Archive > Coolwoman > Commissions > No More Monster Girls
Sitting at her desk was Smith. A human girl in her thirties that gets drunk and is pretty lazy but she still gets her job done. Smith has long black hair, a big rack, a large ass and pale skin. Smith wears an agent suit which consists of a black blazer, a white button up, a black tie, black slacks and sunglasses. Smith had been hearing some rumors that the whole Species Cultural Exchange was doing worse and worse and wondered what the government was going to do. All of sudden the phone rang and she swiftly picked up.
 "Hello?" Answered Smith
 Smith stood there listening to some government official saying the exchange was a disaster and it's off. Her new orders were to hide the existence of monsters using memory wiping tech and getting rid of monsters. Smith put the phone down and stretched knowing it was going to be a pain in the ass. Smith decided to deal with Kimihito Kurusu and all the girls living there. Smith drives down to the large house that has six monster girls and one guy. Smith could only imagine all the shenanigans they get into. She knocked on the door and Kimihito, the one human man, opened the door and let her in. Smith talked about the exchange failure and Kimihito was definitely upset that the girls were being sent away. 
 "All you have to do now is go to my office and do some paperwork." Said Smith
 Smith tossed the keys to her electric scooter to Kimihito and he sighed thinking Smith was lazy and careless as ever. Smith waited for the Kimihito to leave and smirked. Really Kimihito was off to have his memory wiped and Smith was there to get rid of all the girls. Smith patted her toned flat belly and licked her lips as she figured devouring them all was a pretty effective way. Smith went to find the biggest one first which was the red lamia Miia. Miia sat in her room hugging a Kimihito stuffed animal that she begged Rachnera to make her. Smith came inside and waved her hand at the lamia.
 "Smith? What are you doing here?" Asked Miia
 "Well some stuff happened and I'm here to well eat you all haha" Said Smith laughing a little
 They had an awkward silence before Smith grabbed Miia's arms and opened her mouth. The snake girl was swiftly silenced by the slimy maw of the human. Miia was still in major shock as Smith gulped hard, getting her head down. Miia squirmed and swung her tail around which was bad for Smith. Smith knew Miia was much stronger than her and just had to eat her fast.
Miia's shoulders were gone and Smith stuffed the fat milkers in her mouth. Miia begged and pleaded to the human as her own human half was basically fully down Smith's throat. Smith's belly was starting to balloon out with her snake meal. She arrived at the hips and it was basically the start of the snake half of Miia. 
Smith found the snake half to basically be one thick oversized noodle. She slurped it up and shut her mouth over the tip before swallowing that last of Miia down. She traced the wiggling tail until it reached her massive fat gut.
 "Oof I don't think I can-HHWAARRRPPP-move with this belly...good thing I brought those strength pills!" Said Smith
 Smith grabbed a little pill bottle and popped one of the pills. The pills would give her twenty times the strength so she would be able to carry most of the girls in her belly. Miia was all curled up in the sack and saw the pill drop into the acid and dissolve immediately. Smith felt the strength coursing through her and smiled. Smith hoisted her belly up and was easily able to carry the heavy lamia around. She pushed through the door frame which was very large so she easily slid through. Next up on her list was Rachnera.
 "OH RACHNERA!" Yelled Smith 
 The purple spider girl sighed not really wanting to get up but she stood and walked herself down out of the attic. Rachnera was a little stunned when she found Smith with a massive belly and someone struggling inside.
 "Wait..Miia is that?" Asked Rachnera 
 Smith giggled and bashed her belly into the spider girl. Rachnera hit the wall and held her arm as it ached a little. Smith then grabbed a hold of Rachnera and opened her mouth wide. The spider girl's half scream was muffled by the inside of Smith's mouth.
Smith didn't have time to really struggle on any of the girls so she just went into it. Rachnera's fat tits which were about the same size as Miia's popped into Smith's mouth. Smith moaned and lapped her tongue across the chest making Rachnera blush a little.
 "Agh Smith cut it out and spit me up...why the hell are you eating me!?!" Yelled Rachnera 
 Rachnera's arms were slammed to her side as the lips slid down the body and Smith swiftly hit the waist where Rachnera's massive spider body started. Rachnera was still in shock to find Miia all tangled up in the stomach completely covered in green fluids. Smith's jaw unhinged wider and wider as she slowly consumed the fat spider butt. Rachnera was pushed into the moist tits of Miia and grunted, shocked that Smith's mouth could open up so much. Smith had her hands on the butt and pushed it down, gulping as hard as she could.
