“Well, I guess this is goodbye Mei. But don’t worry, I’ll be sure it use this moment for future fap material, so you’ll at least be remembered by someone”
With that, D.Va placed her bellend on Mei’s forehead and thrusted it forward, while pushing the back of Mei’s head. At first, stretching her urethra out far enough to swallow Mei’s entire head strung like nothing D.Va had ever felt before, and took a lot more pushing them D.Va expected, but after she got past her jaw, the pain started to subside and was replaced with a soothing sort of pleasure. Even when she had to stretch out even farther to get Mei’s shoulders and breasts down, it only hurt a bit, and was mostly pleasurable.
Speaking of breasts though, after she had gotten half way down Mei’s, she woke up and began thrashing about, trying to escape. This being her first unwilling prey, D.Va wasn’t used to her food fighting back, especially not when that food was half way down her cock. Though she was worried at first, D.Va quickly realized that her larger body she got from devouring other women was more than strong enough to suppress any significant struggles from her cock food. It still took a bit of effort to suppress Mei due to her inexperience, but she eventually got Mei’s arms down, and reached her waist, at which point, there was no chance for Mei to escape.
Swallowing down her legs was pretty uneventful, as Mei had already used most of stamina fight back with her arms. And with her legs squirming down her cock and into her balls, she had fully consumed Mei.
Mei was thrust into a bath a scalding hot cum, which swarmed her thick body in hopes of converting it into more of itself. Although she screamed for freedom, it fell on deaf ears, as D.Va’s nuts blocked almost any sound from escaping them.
With that done, D.Va leaned back in the very chair she had slurped Mei up from, and kicked her feet up on the scientist’s desk, as her heavy balls sat on the floor below her. Another meal down, D.Va now needed to decide what to do with it once it was “liquidated”. Maybe she should just bust it out in this lab, after all, it always liked to spend most of It’s time here. Or maybe she should take it back to her room and shoot in down the drain to hide the evidence. Or she could find some slut to shoot this piping hot Asian nut sludge into? So many different choices…