Archive > Jag > Things > Stories 2009 > Bad Wolf
Bad Wolf
By Jag
Contains: Oral Vore, Anal Vore, Unbirth, Transformation, Oviposition, Soul Vore (oral, anal, unbirth), Scat (normal and soul)
Commission for Arohka
A somewhat large feral wolf ran through a swampy forest, doing her best as to not get stuck in any of the slimy sink holes on the ground. A loud whine could be heard in the background of the forest, something like an alarm or siren and seemingly coming from every direction. The wolf continued to run, looking over her shoulder and knowing full well that the sound was from people that wanted her dead. She'd noticed the sound so many years ago, back when her species was first being hunted due to their rapid breeding and insatiable appetites. Her species pretty much ate any living creature on their home world and in any world that they had been introduced to. They evolved in a way of taking the form of things that they ate. The final form seemed to stop as that of the large feral wolf populous that had been hunted to death, just her own form remaining in the world. She had managed to get off her home world with a few others, but the ship they had gotten onto veered off course, as it couldn't really control itself with a digesting crew. The ship landed on a remote planet and all the living things on the surface quickly became food for the few survivors. After a good year most everything had been wiped off the planet, leaving just them. This in turn led to their rapid dissolve of family, each of them eating one another when they got truly hungry. That finally left two of them. She would have been food had those sirens not come, a blast from something turning the wolf on top of her to dust. From there she just ran, hoping to find some way off of the planet before she was killed.
There weren't many options that the female wolf could take. She could attack those pursuing her, but that would end up with her being killed off all the quicker. Hiding was another of those options, but it never seemed to work when the others did it back on their home world. They were always so easily found and killed. That didn't leave to many options that a rather dumb wolf creature could take. The planet was mostly empty, most things having gotten eaten by her species when they arrived and everything else remaining well hidden from prying eyes. So in the back of the large wolf's mind the only two options being given to her were fight or flight. It was obvious of the one that she had chosen.
The wolf ducked into a rather large cavern that had half hidden by a large cluster of trees in the swamp. It had become a second home to her species when they first arrived, the insides being quite spacious and allowing all of them to either nap or run about inside. The group kept coming back to this particular cave due to the various electrical equipment. They didn't really have any idea what it was for, just that it looked rather pretty and made the cave stand out above all the others. Most of the buttons and system parts still half worked, like they were running off some sort of power supply, but all it really did was give the cave an eerie lighting, which is what her species kind of liked about the place.
Panting loudly the large wolf came to a stop in the middle of the cavern, safely out of harms way for the time being. It would take those following her quite some time to figure out where she had gone off to, but since there was no exit to the cave once they came inside she was pretty much done for. Growling softly with worry the wolf paced back and forth, wondering how it all came down to just her and this life. Had her species been able to evolve into something more things would have gone much better. Circling in place for a few minutes the wolf tried to think of something, anything that could get her off this world and to a new one. The loud siren noise began to creep closer, the sounds outside of the cave resonating inside. Growling loudly the wolf began to kick up dirt, slamming a large rock into a red console. A loud buzz erupted from the device, making her yelp and step back, leaning forward right afterward to sniff at a couple of new blinking lights. The buzzing sound began to grow in volume and a sudden surge of power seemingly erupted from each and every metal piece of equipment inside the cave. Lights that had never come on before were now flashing with various colors, causing the wolf to whimper, flatten her ears and then growl fiercely at a nearby white glowing orb.
A burst of static obscured the loud voice that boomed throughout the cave, the wolf digging her claws into a nearby panel to try and stop the loud noise. A loud alarm began to go off, the entire cave flashing a red and white light. A beam of light shot from one clear panel jutting out from part of the cave's wall and collided with another beam of light coming up from the floor. Everything suddenly became very bright around the wolf, causing her to yelp loudly once more and suddenly vanish from where she was standing. A crackle came from one panel, which was followed by a loud series of explosions. The cave quickly turned into a tunnel of fire, expelling a burst of flames into the woods like a belch. The vehicles being driven on the planet's surface veered toward where the fire was, not knowing what had caused it. After a few days of piecing together information about the cave and what had been inside the people searching for the last wolf decided to give up. There was no possible way to pinpoint where and when the wolf would have jumped to. It was the last of its species anyway, so it was going to be someone else's problem.
A white flash of light spewed forth from out of nowhere, covering up an entire lawn for a few seconds before faded away as quickly as it had appeared. In its place was left a small scorched spot in the middle of the grass along with the rather large wolf, which began to look around in a very confused manner. Flattening her ears the wolf too a few cautious steps forward while looking around, sniffing at the air and picking up the scents of almost a million different things, some she had never smelled before. The wolf didn't know what had happened to her, but it seemed for the best as she was away from those loud siren noises that wanted to kill her and on a completely new planet, one not void of life and smelling very sweet and interestingly enough, tasty.
Licking over his lips a few times the wolf pressed her nose to the ground and began to creep forward, his stomach giving a soft growl. She hadn't eaten anything in such a long time and the fear of dying just awhile ago had made her practically forget about how hungry she actually was. Her stomach seemed to know that they were out of harms way as it started to grumble constantly, begging for her to find something to sate it. Looking around the green area the wolf decided the first place to look for food would be in the nearby structure, her mind trying to debate on what to call it. It seemed like a place where creatures would live, so it was the best bet for something to eat. Creeping along the ground the wolf stopped just short of the tall building, hearing a noise coming from inside and getting closer. The wolf slipped as close to the building as she could, standing next to what she thought was a doorway. It just so happened to be a rather large window next to the sliding glass door, but it was still close enough to be able to watch a figure slip out from the house.
It was a very slender looking person, a quick sniff of the air revealing to the wolf that the thing was female in nature. Her mouth dropped open for a few brief seconds, allowing the wolf to slurp her lips wetly in anticipation. While this creature appeared to be rather small it looked tasty nonetheless, which was all the wolf needed to know. The woman wandered out into her lawn, having spotted the dark brown patch of burnt grass. Gasping and covering her mouth the woman looked to her left and right, wondering who could have done something like this. Removing the glasses from her face the woman rubbed her eyes and just let out a loud sigh, bundling up her robe tightly with her free hand.
"I swear this neighborhood is going to shit," the woman said to herself. "Once Harold gets back from this business trip I'm demanding he move us somewhere else."
