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[PIN-UP] Meowie's New Debut? (with story) By Zeeza -- Report

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"Come right up, love! Come and be a part of the show!"
Meowie, the wonderful and beautiful Meowscarada magician of the people, extends her hand out to you. She's beckoning you to the stage!

Of course, this was all pre-scripted as a special seat she gave away to one of her biggest fans - you - but not because she was dishonest. In fact, she was afraid before starting the magic show that it wouldn't look sincere to her adoring fans. She was, in fact, a legit magician of the people.

"Our special audience member will now go change and be back with us for the next act, my lovely viewers!" Meowie announced before whispering next to your ear "the bag with your performance clothing is around the courner next to the fitting room. Please do hurry; we wouldn't want to keep all of these lovelies waiting!" then, back to her audience: "While we wait, I have a couple new tricks to show you all"


The back of the stage was roomie enough to fit a few people side-to-side in, but crowded enough with show-runners that nobody really noticed you go into the changing room. You see the bag on the counter that says "human clothing - special guest!" on it. Inside is a black latex one-piece suit, a white tuxedo, and a rose to attach to the chest pocket.

None of these, however, were your true suit for this evening. No, that one was hidden away in a duffle bag you stashed in here earlier, underneath a mountain of props and clothing that seemed to be a pile nobody touched or cared to put back up on hangers. Inside was your true suit for the evening, and it was exquisit.

Realistic green fur across the whole body. A perfectly sculpted face with eye lids that attached to your own and a snout that attached itself to the top and end of your nose. A fur-like cloak made of dark green with some plant-like veins running through the inside. Paws that felt almost velvety smooth yet thicker than any human hand with retractable claws that laid in on the tips of the paw toes, with paws that felt supple, squishy, slightly rough and life-like, like a set of small breasts almost.

Speaking of which...

Getting excited and flustered, you forget that you're on a timer but come to the realization soon enough. You start to put it on...

Being mostly one whole piece, you decide to start through the highly stretchable opeining that was now unzipped behind the head , sending your now bare feet and legs into the suit's legs and then paws. Super tiny dull needles send sensation though your feet, as if you were feeling what the paws were feeling - pads included. With a strong thrust, you bring the torso up to yours and feel a strong sensation where your manhood is. It seemed to be pushed in on itself as you insert it into the right hole, giving you something down there that only women have. The sensation needles never hurt, but are so shocking that you sit there for a moment, collecting yourself before you have to convince yourself to hold off for just a bit longer.

For all your body new, your junk was gone and now you were a full woman from the waist-down.

The suit gave plenty or room and padding until now. It seemed to constrict pretty tightly around the waist - giving you a pretty good hourglass shape that took a bit of time to get used to breathing with. It was all worth it in the end, after all...

Moving on, you pull your arms in one at a time and send them all the way through the suit's hand paws, acting just like the feet paws, though a bit less rough. It made sense since the feet would realistically be more rough, walking around without shoes on and such. Such attention to detail!

With your new slender furry arms, you pull up the biggest thing you were looking forward to - the breasts! Boobs! Honkers! Titties! Whatever you called them, they were the second-most sensitive area yet and were pretty heavy. Every slight touch from your paws sent a small tingle of electricity down your body and a wave of euphoria into your mind. They were great! They were perfect!

They were yours now...!

A knock on the door caught your attention and you immediately cover up with a nearby towel,

"Almost Ready?" Meowie herself asked through the door. She wasn't one to send someone just to fetch someone else, after all.

"Just a sec!" You exclaim hastily.

You put on the rest of the head; attaching the eye lids, putting your tongue and teeth into the molds, putting in the colored contacts, etc. Before finishing with the last couple steps, you ask Meowie to help you with a malfunctioning part of the suit she gave you. Finally, you zip up the comically large zipper behind your head and unfasten something attached to the inside of the suit's throat, gripping your neck and changing your voice entirely.

"Is it the spandex? I told them not to - O-OH!!" Meowie closed the door behind her as she sees you as you are now, in your naked furry skinsuit and changed entirely. She seems to be too flustered to mutter anything coherent until she finally lets out "Y-y-y-you're...?

