D.Va looks back and stares at her huge ass, which is plump full of human meat. “Yeah, why have an ass bigger than most chairs and NOT use it to swallow people whole?” With her method of consumption decided, she enters the lab and struts up to the unconscious scientist.
As she reached her, she started to slowly and carefully remove the thick Chinese pig’s clothes, as she didn’t want any cloth clogging up her insides. She finally removed Mei’s panties, leaving her bare like a pealed banana, and D.Va was feeling as hungry as a monkey. With that, she took off her suit, letting her huge curves bounce about like jello, and placed Mei’s head on her asshole.
“Well, I guess this is goodbye Mei. But don’t worry, your thick body is being mulched for a good cause, that being to make my body even bigger!”
And so, D.Va sat down on top of Mei with all her weight. At first, stretching her anus out far enough to swallow Mei’s entire head strung quite a bit, but after she got past her jaw, the pain started to subside and was replaced with a visceral pleasure, like she was using a dildo 10 times bigger then normal. Even when she had to stretch out even farther to get Mei’s shoulders and breasts down, it only hurt a bit, but was the pleasurable thing D.Va had ever done.
Speaking of breasts though, after she had gotten half way down Mei’s, she woke up and began thrashing about, trying to escape. This being her first unwilling prey, D.Va was used to her food fighting back, especially not when that food was half way up her ass. Though she was worried at first, D.Va quickly realized that her larger she got from devouring other women was more than strong enough to suppress any significant struggles from her anal food. It still took a bit of effort to suppress Mei due to her inexperience, but she eventually got Mei’s arms down, and reached her waist, at which point, there was no chance for Mei to escape.
Slurping up her legs was pretty uneventful, as Mei had already used most of stamina fight back with her arms. And with her legs slurping up into ass and directly into her stomach, she had fully consumed Mei.
“Umm, that felt amazing. I’ve got to try that again, maybe in someone bigger too, like Zarya or Junkerqueen” Just like that, Mei had been forgotten in exchange for thinking of future meals.
“But first, I suppose I should deal with the meal I’ve currently got. Huh, what to do now? I could lock the door and sleep you off here, or take you back to my room to finish you off somewhere cozier”