The woman turned in place and took a few steps toward her house, only to stop as she heard a rather loud rumble come from behind her. Spinning back around she stared ahead of her to see a gray outline of something in front of her, something rather bigger. Putting her glasses back on the woman looked at the huge body in front of her and then slowly started to look upward, her eyes becoming fixated on the face that stared back at her. A huge nose moved down toward her head, making him inch back slightly as a few soft gusts of wind were kicked up around her, the huge beast sniffing over her form. Trying to take a step back the woman found herself frozen in place, stammering out softly for help as she continued to stare up at the wolf, watching the huge muzzle part and rush down at her.
The soft, pink muzzle descended upon the woman, hot breath washing over her seconds before the muzzle sealed shut around most of her body. A loud scream came from the woman's mouth, but it was lost in the dark, wetness of the mouth surrounding her. A foul smell hung on the wolf's breath, the very last things that it had eaten having been expelled a long while ago, the stomach basically trying to digest saliva and whatever else the wolf had found to settle her stomach. Still, that didn't make the smell any better for the poor woman trapped within the muzzle. The woman's form wriggled partially in and out of the mouth, the wolf having not experienced this type of action for quite some time. It at first was a very nice feeling, but after several more seconds it caused the wolf to lose balance with what she had in her mouth, spitting the woman back onto the ground.
The woman's robe was slathered in drool, which only caused it to stick to her body and make her form all the more appeasing for the wolf. Licking her lips a few times the wolf eyed the woman over hungrily once more, another deep gurgle coming from deep inside her body. The scared woman began to crawl backward, trying to put distance between her and the huge monster that was in her backyard. The wolf, on the other hand, didn't want her delicious meal to go to far and she promptly closed the gap between them with several steps, her mouth widening once more. Inside, long strands of drool connected to every single corner of the wolf's mouth, almost like a slimy spider web. That drool quickly slipped free of the muzzle, dripping onto the ground and allowing the smell of the wolf's breath to once again creep toward the woman. The woman gasped loudly as the muzzle once again rushed toward her, although this time she was able to scream for a short period of time before it became muffled.
The wolf worked her muzzle over the entire form in her mouth, feeling the kicking and squirming of the female inside of her jaws. Expecting the movement this time did wonders for the wolf as she was able to balance her muzzle easier and then flick her head backward, gulping wetly and forcing the woman halfway down her throat. A moving bulge quickly became visible in the wolf's neck, the woman inside yelling as best she could within the slimy tunnel. Enjoying the flavor in her mouth the wolf wrapped her slick tongue around the woman's lower half, stopping the legs from kicking about. An almost grin like look crossed over the wolf's muzzle as she gulped deeply, sending the squirming piece of food on its way. The woman sunk into the wolf's neck, moving about on her way down the passageway before vanishing from view for a few seconds, her form reappearing as a small bulge in the stomach of the wolf. Little bulges in the wolf's pelt were made as the woman kicked and punched at the slime covered stomach walls, trying desperately to find a way out.
A loud gurgle came from the stomach moments later, making the wolf sigh happily and hiccup once before belching air from her gut. It had been such a long time since the wolf had a nice meal and this was just the thing to get her spirits up. Sitting on her haunches the wolf stretched her back and head, howling slightly, but being stopped by another belch as the woman inside of the gut kicked up more air. Lowering her head to the stomach the wolf nosed at it a few times, hoping to soothe it while wondering when the little snacks would calm itself down, not that she wasn't enjoying the constant movement inside. Already she was enjoying whatever new place she had ended up in and already her stomach was enjoying having actual food inside of it, churning happily about the poor woman.
Glancing back toward the place where the woman had come out of the wolf decided there would be a good place to look for food. Wandering over to the opening in the structure the wolf stuck her head inside and then pushed her shoulders through the opening, trying to work her entire form inside. Her forepaws seemingly didn't have much trouble slipping inside, but the second her middle came in contact with the opening there was resistance. A soft grunt came from the wolf as he wiggled her rump from side to side, trying to force her entire body through the rather small opening. Her tail flicked upward a few times before she stopped moving, her brain trying to work out a way to get her entire frame within the building.
Though the scream from the woman earlier had drawn another person's attention to the house, that being an officer of the law. The somber looking officer already had his gun drawn, ready to shoot whoever he deemed a threat. It was his job to protect the innocent, but in his eyes he judged innocence on a very different scale than most people. Carefully slipping into the yard the officer noticed the burnt patch for grass form afar, but dared not move toward it until he had fully secured the surrounding area. Slinking against the side of the house the officer's shoes made a noise just loud enough to alert the wolf that she wasn't alone anymore. She quickly stopped moving, half in and half out of the building. The officer didn't notice the large wolf and continued to move along the wall, traveling past her hind paws and noticing a slightly weird scent in the air. Ignoring it for now the officer continued to check the perimeter of the house and only after he had checked completely around the building was he satisfied.
Returning to the backyard the cop stood near the back entrance of the house, eyeing the burnt patch for grass and trying to figure out what could have caused it. Had a fire been set it would have still been burning and that also didn't explain the scream that he had heard. Usually when you hear something like that you tend to come across a hysterical person or at least a corpse. Removing his cap the black male rubbed a hand over his bald head and pondered over what could have happened, but then had his train of thought stopped cold when he heard a deep grunt behind him. Readying his gun the cop turned and pointed the gun toward where he heard the grunt, and just began blinking at the wiggling butt that seemed to hover in front of his face.
A brown colored hole pulsed once nearby the officer's face before a rush of wind blew by his head, a horrible smell wafting into his nose seconds later. The smell caused the cop to gag, his gun falling from his hands as he covered his nose, trying to wipe the odor from his nose. His eyes kept focusing on the small brown hole that waved about in front of him, which led him to connect the dots as his eyes traveled over the rest of the body wedged into the door. A huge tail lowered and tapped the officer on the head, making him look upward as the fluffy tail flicked into the sky, the bottom of the creature's body going with it. Another grunt came from deeper inside of the building as the huge form tried to back up out of the door, the wolf no longer trying to get inside and wanting to inspect what was now behind her. The cop took a step back, mostly out of disbelief, not knowing what he was seeing or how to make sense out of it. He just kept looking at the rump of the beast as he wiggled from side to side, the tailhole clenching shut each time the body jerked in some direction.
