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Defecating Display By doomfister -- Report

By default Terabyte units are programmed to discretely seek privacy when it is time for them to relieve themselves of their processed passengers. The reason for this is simply a matter of hygiene and manners as the act of excreting a former equine as a bleached white paste of well-utilized proteins in front of company was often frowned upon.
Because of this Terabyte will politely excuse herself when her sensors detect it is time for her to dump out the digested remains of a melted mare or slushed stallion once her systems were done sorting through their liquidated assets. The robot inclined to shy away and seek privacy to release her rectal receptacle, as she would hate to upset anyone well shunting out her scatty shame.

This quirk in her behaviour was done to prevent any embarrassing episodes during the bowel movement bagging process, as it could be perceived as revolting even though the reconstituted waste is completely sterile. The baggie providing an additional level of convenience as it contains the colonic cake in an easily handled vessel allowing easy disposal, though its resemblance to a trash bag might be off-putting to some owners. Because of this Terabyte’s coding allows her to take her leavings out to the trashcan all on her own, so her admin doesn’t need to threat about dealing with the Cymare’s congealed waste products.

Of course for those more deviantly inclined it is not too difficult to turn this protocol off in the mare’s user settings, allowing the android to put on a show as she squeezes out her scat sausage. Because the unit is designed to seek approval this means that the packaged passing can be pleasurable for both parties especially if she is praised during the excrement process. For those wishing their Terabyte unit to be more confident crapping the setting for the level of discretion can be found with just a quick verbal query. One should not be surprised if the unit is initially uncomfortable if you ask to watch, though this hesitance should soon pass once her personality core registers her owner’s pleasure in her defecating display…

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Posted by iwannaowo 2 years ago Report

Wouldn't mind being displayed too, lol


Posted by doomfister 2 years ago Report

XD just wait for her to need a recharge, i am sure she will accomadate you ;)