With massive gulps Smith was somehow able to gulp up the spider butt leaving only the eight legs sitting outside over her mouth. As she gulped, Smith saw the legs getting squished together. She giggled and watched them disappear into her mouth. Smith closed her mouth and swallowed the last of Rachnera and rubbed her massive belly with now two massive monster girls inside her stomach. Smith licked her fingers and lips clean of the flavor and rubbed her massive gut. 
Smith belched and Miia's yellow shirt came out and splat on the ground.
 "Phew monster girl disposal is hard but I'm almost halfway done!" Said Smith
 Smith moved on to the next biggest which was definitely the blonde centaur Centoria. Smith pushed her belly into the room and was relieved to find the centaur sleeping. Smith didn't want to get into a fight with her so she went to the human side of Centorea and licked her lips. With her mouth wide open Smith went to work and engulfed the blonde's head.
Smith swallowed the large frame and found the big tits of Centorea to be the best so far. The big soft chest meat was sent down Smith's throat and Centorea happily snored away not realizing she was being eaten alive. Smith swallowed in the toned belly and reached the horse half. She didn't have to open up her mouth nearly as wide as she did with Rachnera. 
Smith had an easier time getting the horse half down and swallowed the legs with the body. Miia and Rachnera watched their sleeping friend slide in and slapped her awake. Centorea woke up finally and started to squirm around but it was much too late. Smith pushed down on the horse butt and gulped until the tail was the only thing left outside her mouth.
The tail was slurped and swallowed as Smith finished girl number three. Smith stumbled a little but didn't fall.
Smith belched but a smirk came across her face.
 "Woohoo halfway done...but that's the last of the big girls. I should be able to handle the last three with ease!" Said Smith
 Smith hauled herself downstairs and reached Meroune's room. She slipped inside and waited by the side of the big pool. The pink mermaid thought Kimihito came to see her so she happily leaped out of the water but was definitely shocked to find a huge bellied Smith. Meroune landed on the belly and Smith didn't want her getting away so she grabbed the wet arms and put them in her mouth.
 "Ehhh what are you doing Smith!?!?" Yelled Meroune
 Meroune's slimy arms were swallowed and she yelped as her head was gulped in. Smith knew she had Meroune secured now and just let her throat do the work.
Smith swallowed in the small frame and got the big chest inside her mouth. She slurped and gulped the slimy girl down. The toned middle was nice and easy, basically gliding down Smith's throat. Meroune saw the other girls stuck in the stomach and was confused. She wondered how Smith managed to eat all three girls without being chased out or beaten up.
Smith started to push the fish half down her gullet gulping the pink fish tail with ease. It just reminded Smith of seafood as she slurped in the last of the fish tail and finished her fourth meal. Meroune settled in the belly and squirmed with the others. 
Smith belched and made her way to Papi's room where she figured both Suu and Papi were at. Smith came inside and sure enough both small flat chested girls were there. 
 "Huh...Smith? Wow, your tummy is huge!" Yelled Papi
 Suu blinked and both girls went over and rubbed Smith's belly.
 "Sure is! How about we play get inside the belly of Smith if you do so I'll give you candy and new video games!" Said Smith
 Both Suu and Papi looked at each other and smiled as their small brains didn't know they were being tricked. Suu went first sliding her slime body on the belly and basically she jumped down the throat of Smith and she basically drank Suu. The slime girl went down so nice and easy which made Smith happy. Papi kept watching the belly and saw faces pop out and scream.
 "Wait Suu...don't go inside, I have a bad feeling." Said Papi
 But it was too late as Smith slurped all of Suu down and sent the slime into her gut. Suu went back into a human looking form and looked around at the distressed girls and realized it was a trap. Smith smirked at the final meal and Papi, now knowing it was a trap, tried to back up but it didn't matter. Smith grabbed the harpy and opened her mouth. She shoved Papi's head into her mouth and immediately started to swallow.
The small frame went past Smith's lips and she pushed against the small ass of Papi and gulped in the flat chest. Smith was happy that her final two prey were so easy to eat. 