There was a sudden crack as the wolf tugged part of her body out, the glass door splintering slightly. The cop looked toward it for a second and then almost leapt backward when it suddenly shattered, sending small shards of glass in every direction. The wolf let out another grunt as the small shards bounced from her body, unable to do any real damage to it. Though with the much larger opening the wolf was finally able to squeeze back out, her paws slipping on some of the glass and making her trip. Of course, that just made her lower end fall and it just so happened to press the cop's head against that pulsating tailhole. Freezing in place the cop stood perfectly still, feeling the brown hole clenching just over his forehead. The wolf perked her ears straight up, feeling something against her hole, which just made that grin like look appear once more on her face. Relaxing her body, the wolf slowly let her rump fall onto the officer, his head getting sucked up into the hole. He immediately began to fidget and fight, his arms rising up to press against the sides of the hole, pushing on it with all his might to get his head from the passage.
The wolf murred happily at the sensation in her bottom, not having felt this particular movement in quite some time. It brought back a few memories that she could recall, a few becoming much clearer than the others. Wanting to trap more of the male inside the wolf arched her back slightly, tugging the poor cop from the ground for a few seconds before sending him back to his feet, his arms slipping out of place and squeezing up into the hole as his neck and shoulders did the same. Lolling her tongue from her muzzle the wolf squeezed around the squirming man in her ass, feeling him just trying to move as best he could, but knowing full well how tight it would have been for him to do such a thing. Clenching hard around his form the wolf allowed her ass to ripple around the male and tug him further inside, his body getting lifted off the ground once more. Shaking her ass around in the air she wandered back into the yard and then turned as best she could, eyeing over the lower half of the male.
A sudden deep gurgle echoed out of the wolf's stomach, the woman inside having been converted to something clearly no longer human just a short time ago. The stomach still churned heartily around the former meal, breaking it down even more and sensing that something else was on its way. Wiggling her hips once more the wolf felt another gurgle from her stomach, this one filling her intestines slightly and adding pressure to her lower end. Clenching her teeth she sunk down onto her haunches and let out a rather wet fart, spraying the officer with the foul gas of digesting human and causing him to slide out of her rump just a tad. He was once again held firmly inside once the fart was expelled, the soft, hot insides of the tailhole trying to tug him in deeper. Getting back up the wolf clenched harder, coating the small male with everything inside of her bowels and helping him within, knowing full well that he had a date with filling her some more. She began to parade about the yard, happily clenching every few seconds and making the officer do a sort of disappearing trick. It didn't take very long for most of his form to get pulled up inside of the wolf, his shins and feet being the last thing twitching outside of her. Murring deeply she did her best to get the very last of him inside, her stomach rumbling, calling out for the meal to arrive. The brown hole opened as wide as it could, the poor male's feet slipping inside before it closed up around him, his body showing not a single bulge as he was moved within her anus.
Shuddering in pleasure another blast of hot air was expelled from her rump, causing a single black shoe to shoot a few feet from her hole, which once again sealed up nice and tight. Flopping onto the ground the wolf curled up around her form and began to lick at the hole, getting a taste of male that had gone up inside of her. She could feel him inside, traveling through a rather long and tight series of tubes, a much longer trip through her body than the woman before him had taken. It didn't take too long for the officer to get crammed from a tight tube to a slightly larger one and after that his body squished up into a chamber full of liquids, his form once more visible as bulges in the wolf's gut. Nuzzling happily at her stomach the wolf belched slightly and hacked a few times, coughing up a rather slimy pink bathrobe. Sniffing at it a few times the wolf realized that it wasn't food and ignored it, getting back up and looking around, wondering what else she could find.
She was really starting to like this place, whatever it was. Already she had gotten two meals and there was nobody coming to stop her and none of those sirens poking about to blast her into dust. Even if death was just around the corner, to be able to have a few final moments like this proved to be more than acceptable for her. That line of thinking brought the wolf to having a rather neat idea, that being that she hadn't enjoyed herself in a very long time. Laying belly down on the grass the wolf slowly began to grind her hips into the grass, murring softly as it tickled over her sex. Sliding her form across the grass the wolf panted softly, but didn't really get the thrill she really wanted. Grumbling loudly the wolf slowly got back up and looked about, wondering if there were any more of those tiny creatures about.
Heading back toward the building the wolf looked inside of it, her eyes adjusting to the dark insides, spotting nothing alive inside. Circling around the building the wolf perked her ears up, seeing many similar types of buildings everywhere and something that looked like a road, except it was made with something rather harder than dirt. In the distance there seemed to be a huge city all glowing with light. Not wanting to really travel to far the wolf just padded onto the street, making sure it was perfectly safe to walk on. Noticing something else nearby she padded over to something that looked like one of those things with a siren on it. Sniffing at the cop car the wolf just sneezed and then eyed the various other similar items parked next to each of the buildings. Looking about the wolf nudged at the cop car a few times, rubbing her body against it and getting rid of a sudden itch on her side.
The weight of the wolf against the car's siding only caused a rather loud thumping sound, the vehicle getting lifted off the ground slightly as the wolf really got into pressing her side into it. When she stopped the car thumped back down on the street, causing her to yelp and stumble away from the noise. Sniffing in front of her the wolf perked her ears slightly and then watched as a light in one of the nearby buildings flicked on. A small black outline of something appeared in the light and then vanished. The wolf peered at the little window and tried to look inside, but was unable to see anything within the building. Her ears then perked up as she heard something open and then slam shut. Looking down at the entrance to the building she saw another of those little treats, which only caused her mouth to water as the teenage boy stared at her huge form.
Slurping her chops she watched as the younger male fiddled with trying to get back into his house. The wolf didn't give him a chance to get away as she quickly snatched him with her mouth, covering his form with a good layer of saliva as she carried him back to the yard that she had grown accustomed to. Licking him over with her tongue she made sure to get him nice and scared, knowing full well that meant he was going to squirm and attempt to get away, most items that were food seemed to have a habit of doing this. Moving to the middle of the yard the wolf plopped the teenager into the grass, making him gasp for breath and skitter backward as best he could, trying to get onto his legs so that he could break into a full run. Once again the wolf decided not to give him the chance to get too far, her body falling on the tiny male. She murred happily as his body jerked and moved under her stomach, causing it to gurgle loudly at him. The belly just continued to churn happily about the two meals it had already gotten, wanting a third one to be put into it, but knowing that the wolf had other plans for the male. Sliding her body along the squirming teen the wolf stopped as she felt him kick up at her sex, feeling it burn with pleasure.
