Archive > ClosetedTiny > Voretober 2021 > Voretober 12: Yoga
Voretober 12: Yoga
Stephanie has been the maid for the Hendricksons for the last 4 months and yet she was still trying to wrap her head around the luxuries that she was allowed to participate in. Her meals were prepared by a skilled chef, she had access to the whole mansion and the surrounding land, and she even had tutors that were hired by the Hendricksons. Such luxuries were not even extended to the other maids that worked with her, though Steph couldn’t think of a reason why she was so favored.
It probably wasn’t because she was 14 ½ meters tall, right? Why would that make a difference in how they treated her? They were really nice people, treated everyone with respect and provided jobs for thousands of the homeless, giving them reasons to strive for betterment of their lives. Having a parent that had to fight their way through homelessness the hard way, Steph had nothing but respect for the Hendricksons and when she turned 18, she went straight over to their house to ask if she could work for them.
And so far, the Hendrickson’s have gone above and beyond their hospitality; she honestly felt spoiled at some points. She got more breaks than the other maids and butlers in the mansion, mostly due to the simple fact that she couldn’t do as many of the simple chores due to her size. But she was able to reach places they would need ladders to reach and also lift entire vehicles with ease.
Steph was pretending to be a ladder for some of the gardeners, providing them a sturdy platform so that they can pick the apples in the higher branches, when the matron of the house, Veronica Hendrickson, strode into the garden.
“Good afternoon, everybody. Good afternoon, Steph.” She said and there was a cacophony of greetings from around the garden. Stephanie remained quiet, not missing the selective saying of her name. However, she put down the gardener she was holding and knelt down so that she was closer to the Matron.
“Good afternoon, Matron. Did you enjoy your morning?”
“I did not, but thank you for asking. I am looking forward to my yoga session today to relieve some of that stress.” She looks up at Steph and she could see that the Matron mother had her yoga equipment, yet was not in training clothes. “I was wondering if you would like to join me for today, Steph?”
Steph blinked in surprise. The Matron mother never let anyone join her for her yoga sessions, it was almost a sacred ritual that no one was allowed to disturb her during it. To be invited to one of her sessions was unheard of, she made it quite clear that no one was to watch.
“Umm, am I allowed? I mean, are you ordering me to? Cause I would happily join you if you asked. Wait, you did ask. So does that mean you are ordering me to join you?” Steph stammered, earning some light hearted chuckles from the gardeners. The Matron rolled her eyes, then stopped Steph short.
“Stop,” She said and Steph immediately shut her mouth with an audible click, “I would like you to accompany me for my yoga session today, so brush yourself off and then follow me.”
Stephanie did as was requested, meeting the Matron outside of the building, which was separated from the main house and was closer to the green houses. It was a tall and circular building, Steph would be able to have a hand's breadth of space once she entered it. However, the door was fit for… normal humans. Sure, Steph had to deal with doorways this size in the mansion, yet only had to stick an arm within them for the most part, the mansion was large enough for her to walk around without hunching too much due to the arches.
“I’m sorry, Matron. I won’t be able to fit through there,” Steph reminded the Matron, a bit saddened that she wouldn’t be able to spend some more time with her. The Matron was almost always out of the house, personally spending time in the shelters she had constructed. If she wasn’t there, she was strong-arming the other billionaires that tried to talk down to her.
The Matron looked up at Steph and smiled. “There’s a different door for you, love. Just circle round back and use the shipping door there, I’ll wait for you inside.” She opened the door and disappeared inside.
Steph circled around and found the door, which was perfectly sized for her. “I think that this was made with me in mind…” Steph said to herself, trying to figure out how to open it. She saw a button on the side and pressed it with her pinky, trying to only hit the one labeled “Up”. She succeeded, the door rolling up into the ceiling.
The inside was bare, the floor made of marble. The only light came from the skylights built into the ceiling, which gave the room a very simple and comforting feeling. The Matron was beside the door that Stephanie just opened.
“Come in and take your place,” she ordered and Steph obeyed, looking around in wonder. The room was devoid of any distractions, a curtain to be pulled across the door that Steph just entered from. She heard the door closing behind her and she turned to pull the cloth back across the entrance.
The Matron walked to the center of the room, where her yoga equipment was. “I set up your stuff over there, all you will ask you to do is follow my instructions. Are you able to follow, Stephanie?”
“Yes, ma’am. I will do my best to follow.” Steph had done stretched and yoga-like poses before, it had helped her deal with her growing pains when she was younger. She was still wearing her maid uniform, though, so she certainly wasn’t wearing the appropriate clothing for yoga.
“Good. Now, strip out of those clothes.”
Steph did as was asked of her, stripping down to her simple underwear. However, when she looked back to Matron Veronica for further instructions, she quickly shielded her eyes, as the Matron just finished stripping completely, her large breasts sagging freely in the air. The Matron saw her reaction and scoffed.
“Oh, don’t be such a child. Take those off as well, we are letting ourselves be one with our spirits. To be in our purest forms, we must bare ourselves, just as we were the day we were born.” Tha Matron explained. “Now, your mat is right there, just in front of the door that I came in.”
Stephanie walked over to her “mat”, which was a tarp-sized blanket positioned directly behind Matron Veronica’s mat. Seeing that the Matron was not looking in her direction, she undid her bra, her much smaller chest not even noticing the difference of freedom. Putting it down with the rest of her uniform, she looked down at her panties, trying to persuade herself to take them off as well.
