Archive > GoldenKuji > Blog Page 1 of 1 • 1
First Post! Posted 6 months ago
Henlo everyone who follows!
I don't really have a big presence here on ekas other than the occasional doodle, but I am slightly considering maybe doing a bit more in the future. Regardless, I'm very happy that many people like my doodles and content, and I love reading all of your comments, even if I'm super anxious to respond to most of them.

That's... about it from me .w.

Maybe I should ask yall for a poll to see what kind of content yall might be interested in? I kinda shifted to doing mainly m/f vore, but I wonder if I might ask what people might like to see?
This isn't a promise or guarantee for any content though, since I kinda have a mess going on IRL and I struggle to sit down and finish a doodle, but I'd like to see if maybe I could focus some...
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