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You get to meet Nimune, how do you respond? Posted 2 weeks ago
Hey guys just another little scenario. (I do plan on someday making pics with some of these but these just help my creative juices flowing.)

Okay so you come across the lovely Eel-gal Nimune. Some plot device or divine intervention summons you to her world of Eridian.

If you tell me your response in the comments below I'll let you know how she'd likely respond~
Feeling sad...anyone got any fun scenarios to put Nimune into? Posted 3 weeks ago
Feeling pretty stressed due to personal ambitions and world events. If anyone has any cool ideas for Nimune or any hijinks for her to get into I'd love to hear them.
Vore Art Reviews for Artists? Posted 1 month ago
Just an idea I was batting around was making little reviews here on this blog featuring vore artists I like (or who ask)
Kinda like a little critique, pros, cons...what I like about their work what I do like.

Part of the reason I'd do this is because I've been a "lurker" for a long time and now as an aspiring artist I know how hard it is to make content.
And I want a way to keep track of so many artists throughout the years and in some small way let them know their appreciated.

Also it will be a great way to keep track of Artists I enjoy and maybe if it's really successful I could make a compendium or something?
LOL not sure.

One difficulty I can already see is who I review and why and honestly it will just be on a whim at...
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Belly bulge refrences Posted 1 month ago
Just a bit of reference for me to use in the future.
I like seeing same size preds with tight bulges so here's some keywords I can use to find them.

Aryion: "Tight Bulge", "Mogabulge" (named after artist Voraciousmoga).

Google: "people trapped in trash bags", "hand pushing through fabric", "screaming hand pushing through fabric", "hand pushing behind plastic".

I might need to compile a list of artists and features I like and am inspired by...
Happy Birthday to Me~ Posted 1 month ago
I turn the big "30" today~
I've never really been one to broadcast my birthday but figured I'd let yall know.

I hope to be around to give yall more content for many more years~
Predator Pampering their Prey~ Posted 1 month ago
So one thing I kind of like is whan a Pred will pamper their prey~
Sure cruel preds can be interesting but I find a Pred who is willing to take the time to get to know their prey to be fascinating.

What do you guys think of this idea?


One thing to note about Nimune is that she is a very empathetic predator.

In fact she actually loves to pamper and please her prey if at all possible.
Above all she wants her prey to be "willing" and will go to great (and sometimes comedic) lengths to make that happen. Some of which include...

She has learned how to cook humanoid food to give you a last meal, she'll offer you treasure or gold...or offer to have it delivered to your next of kin, she'll preform more...
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Should a Pred "enjoy" their food? Posted 1 month ago
Just kind of shooting out in the dark.
Do you guys think a Pred should be "turned on" by their prey? Or simply view them as nourishment and nothing more?

Im more inclined to the former though if you just become so use to eating folks maybe you would just view them as nothing but food after a while.
On that note~

Do you suppose that a Pred eats those that are attracted too (maybe it makes them more tasty)? Or would they prefer to eat folks that they actually dislike (kind of a vindictive action)?
Thanksgiving day switch up~ The pred becomes a prey? Posted 2 months ago
Im curious how many folks would like to see Nimune as a Prey more often.
Typically I like having her be more of a "reluctant" pred, but I can see scenarios were she'd be a prey~
It's just that shes rather formidable just as a consequence of being so loong lol.

I'd say she would almost even be willing if their were any preds that wanted to try their luck...
Just know that if they fail...well they can be her snack instead lol.

Happy Turkey Day to those who celebrate~
Update on Tech, Charecters and Life Posted 2 months ago
Okay so Im sorry I haven't been producing art. I do have my computer up and running but have just been struggling with anxiety and stuff.
Lots of reasons for anxiety...terrified for the state of my country...terrified about my times lol

But back to pertinent issues...
I still have 2 commissions to do, along with some miscellaneous drawing ideas.

Im also thinking of posting "reviews" or "critiques" of vore artists I really like. Or at least compiling a list of vore artists I like so I have ease of access for reference~
New computer up and Running~ Posted 3 months ago
Ive been wracked with anxiety as of late (due to life and world issues). But one thing that seems to be working out for me is that I got my computer set up and running. I can now utilize Clip Studio Paint more effectively. I'm still breaking in my computer and have to install some quality of life things but hopefully I'll be able to make art much more quickly.

However I have been distracted with other affairs. I've been getting into DnD and really am enjoying my time but it takes a lot to run a session (Im the Game Master). self-esteem really took a blow and I still need to study for testing.

So please bear with me everyone, I know I'm not as swamped as I use to be but I can still get overwhelmed you know?

Best Wishes ya'll~