The wolf quickly began work on satisfying one of her two primal urges, her waist grinding down against the small male and rubbing him against the brown and gray colored slit on her body. The human got a whiff of an almost clover like smell, but it had a heavy musk like smell afterward. The teenager didn't know what was going on and continued to push about underneath of the wolf. This got him into trouble has one of his closed hands penetrated the wolf's sex, making her groan deeply and press more weight down onto his body, his arm shooting up into her sticky, warm insides. The hot flesh gripped at his hand and pulled on it, forcing him shoulder deep into the wolf. The musk smell became heavier as the wolf started to hump against his body, trying to pack his form away inside her own. The male grunted and yelled out for help, his words lost on the world as the wolf was the only one that could half hear him. His head was next to enter her body, though in a painstakingly slow manner. His face pressed to the entrance, making him yell again as he watched the slit spread in front of him, revealing the dripping pink world that awaited him. His entire face slipped into the soft world and the slit inched over the rest of his head before finally sealing over his neck, causing the human to muffle screams inside of her.
Grinding herself down on his body the human felt his shoulder's starting to fold up inside of her passage, his second free arm becoming trapped to his side. That left his legs as the only objects outside of the wolf that could do any harm to her, though all the kicking he managed to do didn't seem to affect the wolf. While he did manage to yell loudly, his words were lost on the pulsating innards of the wolf's sex, which tumbled around his head and sucked on his body, coating him in an almost sweet smelling goo. Wet sounds rumbled around the male's head, soft squishing noises each time the sex grasped onto his form and even more noises coming from deeper within her body. The heat inside where he was going was getting to be unbearable, causing him to sweat and pant within the wolf, his body getting shoved in deeper with every minute. It wasn't long before the human male began to tire himself out, half due to being awoken in the night by the sound of the wolf and partially due to the constant thrashing about as he tried to escape. He realized that his body wasn't going anywhere except inside of her own, which made him whimper almost in defeat, his chest slipping into the sex seconds later.
A loud murr came from the wolf as she continued to hump the male into her, his body hanging slightly limp against her form. Partly the wolf thought at first she had killed the little human, but also didn't care either way as he was going in either dead or alive. She was glad when she felt him jerk slightly again, knowing full well that he was just tired, but she would be sure and give him a nice place to sleep for the remainder of his life. Flipping onto her side the wolf began to watch as her sex did a lot of the work, holding onto the male and dragging him bit by bit inside, his form gradually vanishing from view. It didn't take too long before his waist slipped into her, part of the human prodding her flesh as it slipped into her. Curling into a small ball the wolf began to lick over the human's legs, nibbling happily on his form and tearing the fabric on the sleeper pants he was wearing. A deep moan came from the wolf's throat as she felt the little male start to move about in her sex, the feeling being as if he was starting to either panic once more or enjoy himself. The wolf didn't care either way about which it was she just kept licking at the kicking legs, nosing them a few times as they began to slip into her body.
Her sex squished loudly around the body curled within it, tumbling the teenager around in her juices. Her vaginal cavity worked around his form, tugging it inward as the male jerked himself about, the aroma around him and heat having driven him mad with lust. The wolf was also in a passionate state, enjoying the constant sounds and feelings that were inside of her body. Licking over the passage the male had just entered the wolf sprawled out on the lawn, panting deeply as her innards twitched in happiness. The male was continually worked about, his head burning from the lack of air around him, but wanting nothing more than to be awake for what seemed like the final moments of his life. With his body coated in a fine later of slime his clothes began to seemingly melt away from his body, his skin becoming much softer. The wolf arched her back and howled, her sex quivering and then blasting a watery, slippery mixture out onto the grass. Her orgasm practically crushed the male inside of her, his limp figure beginning to almost dissolve away in her sex, the remainder of what was left working all the way into her womb, leaving a small trace of his genetic code and mixing with the wolf's own.
A shudder ran through the wolf's body, causing her to quickly get up, her paws quivering for some strange reason. A pulse shot through the wolf's body, making her grunt and shake her head, feeling her insides squelch loudly. A fart blasted out from her anus, her tail flicking upward as a small brown chunk began to spread the hole. Looking about quickly the wolf almost waddled to the burnt patch of grass, lifting her tail and squatting down on top of it. It seemed that the two little snacks that had visited her stomach wanted to come out, although they most certainly didn't look a thing like they did when they first entered her body. Wiggling her rump she felt the first small brown log drop from her anus, the start of the pile she was going to be making. Her intestines sloshed with a wet and chunky mixture of digested bodies and partially dried crap. Her tailhole puckered twice as another heavy fart came from her ass. If a cloud of gas could have formed it most certainly would have and had the grass not already been dead it would have wilted due to the heavy stench escaping her ass. The wolf then sighed loudly and grunted, feeling her anus widen as a huge brown and green color turd snaked from the hole, dropping with wet splats onto the ground below. Bits of white stood out amongst the brown chunks, bone fragments from the two snacks that didn't have time to get fully digested.
The wolf continued to squeeze as best she could, a loud wet fart snapping off part of the turd and making it splatter down into the pile, sending droplets of shit everywhere. The hot, smelly remains of her food began to build, the huge wolf making a rather huge pile. Another thick log began to creep from her anus, though it was broken into many smaller segments as the wolf found herself clenching her ass shut, stopping the flow for a few seconds before allowing it to continue. With the remaining large chunks slipping free of the wolf a soupy mixture started to leak from her anal passage. Lowering her rump she allowed it to hover over the steaming pile of fecal matter, the sloppy mess making a small waterfall from her anus. The police officer's clothes were then added to the pile as they were squirted from the wet passage, the last few drops dripping out of the wolf's body as she panted happily. Stepping away from the messy pile the wolf admired it for a second and then belched, the glasses of the woman she had originally eaten getting expelled from her body, landing with a little splash in the grass next to the shit. Sitting down the wolf wiped her ass on the grass beneath her, feeling that same shudder once again move through her body.
Doing her best to diagnose the problem she didn't have too many options she could follow. Most of her cravings had been successfully taken care of and she had never felt this way when hungry, which only meant a few other possible things that it could be. All of a sudden her sex began to undulate, causing the wolf to quickly walk toward the pile of shit, stumbling several times as she moved toward it. Making it there she hovered her sex near the center of the pile, relaxing her entire body. It didn't take long before her sex was spread open by the tip of a round looking object. Beginning to pant the wolf started to push as hard as she could, forcing more of the round object out of her. At first she didn't think it was possible for something like this to happen, but then just shrugged it off to luck and being at in a new time and new place. Howling again the wolf pushed harder, allowing for a large white egg to slip from her womb to the outside world. The outside of the egg was speckled with gray and blue spots, the thing being heavy enough that it made a large indentation in the shit. Moving away from the shit the large wolf sniffed over the egg, wondering why it was smaller than what her species normally produced.