"Yeah, Darling, I AM! How do you like it?" You taunt, giving her love-crazed eyes and sounding so seductive in your new voice that you almost fell in love with yourself.

"I-I-I-I d-don't... It's n-not... I-I don't t-think that's your..."

"Would you accept me as I am, "love"?" You reach around her waist...

"I-I c-can't...? I m-mean... I-I-I don't k-know...?"

Your hands are behind her now...

"I... honsestly, I'm h-happy for you, but I don't think I-I can... love you? I t-think that's what y-you're getting at...? I-I'm sorry!"

... You lock the door.

"I'm sorry, too, "love"."


Meowie's urges kick in and she can't hold back any more. She grabs the girl by the shoulders and stuffs the head into her mouth. The emotions kicking through her body were once again almost too much to bear! She wished it could've worked out better but she couldn't. This wasn't a fan of hers. Not anymore.

She hears the confused yell muffled through her cheeks and decides to finish this as quickly as she can before the staff come in to fins out what the noise was. She wasn't even sure she could do this but she had to!

She forced the shoulders through her mough and the head into her throat. With some squishing that she had to admit she enjoyed a lot, she flattened the girl's boobs enough with her paws to fit them into the mouth next. Then the hourglass shape was a nice refresher - easy to slip in - before the waist. The hips certainly were the real deal as she barely forced them into her maw.

She seemed to be at her limit as her gut expanded with the head popping in and the boobs following in after as she got to the furry legs, but she pushed herself onwards.

Eventually she got to the paws and raised her head back to let it slide down easier. She'd have to remember how much gravity helps next time she did this. She even opened her eyes and saw the three-toed paws sticking out of her mouth, exciting her deep down now that she was almost done. She couldn't help but feel the paws and savor the moments they slowly slid down into her mouth, across her tongue and down her throat, as if every moment was a century long, Eventually she felt herself short on breath and decided to end it as soon as possible, so she swallowed the magnificent paws down her gullet with the hardest swallow she's ever done.

The weight of a whole person sitting in her gut made her fall backwards onto her certainly padded posterior. The girl inside was definitely doing everything in her power to force her way back up from where she came, but couldn't maneuver herself at all in the tight space and then tried to force her way into the body more, but was completely stuck. Meowie couldn't help but chuckle at the funny feeling of the girl pushing against her stomach walls and forcing their paws to show through her belly somewhat. She was certainly putting up a fight.

"Ma'am, are you okay in there...?" Someone asked from behind the door. Meowie got up and tried to respond, but the girl coming in had a key and was faster than her. "Are you serious, MeMe...?"

She was a bovine succubus, with a snake's head for a tail tip, horns that looked polished and a nametag that said "Chloe Halkyone" on it. She came across as smug and lovely all in one fell swoop, as usual.

"Um... I-I don't..." Meowie said, unable to bring anything to mind to say.

"Ugh not this again. You couldn't even wait for them to come up on the stage before poofing them into your gut! Come on girl, I'm your best friend but even I know that you're not great at the whole Vore craze yet. That was supposed to be the main act before letting them out and - you know what? You already know all of this. You ate him early - oh well. Shit happens. We'll just have to end the act now and use this as a preview of what the next show will have in store, I guess."

"Thanks Chloe."

"Yeah yeah. You owe me a set of shots after work today though!"


Meowie came onto the stage as gracefully as she could, taking each paw step regally, trying to pretend she could hold the weight perfectly well sloshing about inside. It was like wearing High Heels, she guessed in the back of her mind, though that was something else she was thinking of getting into anyway.

"Thank you one and all for coming out to my show," Meowie started. The crowd was definitely interested about her furry belly, but they couldn't know what really happened. "and to my mysterious guest of honor for the Disappearance Act!"

The crowd laughed and cheered, though another chat was going on in her own head so she didn't soak it all up like she wanted to originally.

Her headpiece was starting to annoy her now.

"Have a great night, Loves, and I'll see you all next time!!"

