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Devoured Diva By doomfister -- Report

Pipp Petal’s had started streaming from the second she had stepped off the train, as from the second the media-savvy mare had a signal she didn’t want her viewers to miss a moment. The preppy pegamare preparing everything perfectly, as she had been sure to scout out all the choice sightseeing sights, and the photogenically perfect hotel well in advance, to ensure that everything about this trip would be iconic. The enthusiastic equine packing everything she might need, from a selfie stick, to a bag full of portable power banks in order to ensure her phone was never out of charge in the event she might spot another opportunity for a share-worthy snapshot. Pipp knowing it would all be worth it, as the scenery of this quaint little town would be simply perfect for her timeline.

Well, that had been the plan, if the infatuated influencer had not been oblivious to her surroundings, and accidentally bumped into the round rump of a rather mardy mare. The Pegasi too fixated on the chat scrolling across her screen to see the grey flanks approaching, though thankfully the plush plot’s plump padding absorbed the majority of the impact, though this did nothing to stop the enraged earth pony from instantly spinning around with an annoyed death glare. The stylish trendsetter flinching backwards in a reflexive wince, half expecting the angry equine to snarl something to the effect of “Watch where you're going!”. Instead, the pink Pegasus princess didn’t even have a chance to apologize for her bumbling transgression, as with an assertive lunge her muzzle was abruptly shoved into the moist threshold of a hungry maw.

The startled singer’s scared squeal stifled by a damp muzzle of gullet flesh, as in the blink of an eye she found herself ears deep in the dank darkness of a tight throat. The gullet gliding over her frightened face in a single slurping swallow, causing Pipp to instinctively flail against her voracious attacker with a fluttering flight response unable to hold back the gelatinous ripple that was slathering over her fumbling form. The jerking kerfuffle causing her prized phone to be cast to the floor with a loud clatter, doubtlessly shattering the screen against the concrete sidewalk. Another surging gulp distracting the pegapony from this though, as she soon found her snout squeezing through the tight threshold of what could only be the stomach sphincter. The tart stench of the gastric chamber instantly causing her muzzle to crinkle in disgust, as she took in a frantic breath of the stale air that filled the claustrophobic cavity. A rolling peristaltic pulse taking her to the shoulders, as the mare found herself being roughly threaded into the sour snare of the churning stomach sleeve.

The undulating oscillations of the oesophagus were as rude as they were swift, as the mare was rapidly dumped into the dingy depths of squeezing gut. Its kneading expanse squishing against her now saliva-soaked fur, as she was unceremoniously thrust into the bitter broth sloshing in the bottom of the muscular organ. The sweltering abyss of the cramped core as steamy as it was suffocating, smothered Pipp’s senses with an overwhelmingly humid tactility. It was disgusting, the stench of acrid acid and partially digested food making the pegamare retch, as she felt her hips crest the lapping lips that had coasted over her coat with a string of confident chugs. She tried to struggle, but this squirming commotion was little more than an ineffectual twitching, as her frightened fidgets did nothing to slow the predatory progress of the pony consuming her.

Pipp’s upper body bending into an uncomfortable fetal fold, as she was forced into the limited space of the gastric sack, which only slightly expanded to accommodate the equine’s entry. Her waist following soon after, followed by her pampered posterior, her pinching ponut giving a worried wink before vanishing, as soon she was reduced to just a few waving hoofs hanging meekly on a red carpet of lathering tongue. A final lethargic “ulp” capping her off, as Pipp’s devourer tilted their head back to allow gravity to do the rest of the work in shepherding the opulent lump of lunchmeat down her gizzard with a trickling ooze like any other meal of mare meat the peckish pony had previously partook in.

A satisfied belch soon following, before the engorged equine simply sauntered off, seemingly oblivious to the famous food currently swaying between her legs. The identity of the ingested irrelevant to Bug, as the well-fed mare felt she had properly dealt with the unexpected transgression, even if it had now burdened her with the suspiciously shaped swelling currently sagging from her barrel. A second shallow burp putting an end to the trapped thrashing of her tucked-away treat, as Bug calmly cradled the chevaline within her as it went through one last shuddering spasm of waning resistance. The grey glutton savouring the fruity aftertaste upon her palate with a mulled murmur, before continuing about her business like nothing happened, as the busy mare had more pressing matters on her mind now that her impromptu snack was securely stowed in her stomach…..


Distracted by the stream on her phone, Pipp accidentally walks into a mardy, and very voracious mare...

My one-hundred-and-eighth sketch from  Silent_E 's patreon. This one features Bug snacking on a rather popular G5 pegamare ;)

This voracious Bug was kindly coloured by my friend  plaguetyranno .

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Posted by TimerSmith 10 months ago Report

Volunters to make this a meal deal 2/1. So goes round back seeing as front is occupied. :3


Posted by doomfister 10 months ago Report

Kek treating Bug to a juicy double dinner ;)