She got her answer from the shudder moving along her body, making her gag and almost vomit the last bit of food that was still inside of her stomach. Her body pulsed with energy, her form beginning to grow hotter with each passing second. The energy buildup caused the outside of her body to begin producing light, her fur shimmering in the dark night. A mist curled around the huge wolf, shrouding her from anything that could have been watching. Producing an egg was something she didn't think she was capable of doing, especially not without another male of her species. Though this was something she definitely didn't think was ever going to happen to her species. Evolution usually took hundreds of years within the body of one specific being within her species. From there it would spread to others and a new form for their species would be taken. It too thousands of years for her species to reach what they thought was the final step in their evolutionary change. Still, it seemed that her body was taking a liking to whatever she had been eating and decided that it was going to take a new step toward progress. As the mist lifted from the wolf's body the feral form no longer stood proud. Instead a human looking wolf stood in the vanishing mist, admiring her new form over and grinning from ear to ear.
"It would seem that these snacks are called humans," started the wolf, her ears swiveling about at the sound of her own voice. "And it would appear that their form is a nice step toward evolution."
The evolution of her species was one of the more unique kinds out there. Known for eating live prey her wolf ancestors would eat enough of a certain other species and then take part of their likeness as well as any memories and knowledge that they may know. Her species stomach worked on two levels, the first being it broke things down as food and secondly it broke the souls of living beings down, adding new information and abilities to their being. The large feral wolf form was a seemingly simple step forward and back in their evolution. It allowed them to mate and feed more easily, but locked away their ability to speak and think smarter than an average child. Though now with this new human like body all the untold abilities of her species flooded into her mind, allowing the wolf a brand new chance at making a new life for herself. A new life on such a wonderful world.
"And from the tasty beings I already ate I guess humans are all just greedy little ants that are willing to climb all over each other to get noticed. I guess I'll do humanity a favor and start getting rid of them all."
Wandering toward the huge pile of shit the wolf leaned over the mess and rubbed at the egg, feeling something very warm inside of it. A grin crossed the wolf's face as she patted the egg a couple more times, knowing full well that the pile of crap would keep the egg warm enough so that it could hatch rather quickly. Glancing down at the grass the wolf bent down and picked up the pair of glasses from the ground, looking them over and then placing them on her face. While her eyesight was already great the glasses seemed to slightly improve what she saw close up. Moving toward the house the wolf stopped in front of a window and began to check out her reflection, admiring her new and much better form.
"I should be able to do some real damage with this body. Such a nice and fresh start. I think I could go for some testing before my little egg hatches."
Spinning in place the wolf quickly checked out her backside in the window, admiring every sensual curve on her new body. Rubbing her hands down her sides she made sure to touch every piece of her body, getting used to it while at the same time knowing how much she enjoyed it.
"Perhaps a name would suite me too. Humans seem to like giving everything in their world a name, so maybe I'll go by Ana from now on."
Turning away from the window the wolf fixed the glasses on her face and headed back to the street. Moving slowly down the road she examined each and every house as she walked past it, pondering over which one she could get easily get into. Rubbing her chin with a few fingers Ana sniffed the air a couple of times and noticed a tantalizing smell coming from one of the nearby houses. Her mouth started to water at the smell as he eyes flashed a strange blue color for a moment, both her stomach gurgling and her sex quivering, both wanting to be used. Padding closer to the house Ana grabbed the doorknob and turned it, the door opening for her. Smirking at how careless human beings were the wolf let herself into the home, shutting the door behind her. Peering into the kitchen the wolf noticed the faint smell of whatever the people living inside the house had eaten for dinner. Twitching her nose at the aroma she crept down the hallway and stopped, noticing a flickering light coming from a nearby room next to the stairs.
Moving to the first step Ana was able to glance at a sleeping form slouched in an arm chair, a young woman having passed out while watching late night movies. A bottle of wine and a half empty glass rested on the table next to her chair. Ignoring the woman the wolf continued to follow the enticing smell she had originally picked up, which brought her up the stairs and to a small door at the end of another hallway. Nudging the door open she poked her head inside and inhaled, the smell coming from a form buried underneath a couple of blankets. She could tell the smell was coming from something male, which made her task of satisfying urges all the easier. Dropping to all fours Ana crept along the floor and to the foot of the bed, poking her nose underneath the blankets and sniffing once more. The incredible smell wasn't coming from on the male's body, but instead deep down inside of him.
Murring sweetly the wolf carefully climbed under the blankets, rubbing her body up along the human male as she rested on top of him. His form was void of clothes, his smooth skin allowing her to drag her body over his own. Ana licked the side of his face while at the same time working her hips down against his crotch, making him hump upward in his sleep and give a soft groan. His flaccid member quickly became rigid as it prodded against Ana's sex, the tip of his shaft just about ready to push inside. Gritting her teeth Ana pressed down hard on the male's body, feeling his dick slip into her. A soft moan escaped from both of them as Ana began to lick and nibble on the human's neck, his body tensing up as he began instinctively humping into the tight folds surrounding his cock. Sitting up on top of him Ana got into a riding position and started to bounce herself up and down over the cock, going at her own pace. While this was going on the male slept soundly, moaning every so often as his mind drifted to a dream about sex with his wife.
Slamming hard down on the cock Ana moaned loudly, causing the male underneath of her to stir, a loud yawn coming from his mouth as he started to force himself away. Ana's hands shot down to his body, bracing themselves against his shoulders so that he couldn't suddenly try and sit up. Ana then licked across his face making the man sputter slightly at the feel and grunt as his eyes flicked open, revealing something rather odd on top of him. Ana grinned down at him and murred in his face, still bouncing on his body and having her way with him, the male's cock throbbing inside of her due to the tight embrace. He quickly began to try and roll away from the wolf, not knowing what was going on and half thinking that this was still some sort of dream. She easily kept him pinned though, giggling softly as she stopped her own movement, her sex rippling around the cock and tugging on it constantly.
"You wouldn't want to ruin all my fun now would you?" asked Ana to the man.
