Archive > Ssupe > Isabelle's New Tenant: A Walk to Town Hall
How long had you been in here? Hours? Days? The only possible way to gauge how much time had passed was to count the heartbeats that reverberated from somewhere far off, yet close enough you could barely make them out. But you couldn’t let yourself stay still for even a moment to focus on it. You were putting all your energy into fighting against the stomach walls that constricted you so tightly.
“Let me out! Let me out of here! Heeelp!!” You scream as you do your best to push against your fleshy prison in your balled up form. You can manage to push her belly a little further out, but that does nothing to help you escape, only providing yourself a very small and temporary amount of extra space. It doesn’t take long for any resistance you give to be pushed back by her tight stomach. But you keep trying regardless, as it’s the only thing you can do.
Obviously, you do NOT want to spend your life like this, forever trapped in the moist gut of a ditzy dog woman. You’re not food, or a pet, or a tenant, or whatever Isabelle says you are. You’re a human being! There’s still stuff you want to do in your life, things you can’t do locked forever away like this. How demeaning it is for her to just relegate you, a living person, to a permanent belly filling! You should be outraged, but of course you can only be terrified about this.
You can hear her snores, and it just adds to the embarrassment of how far you have been reduced, how helpless you were in such an absurdly shameful situation. You try kicking some more against here, but you have absolutely no effect. You didn’t even have enough influence to wake her up. You had been stripped of all power, except for the ability to create temporary bumps on her belly. A showing that both exemplified your yearning to be free, and your powerlessness to make it so.
Isabelle rubbed her eyes. She had been napping for hours, unaffected by any internal struggles that pushed against her massively bloated belly, nor the faint voice that could barely escape it. Upon waking up to a pleasant tickling against her stomach, and finding her yellow belly extruded many sizes past her forcibly unbuttoned vest, she wondered if she might still be dreaming. A content smile crept up on her face as she remembered what had happened that morning, and she watched with laid-back amusement at the hand, foot, and even occasional face-prints that weakly attempted to push through her gut. She leaned forward, and gave her extended stomach a hug to the best of her ability, further compressing the unfortunate meal within.
“So, have you settled in alright?” She asks her stomach with glee.
The formerly weak struggles picked up upon hearing her voice, though the difference that made was nearly nothing. “I-Isabelle?! How long have I been in here?” An exhausted voice emits from her gut.
“You shouldn’t worry about that. It’s not going to change anytime soon.” She says, stroking her belly.
“Y-You can’t keep me in here forever!”
“If you haven’t figured a way out by now, then I think I can.” She says with playful sass, giving her stomach a heavy slap, creating a ripple across her belly that her occupant definitely felt from within.
“No! I-I can’t live like this!”
“You’re just going to have to get used to it. If you can’t… Well, it’s not my problem.”
“But how can you live like this?! You’ll have to lug me around wherever you go! A-and it must feel awful to have to keep something as big as me in here!”
Gripping the sides of the armchair, Isabelle pushes herself up to a standing position with great effort, arching her back after having been sitting down for so long. Her belly propped up from the movement, only fo fall back down with a gurgley *Sloosh!* after she finished her stretching. Her belly bounced up and down slightly before finally coming to a stop.
“But how can you live like this?! You’ll have to lug me around wherever you go! A-and it must feel awful to have to keeps something as big as me in here!” You desperately try to argue, scrambling to think of any more reasons to try and convince her to let you free.
Suddenly you feel your entire world begin to shift. It’s as if you were lifted up from within a burlap sack, followed by a brief and sudden falling sensation that pierced your chest. The resulting bouncing was very unpleasant, and it was embarrassing to realize that it was your added heft to her stomach that caused it to move the way it did. Her stomach must be massive with you inside, not like you could tell, obviously.
