Archive > ElyBlanche > Total Party Kill II: Some Extra Spice (Comm)

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Total Party Kill II: Some Extra Spice (Comm) By ElyBlanche -- Report

Word Count: 11009
Good evening! I'm happy to FINALLY put this story out! It was a commission for the lovely  bajillionandone, continued supporter and infinitely patient and infinitely appreciated commissioner. Thank you so much for enduring with the wait while my mojo was missing...

My mojo is back though! So expect stories at a bit more quick of a pace! And by more quick, I mean around one story a month minimum.

A sequel to Total Party Kill, this story is leads with the 'hero' of the last story, Reina, a mage whose experienced in the ancient, forbidden gastric magics, utilizing it for the purposes of ending her party relationships when she feels they've overstayed their welcome. This current party is beyond help, unfortunately. The lack of chemistry leads her to decide cutting ties no more than a week after they've met. Bhels, her goblin companion, helps out, enjoying in the spoils and does what she can to aid her companion, in spite of her overconfidence in her ability to eat and digest without her friend's magical aid.
The party whose to be let go is Delilah; an amazonian paladin who worships a goddess who grants her power so long as she follows her tenets, Leah; a pompous bard who tends to hold a grudge against those who annoy her, and Leah; a spry, halfling alchemist who creates their potions and loves to pull pranks and tricks on her allies... How will this end for the unaligned party? Probably poorly...

I have a Discord server that you should join if you want immediate notifications for when I post my stories or when I open commissions. Also, it's the easiest way to get a hold of me if you wanna chat about potential stories or anything like that. Check it out:
Ely's Apartment
Reminder that all patrons get special benefits depending on their tier, like access to stories a week early and discounts on commissions. I'd greatly appreciate it if you checked out my page and considered supporting me. Every dollar goes a long way to making this a viable career option:
Ely's Patreon

Big thanks to Adam Dimaline, Axios, Norththe3rd, and Michael Stark, Mistress Ellie for supporting me on Patreon!

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