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Tags: Absorption Burp burping up clothes Crystal Lillis Joruri Ichijo Joshirou Ichijo Kayla Lillis Konoko Shirogane Layla Lillis Lillis Family Lucia Lillis M/F M/multiple prey Maria Nitocris May Lillis Oral Vore Pandora City pregnant prey Rose Lillis Size difference Slime Queen Tina Tail Vore trait assimilation Unwilling Prey Willing to unwilling prey
This story was won by Uriel92 from my most recent Q&A. It’s a sequel to this story here so you might want to read it before jumping in. The thumbnail was taken from this piece I commed a while ago in relation to the story this is a sequel to.
Now a roughly twelve foot tall dragon boy, Joshirou’s gained quite the appetite in addition to some new traits. Unfortunately, this is about to become the problem of so many Pandora City residents.
Being asked for a sequel to Joshirou Dines on a Dragon wasn’t something I ever thought I’d hear, usually its wanting another story of Konoko after she UBed Maria, so this was a pleasant surprise. I had enough to work with, but as I was hammering this out in a single sitting (still got it and hopefully it means Voretober goes well this year) the ending came to me in a flash and I knew what I had to do. It’s not too often I get to go crazy so I went with it in that moment. And before you ask, Uriel enjoyed it just as much as I did.
So with that said, please enjoy.
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Posted by Votetime 6 months ago Report
wow,good story
Posted by Uriel92 6 months ago Report
I confirm that I enjoyed it and in my opinion, there are many possible continuations of the existing stories, you just have to find them (even by rereading). After all, these stories are so beautiful that rereading is not a displeasure
Posted by DeadStrategicCactus 6 months ago Report
I will openly admit I have a high tendency to just have things end either openly or tease a possible sequel. Horrible habit really, mostly because it might become Future Cactus' problem.