Before he could reply she had covered his mouth with a hand, making sure that every question he frantically asked was muffled. Ana didn't really have time to be answering all the silly questions humans tended to ask. All she cared about was getting what she wanted from them and then ending their frail and meaningless lives. Just the thought of that made her stomach rumble deeply, a squelch coming from inside as liquids began to build up and churn. Ana licked at her lips a few times, groaning as she felt her stomach tense up, almost as if it were demanding that it be fed at that instance. Gently bouncing once more on the male Ana debated on how best to eat the poor male she was mating herself with, a sly smirk crossing her face as she picked something her species hadn't been capable of for some time. Though with her new form she figured it was well worth the shot, after all the smell she was originally craving was coming from deep down inside of this human. Though she still had the quick matter of filling her sexual desire in this new form.
The human kept trying to jerk his body away from her own, though his cock was still happily working in and out of the sex, pre lubing up the passage and allowing Ana to bounce extra hard and fast when she so wanted to. Craving a little bit of fear before her meal the wolf slowly removed her hand from the male's mouth, making him sputter and take a deep breath. Once again he wasn't able to say anything as Ana clamped her muzzle down over his face, raking her teeth slightly over his forehead and chin. A streetlight outside of the bedroom window allowed enough light to enter the room, giving the man a rather perfect view of the wolf's mouth. Her sharp teeth lined the outside of the muzzle and gently scraped at parts of his face, not doing any real damage, just tickling the skin slightly. Her long, greasy tongue smeared saliva all over his face, the greedy member trying to get as much taste from his body as it could. Her cheeks were a dark pink in color, looking to be the softest thing in the entire mouth and probably the least wet. The roof of the wolf's mouth was a darker pink though it was speckled with tiny black colored spots. Then there was the gullet, which kept trying to reach out for his face to take hold of it. It looked to be a deep purple color and the most slimy, sickening thing the man had ever seen. Each time the wolf would lick his chin the mouth would shift around him, dragging his face toward the throat where he would watch it open, revealing a black tube that led down deeper into the wolf.
A view like this should have killed anyone's sex drive, though for some reason the male's cock still throbbed heavily inside of the wolf. His arms kept trying to push Ana away from him, but each time she would pin him right back to the bed, sucking hard on his face. Her gullet began to throb in front of the man as a small bubble rose up her throat. Seconds later a deep belch blasted over the man's face, making him gag and thrust upward into Ana's sex, his cock exploding with cum as she tightened her grip around it. Moaning deeply, Ana began to roughly pump her body up and down over the still hard appendage, her own juices soon releasing over his body, her nasty breath panting over the human's face. Pulling her muzzle away Ana could feel him squirming underneath her, trying like mad to get away. Lifting her body up Ana pulled the cock from her, making an almost wet popping sound. The room then began to glow an eerie light blue color, Ana's paws showing off the color clearly. Staring down at the human her eyes flashed that same blue color, causing her victim to go still. Opening her mouth that same blue color began could be seen coming from her gullet. Panting a few times over the man's face Ana brought her paws down to his shoulders, a surge of energy working through the human's body and making him convulse underneath the wolf. His body quickly turned a dark blue color for a few seconds and went still, Ana pulling her paws away and chucking his soul from his body.
Floating in the air next to his body the man had no idea what was going on and just looked at his lifeless body on the bed, the skin color beginning to drain. At first glance the man thought he was a ghost and that he had been killed, but for some odd reason he still felt healthy and alive. It was then that Ana turned and looked hungrily at his new form, licking her lips and smacking them together a couple of times.
"It's been such a long time since we've been able to extract and eat souls," she said calmly. "And yours just smelled too good to pass up on..."
Ana lunged off the bed, grabbing the soul and falling hard on the floor, trapping it underneath her once again. Opening as wide as she could Ana began to suck with all her might, her mouth starting to draw his head toward it like a vacuum. Unable to really call out for help the human's soul felt his head slip into the muzzle and get crammed down into the throat. It seemed impossible that something like this was happening to him and he kept shutting and opening his eyes, hoping that this was a dream and he could force himself to wake from it. Even as just a soul his body began to form a lump in Ana's throat, one that glowed through her skin as it sank deeper down the throat. Rolling onto her back Ana hugged the soul to her body, sucking and gulping every so often. This helped force more of the human inside, his shoulders sliding easily into the gullet while his chest became compressed and slipped past her lips. The man began to kick his legs, but all it really did was cause his lower body to start floating, which made him all the easier to get swallowed. Leaning forward Ana slipped the chest straight down her throat, feeling it pulse around the soul going inside of her. A shiver ran up her spine as she hadn't tasted something this good in such a long time, a tear almost being brought to her eye.
The wolf began to greedily grasp at the soul, helping it slide down her throat so that it would reach her stomach sooner. His head poked into her gut several moments later, his only saving grace being that he couldn't feel himself getting shoved down the slimy tunnel and couldn't smell the stink that was rising up around his form. However, as soon as his head touched the liquids in her belly it melted, turning him into a liquid based soul. Nomming around the man's legs Ana began to bite down on the soul, causing the body in the bed to jump slightly, the two still slightly connected with one another. Severing the feet from the man's soul caused small bite marks to appear around the actual ankles of the body. Gulping heartily Ana sighed to herself and then allowed her mouth to open again, the two feet curling in the air like dust before vanishing into her mouth, an ample bulge moving down her throat before it all appeared in her gut. An outline of the man's body could be slightly seen, his body having been converted to a liquid form as the digestive juices worked over him, tumbling him about inside of the chamber. The faintest bit of light could be seen inside of Ana's stomach, but it soon faded once the soul was further processed into food, the wolf muffling a belch with a hand before getting back to her feet.
Going back to the bed Ana sunk onto her knees and licked the man's face a few times, rubbing a paw through the hair on his head.
"Thanks much sweetheart, glad you were so tasty."
Ana's ears perked and swiveled some as the bedroom door creaked, causing her to glance back at it. There she saw a wide eyed woman standing, looking first at her and then to her dead husband. Ana smiled at her and then got on all fours, shaking her rump as she got ready to strike. The woman screamed loudly and turned to run from the room, but hit the ground with a heavy thump before she could get a foot down the hall. Ana was on top of the woman, arms pinning her down to the ground while her rump remained high in the air after a successful pounce.
"Don't worry hun, I'll make sure you and you're husband are reunited. Have to practice other variations of what I did to him on someone!"