Smith slurped in the top half and grabbed the legs and pushed them down her throat before shutting her mouth over Papi's claws and finishing the dumb bird girl. Smith's stomach filled up completely and she was super happy that all the girls were finished and in her belly.
 "Oh man-BBWAARAARRRPPP-im so happy to be done! Sorry girls but this is orders from the top so I don't really have much of a choice. Well I'm going to sleep you all off so happy digesting I guess!" Said Smith
 Smith rubbed her eyes and practically passed out immediately snoring and drooling all over her belly. The six monster girls inside squirmed around as the stomach acid went to work melting them down. There was no pain but no pleasure either. They all just sat there weakly moving around as they stewed away.
 "Nooo I don't want to be digested!" Cried Miia
 "Shut up already none of us want to be digested but this bitch is asleep and doesn't seem to be even close to puking!" Yelled Rachnera 
 Papi and Suu just cried while everyone else tried to escape the grim fate as fat on Smith's body. 
Digestion was loud and didn't have any mercy. Hours of digestion went on as the girls were melted into mush. One by one they lost their forms and were mushed up the walls. The belly was slowly rounding out with the girls all becoming mush. Suu pretty much faded away because of the acid leaving nothing left of her. The rest just watched each other become stomach soup. The final girls were Rachnera and Centorea who could do nothing as the mush and acid of the girls reached their necks. Bones poked at their soft bodies and they were on the verge of passing out.
 "Jeez...what a way to go out huh." Groaned Rachnera 
 "Yeah...please Milord don't forget..about us!" Muttered Centorea 
 With that the sack filled with stomach acids and the last two were no more. All the round bulges were gone leaving just a big sloshy gut full of digested monster girl meat. The mush was processed and Smith's belly started to shrink down as the fat was packed on her body. Smith woke up and stretched before looking down to find the belly was gone but she couldn't even see what was left. Her massive new tits were blocking her view. Smith figured they were twice the size of Centorea's. She then stood up and found her massive jiggly ass and couldn't believe how much she got. Smith poked her middle and only a small pot belly remained. Smith then ran to the backyard to dump the remains. She pulled her black slacks and torn panties down and squatted on the ground.
 "Alright girls, time to come back to the real world!" said Smith
 Smith grunted and pushed as hard as she could, feeling a massive heap of shit coming to her anus. A long tube of scat pushed out and plopped on the ground. A constant stream of slimy steamy turds came out. Hair and bones were mixed in from what Smith couldn't digest. Small blue feathers from Papi survived and even the head piece Meroune wore survived digestion.
The slimy wet logs were making a massive pile. Snapped bones and teeth could be seen stuffed in the logs. Strands of hair from all the girls other than Suu could be seen sticking out. Some more gooey shit came out and Smith figured that was all Suu as it plopped down. Skulls dropped from her ass and were promptly being buried by the massive creamy turds. Smith had a hard time getting past the smell and waved her by her nose to help the smell go away.
More bone and shit plopped down Smith by herself made the single most giant pile of shit. The amount of scat coming out of Smith's asshole was unreal to the point where even Smith was shocked. The final skulle came down and she buried them in slimy logs and smiled as her bowels felt officially empty. She finished up and used her torn panties to wipe.
 "Phew all better!...alright bye girls!" Said Smith waving to the smelly remains 
 Smith walked into the house just as Kimihito came back. He smiled and waved to her before walking up to her.
 "Thanks for watching the house, Smith. I appreciate it." Said Kimihito
 "Oh it's no problem and also that manure shipment came in while you were's in the back!" Said Smith
 With that she left knowing Kimihito was mind wiped and the girls were all gone and dealt with. 
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No More Monster Girls By Coolwoman -- Report

A commission made for BATTLEBRO
Word Count: 2600
Art by Virussotaku

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Posted by Battelbro 2 years ago Report

Thank you for doing this me Appreciate it


Posted by Coolwoman 2 years ago Report

Glad you liked it!


Posted by DeathStar66 2 years ago Report



Posted by Coolwoman 2 years ago Report



Posted by kAnek13 2 years ago Report

I love your stories! If one day you want an illustration for one, just tell me ^^ \


Posted by Coolwoman 2 years ago Report

Wow that would be awesome! Ill let you know


Posted by MetaKitsune 1 year ago Report

What about LaLa?


Posted by bellylov3rs 1 year ago Report

And now Smith gets him all to herself