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Vore OC: Moana Mahi'ai By Artlover8999 -- Report

For most people, Moana Mahi’ai is just an average young lady. Moana came to the mainland US when she was little, but her Samoan heritage lives on in her life through the fantastic stories of her ancestors and the legends told to her by her grandmother. Moana herself, however, seems rather normal. She's just a college girl wanting to live her best life. Of course, like many college students this means wild parties, binge drinking, eating good food, and spending plenty of time with her friends. All normal for a college girl, right?

...but a little less normal are those occasional missing pieces of furniture, the way food and booze doesn't seem to last very long when Moana's around, and the occasional strange disappearance. No one ever comments on any of that though, so maybe it's just a bit of mass hallucination? Surely nothing weird going on here...

A wonderful description done by the awesome  photonfinish! when my brain was laughing at my attempts to come up with a summary of my own character.
I also need to thanks the wonderful  A0IISA for drawing Moana so wonderfully! Seriously, he's awesome, and has done a wonderful job with the commissions I've gotten from him recently.

Eventually, I DO plan on posting a story revolving around Moana. I'll try to get a picture to go with the story, eventually. But until then, enjoy gazing at my wonderful girl, Moana Mahi'ai!

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