Author Type: Gallery User
Registered Since: 19 years ago
Last Seen: Feb 13th, 2025
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Hungry Umi is Hungry (^. .^) feeeeeed me
I'm the incredibly lucky fiancé of TakanTwins my love, my best friend, my angel and hunnie <3
Silly, playful and overly friendly, amorous blue & yellow thing who loves to make new friends, lick stuff, cuddle everything and swallow anything shi can get hir jaws around.
I dabble in writing and coding, which has led to me to working on a Roleplaying chatbot known as UmiBot, which is an online version of myself you can chat to and play with, if you are curious it can be found here:
I also now dabble in the world of streaming - casual relaxed games with the odd adult/vorish discussion, but mostly just wanting to hang out with tasty friends while gaming.
I can also be found on twitter now too for random small thoughts and posts (^. .^)
Also if you want to add to my treasure hoard and give a gift - I have a throne now too (^. .^)
Wanna know more about me? Say hi and find out for yourself it's far more fun than reading it here.
Persona wise I'm a rather playful and soft water dragon. I love to get up to all sorts from cuddling and adventuring, to a good naughty mating session followed by curling up and rubbing the wiggling bulge in my tummy that used to by my partner.
Want to know more about my character? Don't worry I wont bite tehe (^. .^)
I do love to RP but please understand I'm very busy and won't be able to play often and it's rare I look for new players, so please don't take offence if I say I'm too busy.
I also much prefer to be contacted via direct messages before any IMs are considered so please be aware I might ask you to message me here if you find me on an IM.
For more silly Umi facts you can also take a peek at my F-list profile
Okies that's all for now, hope you enjoy the goodies in my gallery and stay tasty sweeties! (^. .^)
Sweeeeeeeties! One and Yum lend me your ears (^. .^)
So I have been a little more organised for once and actually managed to book off the dates on and around 3 furry cons this year but not sure we can afford all 3 yet. So I wanted to ask how many of you adorable and scrumptious lot were planning to attend any we had our eyes on as that might help me pick which ones to prioritise.
If you are going to any of the below and are comfy to share - could you let me know below? Would be amazing to see as many of your cuties (and hug ya) as possible <3
NFC - NordicFuzzCon
CFZ - ConFuzzled
EF - Eurofurence
Thanks sweeties, stay scrumptious!
Posted by AlexisToran 4 months ago Report
Gee, I sure hope no big, soft, hungry dragons sneak up on me...
Posted by AlexisToran 4 months ago Report
My pleasure, I really should have come and found you here sooner!