Archive > WomenWithWords > Other Characters! > Sour Devour (Short Story)
The serene sounds of birds and wildlife that filled the peaceful Jungle of Nool were disrupted as a monstrous-
-rang through the air, a clear sign that the Jungle’s ruler, the abnormally strict Sour Kangaroo, was busy disposing of yet another unruly animal she’d deemed unworthy of staying in her jungle.
Only this time, said animal was much, MUCH larger than average.
With a colossal hop into a puddle, the mean kangaroo shifted around what was left of Horton, a troublesome elephant that’d been quite the thorn in her side for a VERY long time, within her bulbous stomach.
“Oh Rudy, darling?”, the motherly roo called out to her unseen joey.
“Can you still feel anything from inside Momma’s paunch?”
Struggling to escape his mother’s pouch that now lied buried underneath a miniature mountain of belly pudge, Rudy simply through a closed mouth before sinking back into his mother’s gut.
“Of course.”, the Sour Kangaroo said as she looked down to her massive gut.
“I’ve got to hand it to you, Horton; you always find new ways to disappoint me.”
“Left some pounds on my hips; I’ll give you that…”, she said as she patted her well-padded sides, her hands slowly moving to her second favorite new curve to play with.
“And some extra curve to my hindquarters…”, the roo said as she rubbed her hand across her now melon-sized butt cheek, ending her gentle stroke with a fierce slap atop its gelatinous surface that sent waves rippling across its bubbly smooth surface.
“And the fat on my tail…”, the Sour Kangaroo said as she thumped the tail in question, the furry appendage almost TWICE as thick as it was before its owner’s feast.
“And, as much as I hate to say it, I’m kinda liking this belly.”, she said as she rubbed her hands over its fuzzy, spherical exterior.
“Still not a fan of the gas, though…”
As if on cue, another rancid-
-forced its way up the animal’s throat and out from between her lips, causing her to groan in disgust before calming herself down enough to finish her observation.
“But still, even after all that…”, she continued, the anger broiling up inside of her.
“You managed to avoid my CHEST completely!”
The roo exploded in anger, practically demanding an answer from her ravenous insides as to why none of her mammoth meal managed to pad out her now hilariously flat chest; when all she received was a few measly gurgles in response, she managed to calm herself down enough to gently use one hand to fix her hair as the other rested atop her massive hips.
“Well, at least you’re out of my hair…”, the Sour Kangaroo continued.
“And onto every part of me EXCEPT for my chest, but if that’s the price I have to pay for getting rid of you, than I am more than happy with the results.”
At that, she looked down to her side, spotting quite the familiar sight.
“Speaking of getting rid of you…”, she said as she leaned over and picked up the object in question.
A fluffy little pink flower with a white stem and a single yellow speck adorning one of its hairs.
That speck.
This flower.
The very flower that had caused her and Horton so much grief…
Well, it had at least caused HER grief; for Horton, it caused him much, MUCH more.
Either way, she hated the sight of it.
“Little people! On a speck! Bah!”, the roo exclaimed.
“How childish.”
At that, the Sour Kangaroo lifted the flower above her head, opened her mouth (already salivating at the idea of ANYTHING ) dropped the flower onto her tongue and swallowed, sending the entire planet that contained the city of Whoville down her throat and into her insatiable stomach, melting away into nothing much faster than its pachyderm protector did.
“Let my dealing of Horton be a lesson to you, young man!”, the roo said to her joey as she patted her hands clean of the dirty plant.
“Be an authority that people respect.”
To cement her point of authority, the Sour Kangaroo hopped to her side and leaned forward, pinning her son between her bulbous, gurgling stomach and the twisting trunk of a Truffula tree.
“And if they DON’T respect you…”, she said as she pushed herself ever so slightly forward, practically drowning her son within the literal ocean of fat that made up her gut.
“MAKE them. Am I getting through to you, Rudy?”
With the sounds of his mother’s ravenous stomach all around him, the boy vocally agreed as best he could, lest he wish to share the same fate as Horton and countless other inhabitants of the forest.
“Good boy.”, the Sour Kangaroo said kindly as she leaned back from the tree, giving her son a… decent enough space to finally catch his breath.
“Now let’s go; all this new space Horton’s given me is making me feel AWFULLY hungry…”
The Sour Kangaroo’s declaration of impending gluttony was followed by a crude-
-something that she should probably be getting used to if she wished to continue making a smorgasbord with the various animal citizens of the Jungle of Nool.
“Grr!”, she growled.
“Darn that elephant…”
And with that, the Sour Kangaroo hopped off, her stomach audibly sloshing as she left to find her next prey- I mean her next unruly forest-dwelling neighbor.
And remember, kids…
“A snack is a snack, no matter how sma- big!”
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Sour Devour (Short Story) By WomenWithWords -- Report

That old Dr. Seuss book you read as a kid got a really weird adaptation when it became a movie. Horton totally got eaten, like, five minutes in by the kangaroo mom and the rest of the movie was just a static shot of her bubbling gut. Weird stuff, man; weird stuff…

Yes, I interrupt your week to bring you another story brought about by the art of the wonderful  AfraArt seen here:

Can’t believe he got me to write furries again- I mean I hope y’all enjoy!

Word Count: 917

Comment on Sour Devour (Short Story)

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Posted by Ch4r 2 years ago Report

A very unique pred to be sure! But nevertheless it was really well written. Good job!


Posted by AfraArt 2 years ago Report

This is amazing man!
I'll definitely include this in the description for others to read as well~


Posted by WomenWithWords 2 years ago Report

Thank you!


Posted by AfraArt 2 years ago Report



Posted by 100tylersims 2 years ago Report

Amazing job on this story! I waited for a few days but it was totally worth it at the end to read this! ^^


Posted by Henry567 2 years ago Report

As the ultimate Karen she makes such a good pred!
Great Story,i enjoyed the tail expansion more then i thought i would tbh.