Revisions for Frakass' Multiverse Wiki

Comparing two revisions:

Tue, 04/12/2022 - 11:02 by frakassTue, 04/12/2022 - 11:02 by frakass
No visible changes
Revision of Tue, 04/12/2022 - 11:02:

Frakass' Multiverse Wiki

Welcome to the Frakass' Multiverse Wiki.


The mission of this Wiki is to try to somewhat clarify what happens inside the wild clusterfuck that is *THIS*


Basically, every single piece that can be found on this page is -supposed- to happens in a common multiverse.

Among these numerous universes, some are more often visited than other. The three most prominent of those are :


-The Merry Curry's Universe

*Toward The Merry Curry's Universe Gallery*


-The "Z" Universe

*Toward The "Z" universe Gallery*


-The Plane-Girls Universe

*Toward The Plane-Girls Universe Gallery*