“Actually-“ You hear her voice again. “-It feels really good with you in there. You know that feeling you get after you’ve been starving, and you’ve just finished a large meal? Not when you’ve eaten too much and feel all bloated, but when you’ve had just enough and your body feels super content? That’s what I’m getting right now, except you’ve been in me for hours, and that feeling hasn’t gone away since! You’re like the perfect stomach filling!” Before you knew it, the bouncing returned, except this time it was more forceful, and with the addition of a heavy sway left and right. It wasn’t hard to figure out she was walking.
*Slosh!* *Slosh!* Slosh!*
She finally comes to a stop. “I can get used to this.” She says. “Even if it takes awhile, I’m sure this will start to feel natural eventually. I can start doing laps around the town to help get myself accustomed faster too.”
“You have to be joking! Y-you can’t really be serious about all this!” You say in distress. “What will the other villagers think of this?!”
“To be honest… I don’t trust too many will be able to catch on.” She admits with secondhand embarrassment, alluding to the muscle brains and air headed “pop stars” that make up a good portion of the town’s population. Unfortunately, you knew she did have a point. “They’ll probably just think you’ve taken one of your wanton, extended vacations again. But if they did catch on… Well, what would you expect them to do? They’re not going to be able to help you. Let me tell you something. At this point, it wouldn’t even matter if I wanted to help you out. I pushed my body to the limit getting you down there. Moving you upwards would be a new challenge entirely, and it’s just not in my ability to do so.”
Her words fill you with dread. In terrified protest, you redouble your struggles against the inner walls of her gut. “No! Please, no!! I can’t live like this! I can’t stay here forever!”
“I’m sorry, but I mean it. I can’t undo what I did. You’ll just have to accept that you’re mine. So stop struggling, and try to get used to this.”
“Please! You have to try! You have to try to let me out!! I’m a real, living person, Isabelle! Y-you can’t just take everything away from me like this! Especially not like this! No person should ever have to go through something like this! Please! Let me out!!” You continue to yell, and plead, and beg. But ultimately, your cries remain unanswered as your world begins to be jostled about once more.
You can only continue to struggle within her, hoping that your wild movements would eventually prove too uncomfortable for her to want to keep you sealed away in her belly…
“I’m sorry, but I mean it. I can’t undo what I did. You’ll just have to accept that you’re mine. So stop struggling, and try to get used to this.” Isabelle says to her stomach with a knowing grin. Sure enough, in defiance of what she had just asked, she felt her occupant rejuvenated in his struggles. She loved it when he moved around in her like that, as it provided an amazing internal massage unlike anything she had ever felt before. Truth be told, although it was cruel, she hoped for the future that he’ll never get used to his new home. That he’ll always put all his energy into unwittingly pleasing her with his movements.
“Please! You have to try! You have to try to let me ou-!!” Isabelle heard before moving her head away from her stomach. The villager inside her’s pleads went back to barely audible mmmmf-s.
It filled her with glee that this was just going to be a part of her life now. As for him, this WAS his life now. One of them certainly enjoyed that fact more than the other, but all that meant was more kicking and pushing against her enlarged stomach, which was just what Isabelle wanted. He really was hers for the keeping. She did feel a little guilty that she had reduced an entire other person to what was essentially an internal pet, but being both the mayor’s stand in and his devourer, Isabelle safely concluded he made a much better breakfast than a contributing townsman.
“If I stay here any longer, I won’t be able to finish up all the work I had set up for myself today. I’m already so behind after that nap.” She says to herself casually, as if there wasn’t an entire human being imprisoned in her gut, still yelling and struggling for freedom.
Isabelle noticed her clipboard on the floor, which she had set down beforehand to pull her meal into her maw with both hands free. She took a few weighty steps over, letting her massive stomach sway back and forth with each step.
*Slosh!* *Slosh!* *Slosh!* *Slosh!*
