Archive > Redwall101 > Dominating Electra P1
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Dominating Electra P1 By Redwall101 -- Report

Hello everyone! Here's a new vore comic commission well vore towards the end of this four part Commission that is.

In this one that Kas-min is doing for me, Electra the Jolteon Girl is called into her police chief's office oblivious to what he wants to do with her until he flat out tells her what he wants from her and forces her to have sex with him if she wants to protect her two daughters Moonlight and Sunlight.

Yes, in this commission this Electra the Jolteon Girl is set to be just the mother of two daughters her twins Moonlight and Sunlight. Her daughter Candy hasn't been born or thought of. But it looks like her boss is eager to have sex with her and perhaps much more after if Electra can't escape him.

Again this is a comic commission that Kas-min is doing for me.

Parts 2, 3, and four are on the way just haven't gotten them so look forward to more in the upcoming weeks!

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Posted by NyaatoShiroi 1 day ago Report

M/F, coercion and police predator?! Good stuff~ ♡