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Full by Day, Hungry by Night By ezkerbkun -- Report

It was rather foolish of her, in hindsight, to sleep so defenselessly out in the open in a new minute singularity. However, as they say, hindsight is 20/20. Even with all the curses affecting the surrounding area, once Murasaki Shikibu relaxed on a lounging chair next to the silent lake with a good book in hand, it was only a matter of time before she drifted off into a peaceful slumber, and a dark spirit waiting nearby jumped at the chance to invade her defenseless body. The black, ghostlike creature slithered down her throat, settling inside her without raising a ruckus. She was now cursed with an evil being… Even still, she continued to sleep, uninterrupted as if nothing was wrong. As her full chest rose and fell with each breath passing through her lips, her daring swimsuit attracted the attention of someone unexpected.

"Wow~ Murasaki Shikibu is even more stunning with less clothes on~" Musashi chuckled nervously as she stood above the sleeping curvy woman. A nervous sweat was dripping down her brow, as she contemplated what she wanted to do to her. Musashi did not consider herself to be a morally just woman. She had done plenty of questionable, downright dirty things over the course of her absurd life, and as she gazed quietly at the helpless chunky woman ripe for the taking, she found herself wanting to add another tally to said list of shameful indulgences. Her stomach growled as a sliver of drool slid down her parted lips. She was starving, and no one was looking… there was almost no chance of being caught…

"Sorry Shikibu-san… You brought this upon yourself when you went to sleep looking like that~'' Indeed, Kaoruko's swimsuit was daring and exciting, even comparing her to the drooling Berserker about to devour her. Her long, elegant dark hair was tied up into a short bun, and her breasts were hugged tight by a truly captivating one piece swimsuit. Thin straps and translucent material exposed much of her marvelous meat, which was already threatening to burst from the stretched sides. Musashi contemplated disrobing her first so that she could taste more of her flavorful skin on the way down, but that would be pushing her luck, even for her. Besides, there was plenty of exposed meat to drag her eager tongue across~

"Itadakimasu~" The renowned samurai whispered with a bow before her fingers began to wiggle feverishly, her digits and teeth ready to sink into this bountiful serving from the gods. But as she leaned in to grab hold of her food, something curious happened. Murasaki Shikibu's hands reached forward, while she was still slumbering, mind you, to firmly grasp her. Musashi chuckled to herself, trying to push her off and back away before she woke the Rider up, but she couldn't. Murasaki's grasp was simply too strong… and she was pulling her face closer and closer to her parted, drooling maw. A worried gasp left the Berserker's own lips, as the mouth of the poet spread across her face, stretching and robbing her of her vision before she could so much as scream.

"W-what?! Isn't she asleep?! Why is she so strong?!" Musashi was confused, to say the least, as the still slumbering woman began to swallow her whole. Without moving an inch from her sleeping position, the samurai began to slide down the poet's gullet, her thick body stretching her neck and stomach out quickly as she piled inside like a sack of meat. If things continue as they were, Musashi didn't stand a chance of escaping. Without her razor sharp blades, she was just like any other delicious, helpless woman, food for the taking in a surprise sneak attack.

Murasaki Shikibu moaned in delight as her tastebuds were titillated with the ingestion of tasty, squirming meat, her tongue and teeth sliding over and tenderizing her meal as it passed from her mouth into her stomach in a few brief moments. In her dream, the soggy udon noodles she was scarfing down were sooo thick and scrumptious, the broth dripping off of them was like liquid gold. In reality, however, those noodles were Musashi's shapely legs, and the dripping broth was her savory sweat. No matter how much she buckled or kicked, Kaoruko continued to sleep, dreaming of a feast to end all feasts filling her up most pleasingly.

By the time she was slurping down Musashi's fanned out toes, the meal in her dream had ended, leaving the fair lady bloated with a considerable amount of meat stretching her usually trim midsection. How embarrassing… but the people in her dream didn't seem to mind. They cheered her on and congratulated her, telling her to be proud of her enviable accomplishment. She offered a strained smile in both her dream and real life, as her swimsuit struggled to contain the fiercely thrashing bulge of Musashi Miyamoto. A belch suddenly sped past her lips, causing her to blush in utter shame.

"Excuse me… Zzzzz…"

"Th-this is ridiculous! I was about to eat her! How did she- unnfff!!" Musashi's complaints were cut off by the fleshy walls surrounding her tightening considerably. Her cheeks were squished together as her movements were restricted to practically nothing. All she could do was sit there, stewing and fuming as the stomach acids dripped down her back and began melting down her own one piece swimsuit and fair skin. Kaoruko's hand came to rest atop her bloated belly as she dreamed of an unrelated scenario, a nervous giggle barely audible between her loud and lengthy snores.

"No… Lord Fujiwara, you mustn't… mmm…" In her dream, her late husband was teasing her for having such a round, heavy belly, packed to the brim with churning food. As their lips met for a kiss, his palms slid over the impressive swell, his strong hands gently sloshing the contents of her tummy. The sensation was foreign to her, but it felt good to slosh and shake the fleshy swell… The food inside seemed to soften quicker the more he did it, so she urged him desperately to continue.

