Deciding not to overthink it, D.Va just waltzed into the lab and just walked straight up to Mei. Hearing her door open, the scientist turned to see who had entered.
“Hello? Who is it- OH MY GOD!”
Mei exclaimed as she got flash banged by D.Va’s unbelievably feminine body. The gamer girl’s suit tightly clung to her huge thick body, giving Mei a phenomenal look at all the finer details of said body, such as her rock hard nipples and her prominent camel toe. Her huge chesticals ominously hung over the scientist’s head, blocking out any light from reaching her face.
“Hana! W-what happened to you? L-last time I saw you, you didn’t look anywhere near as, ehm, healthy .Did Winston or Mer-mercy test some experimental growth enhancers or something on you?”
“Nah, It’s nothing like that, I’ve just added something [i]unique[\i] to my diet lately, and lets just say, I’ve gotten kind of got addicted to eating it. Unfortunately, It comes with a lot of calories, so I’ve really blown up from eating it. But I don’t mind, it tastes to good to not eat~”
As D.Va said this, her gut let out an ominous gurgle, trying to let its owner know it wanted to mulch the thick piece of Chinese meat in front of it. Hearing this, D.Va gave her pot belly a sensual rub with one of her hands, trying to soothe the stomach while also letting it know she’d fulfill It’s needs shortly.
Having this play out in front of her but not understanding It’s meaning for her potential future (or lack there of), Mei was simply glad there was nothing physical wrong with Hana and that she was just over eating. Though she was certain curious what she could be eating to get it such a size so quickly. Her chest had become larger then most melons, she now had massive birthing hips, thighs as thick as tree trunks, an ass wider then most chairs, and she had grown decently taller, giving her an opposing, yet alluring presence. As Mei thought about D.Va’s new body and all its sexy features, her stomach let out It’s own groans of desire, but unlike D.Va, Mei wasn’t aware of what it wanted. Mei chose to ignore this feeling for now, and instead addressed the large woman who just entered her lab.
“Well, I’m glad there’s nothing wrong with you and that you've just become a big eater. But besides that, what brings you to my lab at this hour?”
That was the question wasn’t it. What was D.Va here to do?