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Tags: Anal Insertion anal play Anal Vore Asexual asexual predator asexuality Clean AV Clean Vore Dragon dragon god Dragon pred dragon/human dubious prey endosmatophilia Endosoma God Human human dildo Human Prey Insertion M/M Non-sexual Non-Vore pleasure Protecting protection Protective Protective Pred romance romantic safe pred safe vore pred safevore teasing Teasing Pred unwilling to willing
A reincarnated god goes to visit his dragon friend, and ends up running form a dragon enemy. When all else fails, there's only one place to hide...
This wonderful story was commissioned by Preferences one of those clients I've come to think of as a friend! I always love working in her world, and I'm excited to give you the first thing I've written for her that she's comfortable having published! Now you, too, can enjoy the antics of her characters!
(If you're wondering, the characters are ace, and the anal stimulation is just cause it feels good, not for sexual purposes. Hence, no sex talk, and no orgasm.)
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Posted by yugivore 5 years ago Report
I love this story!