Standing over it, she attempted leaning over and picking it up, but nearly lost her balance and almost fell forward onto her stomach. After regaining her balance, she scratched her head before coming up with a solution. Rather than lean over, Isabelle bent her knees and squatted down to the floor, as if carrying something heavy…which she very well was. Her massive belly drooped down and kissed the floor, and Isabelle giggled at the confused sounds inside of her that caused. After taking the clipboard in hand, she pushed back up into a standing position.
*Wobble wobble wobble!*
“Heeheehee! I’ll have to get used to all the sounds my stomach is going to make now.” Isabelle remarks to herself as she watches her squirming belly. Before making her way to the exit, she takes one last look around his home. Previous home, that is. The only sign at all that her breakfast feast had gone down in there was the empty pair of shoes she had thrown off his feet earlier. With a proud smile, Isabelle squatted down by those as well, and pocketed them. They’d be a trophy of sorts. A tribute towards her success in moving him into his new, permanent, home.
Every step Isabelle took towards the exit continued the trend of a quiet sloshing noise from her stomach, just barely beating out the muffled cries for help from within in volume. Opening the door and peering outside, she took a quick scan around the area for any immediate villagers about. Truthfully, she was nervous about how others would react to seeing her new form, but deduced that the best course of action would just to act calm and casual about it. After all, it’s not like she’d be able to hide it. If she comes off like it’s not a big deal in the slightest, they’ll hopefully see it in the same way.
No villagers seemed to be about at the moment. Good. Anyone witnessing Isabelle stepping out of a missing person’s house, on the same day he went missing, with a newly massive belly, would be a massive giveaway. Though, Isabelle honestly wondered if any of the villagers would be able to come to such a conclusion. It seemed in character for such obvious context clues to go right over their heads.
With her special luggage secured, she began her walk back to Town Hall. Despite needing to cross two bridges to get to, Town Hall wasn’t very far away, a direct result of how small the town really was. However, being unused to her new heft made the journey slightly more arduous than it would have been. For her at least. For him it was probably a very different, bumpy, story.
“Ss-ss-sstop!! I-I-ss-sab-ell!! Ple-ease!” You beg as you’re swung back and forth within your living prison. While ludicrously cramped, her stomach was also wet and slimy, and you found any part of yourself that wasn’t packed too tightly against your torso getting smeared across her stomach walls. All of the movement and lack of friction made it close to impossible to continue your efforts of pushing and kicking against your surroundings, as your hands, feet, and even (unintentionally) your face, would more often slip around the rounded and wet surface of her stomach walls. At a certain point, you tried pulling in your limbs and curling up as a ball the best you could to brace against Isabelle’s movements, though that allowed her belly to close in even further on you, somehow making this an even more claustrophobic situation.
*Slosh!* *Slosh!* *Guurlge!* *Slooosh!!*
It felt unending. You were continuously swung around as harshly than a teddy bear carried by the hand of a skipping child, and being in no position to see where she was going, it dragged on excruciating long. Carried around carelessly like loose cargo. You might as well have been sealed inside a moist duffle bag, but still, that would be much more preferable. After all, getting zipped into a large duffle bag sounds much less demeaning than being swallowed alive by a ditzy dog woman and kept in her belly forever just because she could. It really settles in how pathetic you must seem.
You were eaten whole. By Isabelle. The most harmless person you had ever known. She looked at you, decided you were going to be her meal, and you couldn’t even put up a good enough fight against her. She had so thoroughly minimized your influence in the world to strictly the strength and frequency of the bumps that appeared on her now bulging belly. And if she wasn’t joking (and you are absolutely terrified she was serious), this will never change, and there’ll be nothing you can do about it. How could your life have gotten to this point?