“You did say that you were going to follow my instructions, right? You still work for me and the Hendrickson household, so you are to follow my orders, remember.”
Having all the persuasion needed, she took off her final piece of clothing, exposing her waxed crotch. It was easier to keep the hair gone than to keep it untangled and washed, in her opinion. Even though she didn’t have anyone to show it off to, she took pride in how she kept herself and her intimate places.
“Good. Now we can get started.” The Matron said, getting into the first position. “Just follow what I do and I will walk you through the process.”
For the next 5 minutes, Stephanie did her best to mimic the poses that Matron Veronica’s poses. With no music to work alongside, Stephanie was also left with her own thoughts, which drifted to the time she discovered her gigantism was something far more impressive than normal. Her parents were very supportive of her, doing their part in trying to raise a daughter that outgrew them by the age of 14.
“Alright, onto the next pose. Watch carefully.” Matron Veronica bent forward, putting her chest to the ground in a pose that bore a striking resemblance to the Jako-pose. Stephanie tried her best, but ended up just resting on her forearms, nose facing forward.
Opening her eyes, Steph was presented with a view of Matron Veronica’s butt, only a meter or more away from her face. It was so close that Steph could actually smell her, it was almost intoxicating and sent her bi-sexual mind in a frenzy. It certainly didn’t help that Steph’s own butt was raised so high that she could feel a current of air blowing against her outer labia, which just stimulated her more.
However, Steph kept her desires under control, knowing just how awkward it would be to get caught masterbating. Her parents had done that once, using one of those punching dummies that was only the upper torso. Man, that was quite a discussion afterwards and she did not want to do a similar one with the Matron.
“Now, drop your hips down until you touch the ground. If you aren’t limber enough, just try your best.” Matron Veronica rolled back on her heels, extending her split all the way down until she was a centimeter away from the floor. Not sure how well she would be able to copy that, she mimicked the Matron’s shift and felt her hips fall down much faster than she wanted. She scrambled with her hands, trying to catch her balance as she fell down.
“eeeeEEEE!?” Steph yelped, a loud thud echoing through the small room. Something went straight up the glory hole, catching her by surprise and wedging itself deep within her. The Matron didn’t turn, absolutely focused on her poses. “Are you okay, lov?” She said calmly.
“Ye-yes.” Stephanie said, legs shaking as she stood up. She felt whatever she sat on wiggle and she immediately brought a hand to her labia. Her fingers brushed something that felt like feet for only a moment before the outer labia slid over them. Stephanie’s mouth dropped in horror, she had just sat on someone. Even worse, that person just went up her vagina, stealing her virginity with their whole body.
“Well, we are almost done. Just one more standing pose and then you can get dressed again.” The Matron said, standing up and stretching her arms over her head. “We are going to hold this pose for 2 minutes.”
Stephanie mimicked the pose, biting her bottom lip as the person inside of her struggled to escape. She crossed her legs, sealing them in. “Sorry, little one,” Stephanie whispered, “you can’t come out yet.”
The minutes pass as a crawl, the person eventually settling down and Stephanie trying her best to resist stimulating herself, still worried about the Matron taking notice. As soon as the Matron signaled the end of the session, she scurried over to her clothes, keeping her legs tight. As she pulled on her panties, Matron Veronica walked over to Stephanie’s mat and let out a breath of satisfaction.
“I thought so,” she said, picking up a large video camera. “I could feel eyes on me for the last few days. Looks like the peeping Tom turned tail as soon as he saw that you were in the room, so having you here certainly paid off.”
She frowned, her hand coming away from the camera slimy. “I don’t know why it’s wet, though. It also doesn’t feel like water…” She turned to look at Steph, who was awkwardly standing next to the rolling door as it slowly raised up. “Can you take this and your mat up to Harold? I can trust him with whatever degeneracy is on this camera.”
“Of course, Ma’am.” Stephanie said, shuffling over and picking up the items. Before the Matron had a chance to ask what was wrong, Stephanie was out of the door and running as fast as she could towards her living quarters. Her co-workers jumped out of the way, startled by her speed.
The person inside of her was still not moving and Stephanie’s mind raced. She hoped that the worst didn’t happen.
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Voretober 12: Yoga By ClosetedTiny -- Report

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I think I cut this story off a little too early, but I needed to stop writing and move on! I gave myself a break by uploading 2 stories on Saturday, and boy did I need it. I still feel burned out, but I wanted to write this.

I absolutely love Accidentally Unbirth! I knew as soon as I saw Yoga I would be able to get to write it, so I tried my best to keep it short.

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Posted by LivesInAStomach 2 years ago Report

Some cool world building here! I'm not the biggest fan of unbirth but I liked reading about Steph. Good job!


Posted by ClosetedTiny 2 years ago Report

Thanks! I always look forward to your comments, they really brighten my day up!

With all of my stories so far being about Oral Vore, I wanted to spice things up a little more with this. I knew that not everyone would like it, but yeah!

As for the world building, I was really leaning towards a real-life world much like is represented in "Vore University" by "iliketoread" (found here:, yet more wholesome. When I re-write this concept, I hope I can do a better job showcasing the relationship between Steph and the Hedricksons.