Twitching her tail upward some Ana began to focus her energy once more, his paws giving that same faint glow of light before he pressed them into the back of the woman's head, who screamed loudly as a ripple ran down through her body. Kicking her feet as hard as she the woman attempted escape, but her legs suddenly fell to the ground, unmoving as a blue mist began to rise from them, half in the shape of legs. The soul's legs began to swirl in the air, twisting and turning before moving up to Ana's tailhole. The tip of the legs pressed inside making the entire tailhole shift and expand some, stretching out to take in more of the soul as it was pulled up inside. Ana sighed happily as he held the screaming woman down, feeling half her body thrash about as the rest of her became numb. Flicking her tail up again a loud slurp came from the hole in Ana's ass, the insides suckling on the soul and dragging it further from the woman's body. While the tunnel was much wider the insides still appeared dark and void of anything other than a few spots of shit, a rank smell making its way from tube. It was almost like a wormhole with the exception of the walls trembling and pulling at whatever was inside, in this case the woman's soul.
Ana's stomach began to rumble once more, sensing that a new meal was on its way. A deep gurgle rose up from the mess already inside, the liquefied soul of the man churning about as his wife came closer to joining him. Shaking her rump gently from Ana helped work a few more feet of the woman up her backside, her soul about waist deep in her ass. Slowly the rest of the woman's body would stop moving, the screaming she was doing dropping as she just cried, struggling like a weak child in a failed attempt at freedom. Ana braced herself on the ground with her hands and then leapt forward a few feet, away from the woman's body. This, in turn, ripped the soul from her body, the screaming and moving suddenly coming to a stop. The tailhole tugged on the soul, working it chest deep into the ravenous, gaping hole. The soul started to move about some, the arms reaching out to try and grab hold of the old body, hoping that she could drag herself back into it. Ana just smirked and walked backward, allowing the woman to grab one of her arms and pull with all her might. A deep groan came from the wolf as she felt the soul move inside of her bowels, some of it managing to get pulled out of her.
Lowering her tail some Ana swatted at the soul's hands, breaking the grasp she had on the body. She then groaned and lifted her rump a tad higher, resting her head in her hands, the soul legs just about to her stomach. Knowing what was about to happen Ana shut her eyes and braced herself as best she could, feeling the feet press into her stomach and catch on the already rolling mixture inside. The woman's soul was suddenly yanked inward, her head and arms being the last things outside of the wolf's hot, tight body. More of the soul curled into the stomach, tumbling in the slime and remains of her husband, which caused her head to pop into Ana's backend, the arms swirling about as if they were flushed down a toilet. Twirling in the air the arms sank into the tailhole, a few tufts of blue let once they were pulled all the way in. The brown hole clenched back shut, puckering several times before going still. Ana groaned as she felt the soul traveling up her intestines, a full feeling coming over her once it rested in her gut. Arching her back Ana relaxed her body, allowing a little puff of blue air to exit her tailhole along with a gentle toot. Sitting down on the floor Ana rubbed over her slightly distended gut, feeling the woman's soul now gurgling away inside, which only caused her to slap her stomach and then glance to the lifeless body in the hallway.
"Wow, you and your husband really have good taste. Whatever you studied in life and ate got your souls to an almost perfect like state. A shame you two won't be going to heaven like you thought..."
Rising back to her feet Ana lifted her leg up and grunted once more, expelling a rank fart, another little wisp of blue coming from her ass. Itching her rump with a hand the wolf proceeded back down the stairs, exiting the house and taking a deep breath of fresh air. The glint of sunlight was peeking up over the horizon, Ana almost ready to start her first day in a new world. Thus far her night was going overly well, so many good things having happened to her. Free meals, reproduction, evolution and even tapping into the oldest of their species abilities of pulling souls from living bodies. Nothing much could go wrong in her world as of right now, although she wanted to do one last thing before going back to where she had laid her egg. Rubbing at one of her ears the wolf looked around, sniffing at the air and trying to pick up any sort of scent that was around. There was a very faint smell coming from nearby, but it was enough of a scent to get Ana moving toward it.
After walking a short distance Ana spotted the scent, it belonging to a younger man running along the sidewalk toward her. He wasn't wearing much just a pair of shoes and shorts, a shirt tucked into the back of those shorts. His body was slightly sweaty and musky, the well shaped individual coming right toward her. Glancing about for a place to ambush her next prey Ana saw a nearby alleyway and quickly allowed herself to hide there, pondering over what to do next. Humans were rather dumb individuals as she had believed which meant it wouldn't be that hard to trick them into coming to her. Clearing her throat she watched as the man jogged by her location and then yelped loudly, whimpering a tiny bit afterward to add to her distraction. Like a good human the man stopped and turned toward the alley, wondering what could have made such a noise. Whimpering again Ana called out as softly as she could for help, watching the human dash over as he assumed someone was either in danger of hurt. Little did he know it was him that would need help.
"Hello...? Is anyone hurt?"
Ana slunk backward a few steps, hiding herself in the shadows and whimpering once more, groaning in anticipation for her next toy.
"My name is Greg...I'm here to help..."
The human moved right past the hidden wolf, who began rubbing her paws together, forming a blue static between them. Creeping up behind the human Ana charged forward, pushing the human as hard as she could. He turned about and stared at the wolf, blinking as he saw her. A crash caused him to look back, his body colliding with a few trash cans full of old garbage. Not understanding what was going on he moved toward his body, but stopped as he felt his legs not moving. Gazing downward the first thing that struck Greg as odd was the fact that he was blue, a light feeling coursing throughout his body. The second odd thing was the fact that his legs were vanishing into the wolf's sex, the muscles clamping down on his legs so that he couldn't walk away. He was basically floating in the air, a gently tug making him sink lower, his eyes having to look up to see into the wolf's own. Leaning down the wolf licked his cheek and murred, nuzzling at him a few times before bracing her hands on his shoulders.
"Just in case you're confused about things hun, you're dead...well kind of. You're a soul right now, but you'll soon be getting an up close and personal view of my vaginal cavity."
Struck with disbelief the human felt his shoulders being pushed down, his being getting crammed further into the wolf's private area. A look of worry was stuck on his face, which only made Ana smile wider, rubbing the blue tufts of hair on his head. Greg's arms reached out, swatting at the wolf's arms and then pushing at her stomach, hitting it with a fist as hard as he could. Ana grunted slightly as she felt the soft hits on her tummy, forcing the digesting souls within to slop about, bubbling and gurgling louder so that Greg could hear them. Ana bent down as best she could, belching loudly right in the human's face, making him stall with his moving, the odor of two other people hanging in the air around his face.
"If you don't want to go in me one way there are plenty of other ways to make the trip..."
