
Author Type: Gallery User

Registered Since: 5 years ago

Last Seen: Dec 11th, 2023

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I'm that guy from DeviantArt that writes all those vore stories. I am open for writing requests, just PM me with ideas. I'll also tell you what I will and won't do in stories. I'm quite reasonable and open though!

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The wolf was going to make himself some dinner, because his hunger had got the better of him. He had just got off the phone with his girlfriend, a wolf with the same sort of form as him, slim but with slight definition. The wolf turned on the heat to his stove and started to mix a bunch of pre-cooked vegetables together in a pan. He felt a slight pain as his stomach's rumbling sent an echo through his body. That was when he eyed up a small box of jelly beans on the kitchen counter.

Time jump a few months from my last story with the wolf idk



It was nearing dusk in Africa. The skies were turning a shade of purple and the air was getting colder. The mongoose stood on its hind legs, its head bowed before the king, shaking with uncontrollable fear. Before it, stood a lion and a wolf towering above his petty frame. Behind him stood his friends that were caught with him. The mongoose's name was

South America. The air is humid and stuffy for most animals. Luckily for the anaconda Asmodeus, not himself. Nothing was really wrong for the snake in it's habitat, food and water was plentiful, and nothing hunted it. He was king of the jungle in these parts.

Dusk was setting over the skies of the south, and nocturnal animals made themselves known. Animals that ranged from owls to foxes began to appear and stay for the nigh

The slim black dragoness lay dormant in the grass. It had been days, almost a week since her last proper, filling meal. She was waiting for something, anything, to come up the hill and into her sight. There was nothing for the whole morning, although she lay in the grass, she fell semi-unconscious whilst somehow keeping an eye out. Her stomach felt as though it was eating itself inside her. It continuously emitted a low groan whilst she lay in the grass. It had gotten to the point where she was

The black dragon stared down at the wolf below him. The wolf was eager to escape, after all he was just wandering about on the mountain exploring, he had nothing else to do, really. It was, unfortunately, checkmate for the wolf. It looked past the slim black figure that towered over him to the piles of bones that undoubtedly belonged to other trespassers, and whimpered in fear, not even being able to picture how they got there.

The two lions slept for almost an hour and a half, Kiara's head resting on Kovu's gurgling gut. Both lions then awoke at about the same time, said good morning to each other and stretched.

"I'm off to get some food Kovu, I'll be back in a bit," Kiara said, smiling.

"Okay, but don't forget you're monitoring the Guard today, so don't take too long." He replied.

Kovu woke next to Kiara, his front pressing against her back. He opened his eyes and looked up and around to see that he was the first awake. He slowly got up, trying not to wake his mate and he stretched, when his stomach emitted a low growl, signalling it was time for some breakfast.

"Ugh." He sighed.

There was a big day ahead of him so he had to make a decent amount

The pack's hunters had come back with a catch. It seemed that migrating to African forests was more beneficial than the wolves thought. In the old forests in which they used to reside, there was limited food and space, because they had to share it with other animals of the forest, such as panthers and tigers. But now, with lions ruling the land they lived on, the Circle of Life took effect and food was plentiful.

The two hun

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