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First and foremost, thanks to Votetime,
KimKibong, and
Uriel92 for participating in this.
And here it is, the shortest Q&A so far that should have been done a month ago, but wasn’t because of burn out, health issues, and other projects of mine. I’m still stumped how I got way more people asking about comms than taking a shot at a free story, but whatever. I guess it’s a sign that I need to try and do more with my other characters since the ones who received questions are ones who usually get asked. I had thought that with Voretober ’22 that would have been taken care of, but I guess it wasn’t a simple fix. Guess it means I need to comm more art and what not of the less popular cast members, but it also just reinforces my desire to shoot for Voretober this year and hopefully it’ll go better than my last attempt at it.
One of the other things that made this one take longer was that because I wanted to avoid a mass vore ending, which I guess some might have been displeased about, was drawing out the last scene in this because I opted for a minor compromise in the form of a certain someone getting to eat a lot of people, but not everyone. But I found myself struggling with wanting to keep it simple even though I ultimately did and just left it at that.
Well, regardless of the sudden and unreasonable difficulties thrown at me, it’s done and now I can focus on the Raffle Stories and my comms so look forward to those.
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Posted by Votetime 7 months ago Report
what a great writing, I would like to see the image of this story
Posted by DeadStrategicCactus 7 months ago Report
Not really seeing how that'd be possible given the three main things that happen in this.
Posted by KimKibong 7 months ago Report
is mass vore ending same as cast wipe out ending ?
Posted by DeadStrategicCactus 7 months ago Report
I think that depends on your point of view. You could say yes, but then have someone argue that because one member of the Pandora cast did the eating and survived it wasn't a true cast wipe.