"Yeeesh… More, Lord Fujiwara… right there~"

"H-hey!! Stop it, I'm m-melting… mmnnghff…" Musashi couldn't believe how quickly she was falling apart. It was true she was a fragile Berserker in this spirit origin, but still, shouldn't she at least last longer than an hour?! She was already breaking down into a goopy mess, her solid body squishing apart into softly bubbling chyme to fill the sleeping woman up. Was this really how her journey ended? As food for someone who didn't even realize she had eaten her? And history thought Sasaki Kojirou died a sad, sorry death…

With a loud crunch, Musashi Miyamoto was gone, her body crumbling into meaty, swirling chunks inside the sleeping Heian woman. The stomach lost definition, becoming more rounded and smooth, with Musashi's impressive curves no longer visibly pressing against the sides anymore. Murasaki Shikibu snored comfortably, her appetite sated as she continued to sleep peacefully. She would have continued sleeping by her lonesome, if someone hadn't been watching the samurai's demise nearby, fascinated and aroused by the sudden death of the would-be hero.

"Oh my gosh, oh my goooosh… I can't believe she actually ate her! And look at her belly… It's all soft now! She… she really digested Miyamoto Musashi-san…" Osakabehime couldn't believe her eyes, this was like something straight out of a doujin! Though she was excited to have a new tag to look up when she found a computer with Internet access, she couldn't help but feel drawn to the sleeping woman herself. She was like a Venus flytrap, laying her with carnivorous jaws spread open, and she was the fly, drawn closer by that sweet scent coming from her dangerous maw. The batty princess blinked with a dopey grin on her face, her brain half afflicted by the cursed being residing in Murasaki Shikibu, while the other half also wanted to get a closer look out of curiosity's sake. The Archer inched forward with a lusty stare, her legs shaking in fear, but unable to deny the magical force drawing her next to her idol.

"W… Wow. She's so meaty… and this belly, it's all that's left of the legendary swordswoman… that's soooo hot~" The youkai princess' eyes swirled, as she leaned in closer, right next to her face. Kaoruko was still in a deep sleep, snoring loudly with her mouth wide open. The smell of her breath was intoxicating, making the Archer forget all her fears of being eaten and digested just like the samurai before her. Without really thinking about it, Osakabehime raised her leg, and suddenly stuffed her foot into the poet's waiting mouth. She stirred in her sleep, but settled back down, the nice ice cream she was slurping on in her dream keeping her pacified. Hime giggled as her calves were licked and sucked upon, enjoying the feeling of being tasted by one she looked up to so much. Being eaten by Murasaki Shikibu was going to be a tale to be remembered!

"Ahh, wait… but no one's going to remember this. Murasaki Shikibu isn't going to remember eating me… I'm just going to be her faaat… with Musashi-saaaan… Ehehehe~" The curse was affecting Osakabehime much harder than it had Musashi. She was willingly becoming the lady's food, happy to give up her life just to make her nice and full. Musashi had been affected too, but she never realized it. She should have had the strength to break free, but the curse sapped her of her power, turning her into easy food. Osakabehime thrust her other foot inside, and began wiggling her hips feverishly. She wanted to work her fat butt into Kaoruko's maw faster, she needed to fill her up now! Her hands sank into the fat gut of her devourer and she used it as a makeshift table to lean on, her face completely consumed by the curse in swirls of madness in her eyes. Every bite and swallow only served to send her into deeper gutslut despair, the young princess not being able to stand not being completely confined to her predator's beautiful belly.

"Kyaaaaa~ Murasaki-saaan~ Eat me allll up~" It was a miracle Kaoruko remained asleep during all of this, but somehow, she did. She heard some strange moaning somewhere in her dreams, but she just chalked that up to some strange subconscious phenomenon. Instead, she focused on the feeling of her belly stretching out once more, and the endless supply of tasty ice cream filling her pleased mouth. It tasted so good sliding down, sweet and thick cream that satisfied her like no other. There were some tasty mounds and peaks of this curvy snack, but by the end of it, she found herself slurping down long, candied strands of hair-like confectionery treats to round off her filling dessert.

"Ahhh… Murasaki… san… mmmphhh~" Osakabehime's head squished inside the hungry lips, stretching the poet's throat as she was slurped down unceremoniously. The batty princess slid into her stomach with an elongated slosh, her curvy neet form squishing into the Musashi slop that had yet to be drained deeper into the lady's bowels for further processing. Kaoruko's mouth relaxed, as another gentle snore escaped her parted lips. Her stomach was simply massive now, more than twice the size it has been prior to the princess' ingestion. It would shrink down some with a bit of digesting, but there was no way any of her clothes were going to fit once she was done absorbing the bulk of the mass sagging down her stomach between her fattened thighs.

