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Alyssia had been waiting a long time for this...
It had been a year since she had read the Priestess Songstorm's writings, her odes to the saber cat. The sentinel had adored the beasts from an early age, having felt no calling except that as a huntress, defending her people astride, in tandem with one as much a part of it as her mount her.
It had been while visiting one of the temples, the bond between the military and the holy so strong, that she came across the essays. She'd he

Ascendence as Saber food

Uploaded: 9 years ago

Owner: brindring

Tags: Soft Vore Warcraft Consensual Fatal Willing Night elf Disposal Nightsaber

A Night elf warrior sacrifices herself for the greatest animal on Kalimdor

Turns out that there's next to no nightsaber vore outside of the interactive stories. I wanted to change that!

Disposal after the lines, not for everyone, but it's nice to know how her pet deemed her! 

Jocaste - 9 years ago

I have to agree with BigB, the narrative was delightful. <3

Resileaf - 9 years ago

Very beautifully done! The description of what went through her head as she fed herself was top notch!

Scarlet - 9 years ago

Willingly or not, a Night Elf is only good for food and fertiliser! I should know, all my WoW characters where NElfs! And I'm a madam. Sounds posh!

brindring - 9 years ago

Sir/Madam, I must protest in the strongest possible terms!

"Put in [her] proper place" almost makes it sound as though she didn't go there oh so willingly of her own accord!

Scarlet - 9 years ago

Never enough Night Elves being put in their proper place!