Greg jerked his belly and hit at the stomach a few more times, causing Ana to just giggle and grab hold of those hands, pulling them down to the human's side steadying him. Shaking her head to Greg she carefully pulled him out a few inches and then relaxed, opening her vaginal passage as wide as she could before slamming him as deep as she could get him in one push. Greg's arms fit perfectly inside of Ana's sex, his stomach and chest winding up inside soon enough. Almost fully within the wolf the human refused to give up, his head shaking around as hard as it could, lifting up and trying to strike Ana's midsection. She just laughed and began drumming on his head, thinking hard as to what she wanted to do with him. Each hard smack on Greg's head pushed him a little further inward and it wasn't too long before he was chin deep in wolf sex, his entire body fitting perfectly inside of her. It was like his soul folded up in her sex, curling into a tight ball within her womb. With his face slipping from view the wolf smirked down at him and rubbed over his head.
"I like you a while you won't be of this world I'll make sure to keep you."
With that Ana slammed both her hands down on Greg's head, shoving him all the way up her sex and sealing him off from the world. A few blue wisps snaked out of Ana's vagina, Greg trying to force his way from the wolf. A deep moan came from Ana as she slumped against the alleyway wall, sliding down onto her ass with a couple of fingers pressed into her passage. Driving those fingers in and out of her Ana just shut her eyes, feeling Greg being compressed by her muscles. Juices coated the ball Greg had become, his form being crushed by heat and pulsing flesh. All around him the sounds of the wolf's body were heard. Wet squishing noises from the vagina were the loudest noise, followed by the sound of belly gurgling and then soft squelches inside the wolf's intestines as crap began building up within her bowels. Greg didn't think any of this was possible nor did he think he would end his life within a wolf's body. His vision began to blur as his body became smaller, almost as if he were dissolving within the musky chamber.
Then everything went black, causing Greg to gasp and look around. Everything around him was black although in the distance he could see a very small speck of white. Trying to run toward it he found himself unable to move, unknowing of where he truly was. A deep murr echoed around Greg and he could feel a surge of pleasure rush all around him. It was then that he realized he didn't really have a body, it was just his mind floating about in empty space. The little white spot suddenly came closer, allowing Greg to see everything that the wolf was seeing, feel everything that she was doing. Her fingers thrashed about inside of her sex, tickling at every nook and cranny that it could get into. Usually she used something wrigglier to get herself off, but she was trying her best with what she had, plunging almost her entire hand within the passage. Touching about at a few different spots Ana finally found one that sent chills down her spine, making her rub and grope at the slick flesh inside of her. Squeezing as hard as she could on that spot drove her right to the edge, her sex opening to allow her hand out while pumping a mixture of clear and blue fluids out. Mrowling deeply the wolf began to lick her paw clean, Greg actually being able to taste something sweet. Once her digits were cleaned up Ana stood once more, wobbling forward and trying to brace herself against the walls.
"There you go sweetheart, safe and sound inside of me."
Greg yelled out for help a few times, his voice lost within Ana's head. She heard him perfectly fine, his soul pretty much gone but his mind trapped forever in her body. Tucking Greg into the back of her mind Ana stretched and cracked her back, her ankles cracking as well. A rumble started in Ana's gut and soon traveled all the way down her intestines, making her ears flatten and her legs cross. She quickly began to glance around, wondering where she could let loose before heading back to her egg. Inching down the alleyway the wolf groaned as the pain in her intestines didn't go away, her tailhole opening up to let out a loud, juicy fart. Gritting her teeth she noticed a nearby dumpster, the only plausible place to leave a large soul poo mess. Jumping up onto the edge of the dumpster Ana sat as still as she possibly could, relaxing her body and hearing a series of squelching noises going through her bowels. A blue mass began to slide out of her rump, squishing wetly and almost glowing with the remains of the two souls she had eaten just a short while ago. Another blast of gas escaped from her tight ring as the first huge log dropped into the dumpster.
Pushing as hard as she could Ana felt another huge log start to glob out of her ass, the pendulous cylinder of blue muck soon falling to the bottom of the dumpster with a loud splat. The pile grew larger with each passing moment, the wolf forcing as much of the mess out of her body as she could. The rancid smell of digested human souls hung in the air, almost like the smell of a skunk, although much more pungent. Once again a fart separates the logs creeping out of Ana's ass, more blue coils slinking out of the wolf's intestines and bowels and dropping into the pile underneath her. After the third log the wolf feels her bowels void the rest of the mess within her, a drippy blue shit running out of her ass for several seconds before ending. A deep, satisfying sigh comes from the wolf as she hops off the dumpster, looking down at the mess and wrinkling her nose.
"Jeeze, even human souls are greasy, but I guess my stomach'll get used to it."
Ana shut the lid of the dumpster and turned away from it, poking her head from the alleyway. Noticing nobody around the wolf padded back onto the street, watching as the street lights shut off one by one. The sun kept getting brighter, warming the new day on planet Earth. Moving back to the large yard that she had been transported to so many hours ago she realized just how great her life was now. Rubbing the egg she had laid earlier with a paw she felt it twitch and then crack, a grin widening across her face.
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Bad Wolf By Jag -- Report

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The last wolf of her species is on the run and being rather dumb there aren’t many places to hide. Still, by some means of luck, the wolf manages to escape to a new world and time period. Plus this new world has many small little snacks to partake in; ones that tend to squirm and satisfy! Though after partaking in a few a couple of weird things happen, something she thought her species was no longer capable of. In a new form the wolf take decides to have a little more fun before her egg hatches. Contains: F/M and F/F vore, Feral Pred, Oral Vore, Anal Vore, Unbirth, Transformation, Oviposition, Anthro Pred, Soul Vore (oral, anal, unbirth), Scat (normal and soul)

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Posted by Vorefreak 15 years ago Report

I do sincerely hope that you plan to continue this. Great work!


Posted by Rabbit_One 15 years ago Report

Epic- WOW.
Almost every type of vore represented-
and represented well.
Can't wait to see what's next! I couldn't help but laugh a bit
at the cop's demise- I love the description of her parading around the yard trying to get him all the way in! She looks pretty unstoppable :)


Posted by BlackRose 14 years ago Report

Oh wow! That is one way to get rid of the human race it seems! Loved it^^


Posted by Nezumi 14 years ago Report

Awesome. I love the variety here.


Posted by pyrotic 12 years ago Report

To be honest, this is one of my most favorite stories and probably what help push me to register into this site.