The video feed suddenly cut off, just as her stomach began to churn. Osakabehime was in the process of being melted down to a slurry, as cheesy bloody text straight out of a B movie flick popped up on screen:




"…M-Master…" Kaoruko's voice quivered. Just a few minutes ago, she had woken up from a pleasantly lakeside nap, her dreams filled with so many delicious treats, only to find herself obscenely fat. Her body had bloated to extra soft and surprisingly wide proportions. Her hips had flared out to be twice their original girth and size, a pair of fattened cheeks that would look right at home on a horse's hindquarters jiggling behind her. Likewise, her belly and flanks were chunky and round, an overflowing muffin top and solid potbelly giving her the look of a middle aged mother. The crown jewel, however, was the set of breasts sagging in front of her. Osakabehime and Musashi had fed her well, half of both of their masses ended up as nothing but swimsuit straining tit fat. Her boobs were now ridiculously huge, more than thrice the size that has been before her extremely fattening nap. It was a wonder her top hadn't snapped yet, but every little movement threatened to tear the stretchy fabric like flimsy toilet paper.

Just what was she going to do about all this unnecessary weight?! As she turned to ask her Master what they should do about the horror movie curse affecting them, the short, redheaded girl's eyes began to swirl, her lips curled into a frightening smile. She raised her hand, the red command seals shining with clear devious intent!

"N-no, Master, you can't!"

"Murasaki Shikibu, I command you to devour me whole~ Ahahaha~" Kaoruko felt the magic take hold of her, forcing her to take hold of her next feast. With a tearful expression, her tongue rolled out of her mouth, as she began to lick and taste the cheek of the cursed Master giggling before her. It didn’t take long for her to slide inside, cradled by the fatty walls of flesh plumpened up by the high calorie meals before her. Ritsuka would soon join them, content to be nothing but flab and a quickly killed off character in a movie no one would ever care about.

The straight to DVD release of Summer 5: Full by Day, Hungry by Night released to little fanfare, with most people who were still alive to watch movies uninterested in the clear fetish fueled scenario of a Servant devouring and digesting every single ally that came with them to the summer singularity. The film ended with a frighteningly chunky Murasaki Shikibu, who had to be rescued by the Chaldea staff as the lone survivor of the massacre. Though many people who watched the movie must have thought she was the killer herself, that wasn't the case. It was the dark spirit possessing her. The demon was exercised, and Da Vinci ordered the only Servant remaining to be rescued immediately. Everything was going well, until the sequel of the horror flick began to be filmed without Kaoruko or Da Vinci even realizing it.

"Da Vinci… I'm hungry…" The fat woman began to moan, her mouth watering as she gazed at the picturesque back of the head director of Chaldea. Da Vinci ignored her, idly responding as she continued with her paperwork of the devastating incident.

"Really, already? Well, don't worry, we do still have a few Servants left that know how to cook. I'm sure they'd be happy to…"

Drip… drip drip…

A cold sweat of fear rushed through the Rider's body as wet globs of slobber dripped from above her, straight out of a horror movie cliche. Looking up fearfully, she saw about what she expected to see in a bad B movie plot. Murasaki Shikibu's stretched open maw flashed on screen for but a moment, before the scene faded sharply to black. A dramatic shot of the lady's bloated belly zoomed out, complete with droning digestion noises, to show her sitting on her fat ass and rubbing her gurgling belly in blissful satisfaction.

"Urrpff… S-sorry Miss Da Vinci… I’m still hungry…"

There were still plenty of Servants and staff to scarf down for the rest of this movie, so the transformed heroine could do nothing but give in and eat anyone she came across… until the film was complete.

The end…?

me and  Draconatedz decided to make something for this fgo event.

Comment on Full by Day, Hungry by Night

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Posted by AlterEgo23 1 year ago Report previous part, isn't it?


Posted by ezkerbkun 1 year ago Report

hmm I think my drawings are not related to each other, unless I mention that somehow.
But I guess, that could make sense.


Posted by CakePisces 1 year ago Report

Sheee that belly tho ????


Posted by elliotalien08 1 year ago Report

This was absolutely fantastic


Posted by Mrclewd 1 year ago Report

Can i be next? Lol/j


Posted by PlaTT 1 year ago Report

I volunteer ~


Posted by Fatefull 1 year ago Report

Once again a pleasure to look at with a nice story to go with it as well.


Posted by Moxxieasslover 1 year ago Report

I want to be next :D


Posted by VAddict 1 year ago Report

One day archer Osakabehime will get to be pred, but sadly today is not that day.

Murasaki Shikibu looks phenomenal stuffed with berserker and perverted archer meat, especially in her swimsuit that makes her hips and chest stand out even more. The story is the icing on top, it's filling in the parts we don't see and adding more depth to the image with the personality in the writing being on point. On their own, they are both great but together they are truly amazing.

Both the story and art are astonishing and you two did a great job making this.


Posted by ezkerbkun 1 year ago Report

Thanks! I always have fun making something with draco, they really knows how to get into the character. I'm happy people like it as well.


Posted by algog8 1 year ago Report

Aw yeah eat all of 'em


Posted by Badfurson 1 year ago Report

Absolutely fantastic job of all of this.


Posted by Bright 1 year ago Report

The story is a lovely addition to the picture.


Posted by CrazyLala 1 year ago Report

oh boy do i love me my valentines caster. sadly i did not get her rider version but thank you for bringing her to life in this voracious form.