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Cleopatra Consumes Countesses [Internal] By DeadStrategicCactus -- Report

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First and foremost, this was a commissions done by  ecchipandaa on their art slave stream that happened on June 27th.

“Pathetic. Ridiculous even. You outnumber me three-to-one and yet this was the best you could do? Poor pathetic little Countess, but know this, the cessation of your existence will only make me more beautiful.”

Cleopatra floated above the discarded weapons of the foolish food occupying her stomach. The Last Pharaoh of Egypt had been challenged again in her own throne room by a familiar pair of Servants who were just the same Heroic Spirit albeit in different classes. After putting both of them in their place, they fled and returned with a third version of them in tow. However the third version didn’t change the result and Cleopatra decided instead of letting them go to deal with them in a very permanent fashion.

“You haven’t won! We’re going to beat you the moment we get out of here!” Elizabeth Bathory, the Lancer variant, threatened from within the Pharaoh while cramped with the other two versions of herself.

“Believe what you want to, it’s not going to change anything. You crossed a Pharaoh not once, but twice and failed both times. This is but the fate a failure of a historical footnote deserves. Rejoice in that the one thing you can accomplish is being a part of me.”

“Come on, CasMe, make room,” the Saber version of Elizabeth groaned. “I can’t do anything stuck between you and LanceMe.”

“Deerlet! SAVE US!” The Caster version of Elizabeth cried, her voice sadly muffled due to the prison she and her fellow Elizabeths were trapped within.

“I must say, you’re all at least providing good entertainment as I deal with all of you. Perhaps I’ll dedicate you all to memory for those who would dare be so stupid as you all are. Yes, that is what I’ll do,” Cleopatra smirked. “Can you all at least appreciate how lucky you are? Borderline no-ones such as yourselves get to make me more beautiful and be remembered by me. Could you ask for anything else?”

“Yeah! You defeated, your pyramid gone, and Halloween not being ruined!” Elizabeth yelled in defiance. The Lancer one.

“Well it matters now, savor your fate Countesses, I have a feeling it’ll be the last thing you ever experience.”

Cleopatra and all three versions of Elizabeth Bathory belong to Type-Moon and DelightWorks.

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Posted by Cactaur98 3 years ago Report

YES, CLEOPATRA! You have good taste! Nice writing too! Good stuff all around!


Posted by DeadStrategicCactus 3 years ago Report

I probably would have made the blurb longer, but I figured 'Nah, don't want it to go for too long.' Cleo's really underrated and ti's a real shame too.


Posted by boomerangfish 3 years ago Report

A very good scenario!!


Posted by Azoon 3 years ago Report

Wow, Cleopatra! Good on you for commissioning this servant, one of my favorites for sure.