Much to your relief, the wobbling of your captor’s stomach suddenly came to a stop, or at least the harshness of it stopped suddenly. Her belly still had to jiggle and shake before gradually coming to a halt. It was like you had been in a running washing machine that finally stopped, only to be left inside after it was done. Before you had regained the strength to start your futile struggles up again, you noticed a voice from outside, and listening further, you realized it wasn’t Isabelle’s.
“____! ________, ___ ____’__ ___ _ ______ ___ ____ ________, _________!” A distant voice says. Even though you can’t make out what the new voice is saying from your position, you can tell it’s Kevin, a sporty, orange pig who also lived in the village. Possibly, your savior. You press your ear against Isabelle’s stomach wall, trying to catch what they’re saying.
“HELP! KEVIN! I’M IN HERE! PLEASE, HEEEEELP!!!” You yell, kicking and wriggling about at the same time, trying to alert him to the absurd but true situation that you’re being held hostage in Isabelle’s belly. Your face flushes a deep shade of red when you think about other people knowing how Isabelle effortlessly turned you into dog chow, but you’ll just have to accept that extremely embarrassing truth to be revealed if you want to be rescued.
“It’s like your stomach has a mind of it’s own! Are you sure what you ate wasn’t TOO raw?” Kevin says, which you can just make out as you press your ear hard against your prison.
“Oh, that? Well, that’s… The soda I drank. Looks like I had a little too much!” Isabelle says to Kevin.
“Oh, I get it. I guess that makes sense.” Kevin says back.
Their words become muffled again once you dedicate all your strength into making the most noticeable thumps and struggles over Isabelle’s belly as you can muster. You kick, push, punch, and scream for help as hard as you can. You can’t let your life end up like this, you just can’t. But eventually, the swinging returns. She was walking away.
*Slosh!* *Slosh!* *Slosh!*
*Slosh!* *Slosh!* *Slosh!* *Guuurgle!* *Slosh!* *Slosh!* *Gurlge!* *Slosh!* *Slosh!*
Halfway to Town Hall, Isabelle noticed a figure in the distance. The orange skin of the figure immediately gave it away as Kevin, a very sporty pig that lived in the village. Isabelle took a deep breath. She was simply going to act natural, and see how he reacts.
“Hello Kevin. Out on a jog?” Isabelle asks as she approaches him.
“Woah! Isabelle, you must’ve had a REALLY big meal recently, weeweewee!” He says, looking as shocked as if he accidentally knocked down a wasps’ nest.
“Hahaha, I suppose I did. I just couldn’t help myself…”
“It’s like your stomach has a mind of it’s own! Are you sure what you ate wasn’t TOO raw?” Kevin says, amazed at the wild movements and sounds Isabelle’s stomach was making.
“Oh, that? Well, that’s… The soda I drank. Looks like I had a little too much!” Isabelle says to Kevin with a drop of sweat materializing on her forehead.
“Oh, I get it. I guess that makes sense.” Kevin says back. And just like that, any surprise in his face became casual nonchalance. Isabelle wiped the sweat from her forehead.
“You should join me on my jog, Isabelle!” Kevin offers. “It’ll help you burn off all those extra calories!”
“I appreciate the offer.” Isabelle responds while ignoring the obvious face and hand prints that push out against her stomach. “But I have a lot of work that needs to be done.” She says.
“You work so hard, Isabelle. You never have time for anything. If you don’t make time to work out, you’re gonna look like that forever!” Kevin laughs.
“Haha, maybe you’re right.”
“Well it was nice catching up, Isabelle. I should to get back on my jog. My hamstrings are still hungry for more!”
“Don’t push yourself too hard!”
Isabelle and Kevin exchange a friendly wave before the latter gets back into action, dashing in the direction opposite of Town Hall. With a content smile, Isabelle resumes her own journey, allowing her bulging stomach to get back into the swing of things.
*Slosh!* *Slosh!* *Slosh!* *Guuurgle!* *Slosh!* *Slosh!* *Gurlge!* *Slosh!* *Slosh!*
The muffled voice within Isabelle’s stomach kept going on and on and on, all the way to Town Hall, not realizing how futile its efforts were. The yelling and thrashing would continue even after Isabelle stepped into the building, getting to her chair, and sitting down in it. Leaning back into her seat, she enjoyed the movements within, letting the occupant inside tire himself out. Once the trashing had finally died down, she hugged her stomach.
“See? You heard that, right? You’re mine.” She tells it, before leaning back again as the internal fight was reinvigorated within her in response to her words. She knew that he knew it was true.
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Isabelle's New Tenant: A Walk to Town Hall By Ssupe -- Report

