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The portal was large enough to engulf a mountain, and what followed was similarly colossal.
The city went silent as the sun was blotted out by a young girl in a windswept skirt, a bathing suit top, and a wide-rimmed white bonnet working hard to contain the tidal waves of hair. She grabbed at the skirt to protect her modesty, the frilly filling material flowing from beneath it, obscuring and undergarments. Though she obscured its rays, the sun seemed to her an accessory as she smiled down at a city becoming increasingly panicked at her presence. Her striking skin was only a handful of shades away from the color of her outfit, even more brilliant against the bright blue of the sky.
This girl was followed by another of similar height, size, and proportion, this one garbed in a red sundress, over which a pink jacket was zipped up at just the right height to create a V shape beneath her collarbone. Shiny teeth smiled from a face colored burnt amber, with a veritable black moon of hair raised up into an observatory-like afro, within which a small number of flowers stuck out.
They both stepped out of the portal, which zipped itself back up into thin air as quick as it came, leaving the girls alone above the city, hands on their hips.
Now stable, the city's skyscrapers could only reach the pair's knees, and where they stood, their simple flip-flops had already demolished the area into a brown-gray waste, obscured by the footwear. What remained of the structures drifted in the air, coating the both of their tops of their feet the dusty color of rubble.
"Now I'm going to prove to you that it's much more fun when you're huuuuuge!" The girl in the bonnet said, as she crouched down into a squat, the girl with the flowers looking over with a bemused expression.
Bonnet flexed her fingers, and dug them into the concrete and layered asphalt of several populated city blocks as though they were sand. The people within them screamed and tumbled as she siftedv the wreckage through her palm, allowed the lighter bits to slip through but retaining the more granule, often organic elements. Dozens of people remained in her palm, though a few fell over a hundred feet, bodies shattering on the ground below.
Bonnet let the people crawl all around and through her fingers for a moment, enjoying the tickling, ant-like sensation as they scattered, some even falling off or falling to find purchase as she examined her fingers from every angle, watching them like an animal exhibit.
She than turned her hand length-wise, fingers together, lighting her other hand reflective atop the first with just enough pressure to push down the many people still on top.
Quickly and abruptly, the began to rapidly rub her hands against one another, the friction turning the granular humans' environment into a squeeze of agony before their clothes, skin, and everything that composed them was ground down into a paste, moisturizing the perfect pale palms that pinned them.
A high, whining sound emanated from Bonnet's hands when she started, getting quieter and quieter as she continued on until it ceased entirely. Once Bonnet was done, she felt that jittery, electric feeling of the friction on one's hands, and she looked at them, delighted that her palms had achieved a rosy red tint from just the heat of the friction and definitely not from anything else.
Bonnet brought her palms up to her face, taking a deep breath breath of the alluring metal sent that now coated them, and she showed her hands to her companion.
"What do you think? Looks pretty nice, right?"
Her voice was a reminder to the people of the world that the creature that had just arrived was capable of independent thought, speech, and free will. Everything it had just committed had been purposeful and willful.
Flower looked at Bonnet's hands, a look of affectionate condescension on her face, and she grabbed her milky soft fingers, bringing them up to her nose and sniffing. There was a floral scent, tinged with the aromatic smell of blood. Flower nibbled on the finger for a moment before replying, "Tastes salty, but… quite savory. But imagine how that would feel if you were, say…"
Flower grasped Bonnet's hand, and with a brilliant flash, the pair disappeared.
The city breathed a sigh of collective and immense relief. They were safe.
Then the pair reappeared on the street. This time, however, rather than being thousands of feet tall, they drew the line at seventy.
The people still on the street looked at the two in horror, and then they began to dart into the bathroom nearby buildings, hoping that once they were out of eyesight, she'd forget about them.
"Not so fast," she purred, grinning as she fell down on all fours, the frills from her dress draping along the asphalt as she crawled forth, stampeding over dozens of screaming people and leaving human-shaped smears behind.
She grasped a few people squabbling to get into a set of glass doors and sat down for a moment, looking at the group of three that about filled her palm.
"Heh… hehehe!" she couldn't contain her giggles as she used her free hand to pluck one of them from the cowering palm. Holding the woman up to the light as she swung and shifted, Flower opened her mouth and dropped her inside, locking her behind the bars of teeth before gulping her down whole.
Looking at the next pariah, she found amongst the two remaining in her palm a teenage boy. Once again plucking him up, she instead lowered him by the nape of his shirt, kicking and screaming, into her mouth. It wasn't difficult to get the flailing legs under control, and before long the boy's torso was sticking from the puckered lips as he pushed against them, trying to get them to budge.
The teen's once desperate eyes, in a moment, lost all signs of life. Then in a final flare, he let loose a blood curdling scream as flower smiled a small smile, allowing some of the blood to dribble from the corners of her mouth.
The boy went limp only a moment later, and like a noodle he was sucked in, and the snapping sound repeated, getting mushier and wetter with time.
Flower took two smaller gulps ultimately, this time, rather than one large gulp.
Bonnet remained standing, observing in rapture all the while until Flower looked at Bonnet opened her mouth, vocalizing "Ahhhhh," like at the dentist as she demonstrated it was totally clean, though her teeth were now pink.
"Bravo!" Bonnet said, clapping a bit. "Oh, you forgot one, though."
"Hm?" Flower said, feeling in her hand and remembered there was, in fact, a third person. Without even looking back at her hand, she immediately and tightly squeezed it, a satisfying squelch overshadowing the muffled screams of the person. Blood dripped from the clenched fist, creating rivers that spiraled down the tan skin.
Massaging the mass with her fingers for a moment, flower finally let go of the mushy remains, which fell to the ground unceremoniously.
Flower stood back to full height. "So," she said, "Where do you want to stay?"
"Anywhere's fine, as long as it has a good view."
Flower looked about the horizon, spotting the tallest building in the city. Well, the tallest one left, and in this case it was a hotel. Perfect.
Looking to Bonnet, who nodded, the pair disappeared in a flash, reappearing each at 7 feet tall, and now in the confines of penthouse suite that appeared to have been swiftly abandoned.
"Oh… the view is just… lovely," Bonnet said, walking to the balcony door. Flower could only smile and follow her.
Smoke was rising from all over the city, with indentations marking a trail along the main road, creating dents in the asphalt and the buildings alike. It was only from backing up though were the massive craters of the girls' sandals visible.
"It sure is," said Flower. "It really, really is."
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Two visitors from afar come to a city.

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