The large tongue wiggled beneath her, coiling around her and tasting every inch of her body as Emerald savored her, and then the tongue pushed her to the back of the mouth and down into a dark pit.

Flesh squeezed her tightly from all sides as she slid down the slimy tunnel. She couldn’t breathe, much less struggle as she was delivered directly to the dragon’s stomach, landing with a splash at the bottom of the wrinkly sack.

The interior of Emerald’s body was so hot. Cora’s own sweat mixed with the slime and stomach juices that coated her bare skin. She was not in pain, yet, but she did not want to wait long enough for that to happen as she tried to escape the stomach.

She pushed against the stomach walls and punched them to try to give the dragon-girl an upset stomach. The only thing her actions accomplished was getting the dragon to burp, sucking most of the breathable air out of the stomach and back up the throat rapidly. At that point, Cora could only cough on rancid fumes as she continued to pound against her prison. Once the dragon-girl started moving though, she found herself helplessly tossed about in the sack while the stomach squeezed her and scrubbed more digestive acid into her skin.

Emerald’s belly bounced occasionally whenever she received a punch or kick from inside, but she was only tickled by the attacks as she felt the satisfaction of meat in her belly again. She put on her clothes, and then made her way to the bandit camp in order to ‘negotiate’ for the return of her riches.

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Posted by Nalzindar 3 years ago Report

This was a great story for a great picture, it certainly brought more life into the image than I could have imagined, well done^^
Being a bandit can suck sometimes, unless you are a bandit big enough to eat those you steal from!
Carol was a bit unfortunate today indeed, though the tongue job she was give was at least an upside in the midst of it.

I wonder how Emarald will "negotiate" to get her stolen, stolen treasure back... :3


Posted by DrakentheBlack 3 years ago Report

Thank you for the kind words :)
Also thank you for pointing out that I started calling her Carol at some point, don't know how that happened but it's fixed now.

I thought about continuing the story for a bit to include her dealing with the rest of the bandits, but I couldn't decide on a direction that fit well, so I'll leave that up to imagination.


Posted by PrinnyDood 3 years ago Report

Great stuff! I do love some dragon-girl vore! Excelent picture and accompanying story as well! :3


Posted by DrakentheBlack 3 years ago Report

Thank you!
Hard to turn down a predator when she's this cute X3