Though the prospect of making her boy a part of her is tempting, a particular thought rises to the front of Lucoa’s mind- one even she can’t help but blush at. It does seem like it’d be fun, though~
The dragon’s bowels don’t let up even once there’s nothing solid left- if anything, the churning only intensifies. What remains of her boy starts to bubble, feeling thinner, lighter, until before she knows it, her bowels are drained of the Shouta soup- every single drop of its mass now reduced to a bloated feeling in her gut.
For a moment, she can’t help but giggle at the absurdity of it all- how easy it was for her body to turn every last trace of Shouta into one massive gas bubble.
“Seems like it’s time for you to come out after all…”
A comically loud raspberry sound echoes from the goddess’s backside as she releases Shouta- the boy’s entire mass reduced to a single goddess fart. The air is stained with the intoxicating scent of dragon musk, mixed with Shouta’s own sweet aroma. Lucoa relaxes, maybe a little too pleased with herself, contemplating one more decision.