Your new life has some new normals you'll have to get used to, if that's even possible. Your new home is a mobile one, and her walking has a much greater effect on you than her.

Comment on Isabelle's New Tenant: A Walk to Town Hall

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Posted by LivesInAStomach 2 years ago Report

Seeing you publish a sequel to your previous amazing story was a wonderful surprise in my inbox! And goodness, you really did an amazing job. It's so great reading about not only the start of a permanent belly stay, but also about all of the consequences afterwards.

You have a great sense of writing, and I enjoyed reading both Isabelle's and the prey's perspectives. I particularly enjoyed that little detail about Isabelle being unable to regurgitate her prey back up—that's such a niche thing that I really love. The pred can't spit the prey back up even if they wanted to, which truly makes it permanent regardless of what both parties want.

My only qualm—the smallest of nitpicks—is that while it's a wonderful POV story, the prey is most definitely male, which prevents the story from being as immersive to me as it could be. That's definitely just a me problem, though. Keep up the great work, I can't wait to see what you write next!


Posted by Ssupe 2 years ago Report

Thank you! I really agree with you about loving details about endo expanding past the initial swallowing. The whole reason I wanted to continue the story was to highlight the whole "permanent entrapment" aspect. Otherwise, it wouldn't be too different from normal vore stories with an unspecified ending regarding what happens to the prey. It was definitely my intent that Isabelle herself being unable to regurgitate him was used to hammer in the point of the permanency.

Sorry about the gender of the prey. F/m is really the only pair up I can enjoy, and an unspecified gender would slightly decrease how much I can enjoy it.


Posted by Boltbond 2 years ago Report

More chapter?? *w*

Pls do ♡♡♡♡


Posted by Boltbond 2 years ago Report

And yes. Exploring the Permanent Entrapment is really underrated :(


Posted by GodheadEvil 2 years ago Report

Great continuation man, you're quickly becoming one of my favourite writers on the site lol.


Posted by Ssupe 2 years ago Report

I appricate it, thank you! I don't know how active I'll be, but when the mood strikes me, I'll likely continue this piece.


Posted by vorelover14 2 years ago Report

Yes! Yes yes yes! My favorite writer returns! This is honestly probably the best non fatal series I’ve read! I really hope you continue it or make others like it! Awesome job friend!!!


Posted by Ssupe 2 years ago Report

Favorite writer? Thanks! I'm glad you like the series that much. A continuation is definitely likely.


Posted by C107galaxytachyon 2 years ago Report

Boy: you’d think Isabelle might have at least a “some” level of sympathy for the poor sod she’s nommed, but apparently not.


Posted by Ssupe 2 years ago Report

Guilty pleasure taken too far. She would feel worse about it if he didn't feel so good in there.


Posted by C107galaxytachyon 2 years ago Report

Is she also incapable of regurgitating just his underwear?


Posted by Ssupe 2 years ago Report

With the clothes on his back being the last of his possessions, he's not going to want to let them go.


Posted by C107galaxytachyon 2 years ago Report

Well, of course HE’S not gonna wanna let them go: but that’s not exactly up to “him” now, is it?


Posted by Ssupe 2 years ago Report

Well, he IS lost beyond even Isabelle's reach at this point. His one true freedom is being able to have his clothes with him.


Posted by C107galaxytachyon 2 years ago Report

Until she inevitably ends up belching them out beyond his reach (and no: I don’t see that as being remotely in conflict to her general inability to regurgitate HIM.)


Posted by hayabusa113 2 years ago Report

Why are you pushing this so hard?


Posted by C107galaxytachyon 2 years ago Report

Mostly cause I can’t help but think there’s no better way to truly hammer home just HOW pathetic he is than to ultimately rob him of even that one thing he thinks he can take solace in Isabelle never being able to take from him now.


Posted by hayabusa113 2 years ago Report

Yet another homerun, you're already one of my favorite writers on here so I hope to see more from you!


Posted by Ssupe 2 years ago Report

Thank you! I appreciate that you can call me one of your favorites even though I've only written two stories so far.


Posted by randomguy15 2 years ago Report

Great story! It explores what I like about long term or perma endo. The interactions with the prey just continues on and on, whether teasingly or otherwise.


Posted by Ssupe 2 years ago Report

Definitely! It’s a new normal for both pred and prey. One’s just much more preferable than the other.


Posted by randomguy15 2 years ago Report

For sure, a new normal is certainly true. Well, suppose there’s always time for the prey to get used to it (or go crazy)


Posted by Ssupe 2 years ago Report

He won’t be so lucky unfortunately. He’s going to stay a fighter. Just how Isabelle likes it.


Posted by FitMe 1 year ago Report

I know this story was posted a year ago, but I just wanted to leave a comment after re-reading it again.
This is one of my favorite stories on this website. In my top 3, easily. You are very talented at writing the power dynamic that comes with this sort of permanent endo entrapment.
I absolutely love it!


Posted by Ssupe 11 months ago Report

Thank you so much! The power dynamic is definitely one of my favorite parts about permanent entrapment. It doesn't get much more polarizing when one person gets reduced to the frequency of bumps and struggles against the other's belly as they go about their day completely unhindered.