Cheering and applause filled the air as the curtains closed with her behind them. She did a neat bow - or, as much as her belly would allow - and finally it was all over.

She hurried back to the room where Chloe was waiting. She simply agreed to meet Meowie after she was done bringing her meal back out, but she had a stop along the way to make with some "Zeeza" guy she had questions for. She gave a seemingly knowing glance Meowie didn't quite like before leaving, her high heels click-clacking on the ground as she left.

Meowie hurried into the room and re-locked the door behind her. She also used a chair as a barricade just in case anyone else had a key to the room, and she laid down on the velvety sofa.

"That was a good show, after all!" She told her gut, who mumbled back something inaudibly.

Meowie grabbed a vial that was sitting next to a bag on the table and drank it down. It fizzled in her mouth and throat as it went down, bubbling in her stomach with her new meal. Her body tingled, the movement in her bellly now at max as her guest squirmed. Her skin felt hot and painful all around as the vial's contents did its thing. She squirmed and the velvety couch rubbed against her down under and her boobs.

"Aw, fuck it." She moaned as she writhed on the couch, her whole body in pain and her lower lady section and her boobs pleasuring her beyone belief, was quite the clash. She'd never felt more alive in her life!

Then the sensation died down... The pleasure was more real than ever...

...And a clang on the wodden floor rang across the whole room...

...The zipper was off. The Contacts fell out. The seam was now entirely gone.

"All along... I was more "Meowie" than you ever were, my dear friend." Meowie - no, "you" - patted your belly as you summoned Flowie, your Magical Teleporting Flower, say by your side. The skinsuit was gone. Your old body was gone. The old Meowie was gone... Well, not quite.

Your ass, thighs and tits were now a whole two sizes bigger, and you could feel the old Meowie's soul trapped in your tits specifically.

"Thank you for holding my place for me, but the better and only Meowie will take it from here ahuhuhu..."

You sit back and take a well-deserved nap. After all, the star of the show needed her beauty rest.


+Extra Scene+

You look down at your bunny costume that Chloe got you saying it was "part of Tweeter's trending tab now". Honestly you could do the show naked like the night everything changed, but you decided to go along with it for the sake of making her happy. After all, she *did* drink you under the table in your last bar trip and you had made a drunken bet (that you lost) to dress up for the audience in whatever she wanted you in. She seemed to glow at the idea, even when sober.

You remember an old rumor about the old Meowie for no particular reason and pull down the breast plate to the bunny suit, exposing your furry tits to the changing room air. It always made you blush a bit, seeing where the old Meowie now resided within your body. You suppose that thinking about this is what reminded you of the old rumor.

"Can I just...?" You bring a paw bean to your right tit and push in. Not much seems to happen but nothing would like this anyway. "Okay Meowie, just breath and force it..."

You breath in hard, but before you can get complacent, you take your body by surprise and poek your bean into your nipple...

And it went all the way through!

The sensation was new and made touching tour tits seem like a slightly smaller deal.

"Hng! A-ahhhh! Y-you sly devil! You - er, I - had a hidden compartment all along? I knew it! But... what's the extent...?"

You grab a blanket to measure how much you can put in and immediately the pleasure overwhelms you in its entirety! You nearly black out before finally coming back to your senses and... the blanket.

"It's gone!" You look down, correcting yourself: "Er, not "gone" per se." Your right tit was now literally almost the same size as your belly with a lucky contestant inside like in your shows. You find a second blanket and swear to keep it in until the end of this show as your new surprise trick to bring it all out, kind of like an old magician with cloth in their throat. With tits that will definitely give you back pain if left like this too long, you stretch your bunny suit's breast guard over your tits, somehow stretchy enough to contain the girls you've brought upon the world, and leave for your biggest and most thrilling show yet!


Thanks for reading, everyone! First story I've done in a long while so I hope you bare with me.

Characters belong to me
Meowscarada belongs to the Pokemon Company
Drawing/Coloring/Shading done by me

Join the Discord to get my pics as they release and hang out with awesome people like you!

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Posted by doomed 2 years ago Report

I hope to see more stories


Posted by Zeeza 2 years ago Report

I plan on it