Archive > S1nZ > NSFW Stories > Vore > Living with Zombies > 1: Warming the chill of undeath with the fires of conquest and lust
It all began with a new discovery. Some miracle cure that could solve all health problems, from back ache and hair loss to cancer and even drug addiction. Extracted from a sky blue bamboo like plant discovered on a previously unknown island in the pacific, found by the same small time scientist who published his work.
As the drug spread like wildfire, the big pharmaceutical companies tried stopping it, even going to dark means of assassination. However, the scientist’s work was already released to the public, revealing how easy it is to grow the herb and extract the active ingredient. Blue gardens started sprouting all over the world, the hardy root spreading plant encroaching easily on all soil conditions. Short term research deemed the chemical safe, and within months, there wasn’t a person who isn’t directly or indirectly consuming the product.
A few years after the discovery, everyone was enjoying what seemed to be eternal youth. However, despite the joy, strife was still inlaid within humans. It all began with small incidents, domestic violence gone horribly wrong, gang violence, laid off workers commiting suicide. However, those victims didn’t stay dead, some attacking their attackers or random people on the streets, leading to more deaths and undeath. The undead were resistant to the usual shot to the head as well, only falling still when their whole head is blown off or their neck severed.
Chaos erupted all over as police, military and even the general public tried to stem the every growing tide. At the start, the horde was mindless and easily dispatched despite their numbers. However, the hordes soon got leaders, directing the tide into a deadly army. By the time the battles ended, only small groups of living humans remained, spread out and trying to survive. Thankfully, the horde leaders soon started infighting, leading to most of the horde returning to their primal, mindless state. The surviving leaders left for the wilderness and were never seen by the humans again.
Of the survivors, there were two girls who survived the chaos and destruction. Before this, they had both attended the same school. The more headstrong of the two, Franziska, was the head of the school’s sports club, while Clara, the meeker one, was head of the literature club. Franziska was a strong, muscular girl with a lean figure and subtle breasts, her brown hair kept short so it doesn’t get in the way of her sports, while Clara had a more motherly look, with a plump figure and sizable breasts, her long blonde hair tied in a ponytail when she wants to keep it out of her face. Despite being in more or less opposite groups, they somehow made things click, and a deep sense of affection blossomed between them, but they kept it hidden from most in their school.
When the outbreak started, they already had the drug coursing through their veins, Franziska taking it as a sanctioned body supplement while Clara took it to fix her bad eyesight. Together, they eventually got to a simple two storey warehouse, the main doors and lower windows mostly barred by wrecked cars and trucks. Entering from the fire escape, they easily made it their new home, the fire escape preventing most zombies from wandering in. The only danger they faced would be outside, while out scavenging, or the off chance they are attacked by other looters.
The duo were on their way back from looting a nearby shopping mall, bringing back cans of foods and some construction material for some traps on the fire escape, just in case someone tried sneaking in to their base. During their experience, they had learnt the zombies seem to be attracted to fire, and lit barrels filled with wood scraps to draw them away from their path. Of course, the plan wasn’t foolproof, as Franziska’s bloody crowbar is any indication. She grunts as she tanks it free from yet another zombie’s neck while Clara holds her almost pristine spiked baseball bat close to herself, keeping an eye out for any more infected. “I really wonder what will you do if you were alone, Clara.” Franziska sighs, as she looks over to her companion.
“But it’s scary, Fran. I’m not strong like you.”
Franziska sighs again, looking around the narrow alleyway they are in and not seeing any signs of the undead. She places her pack down and gives Clara a hug. “Don’t worry. You will get stronger, I’m sure of it.” She coos, the meeker girl leaning into the hug. It was then Franziska looked up to the sky, wanting to see the clouds pass by for this little moment, when she caught sight of movement, her eyes widening in shock.
Up above them on the roof, a group of zombies begin to shamble off and right on top of them. with nothing to defend themselves against the falling masses, Franziska grabbed Clara and shoved her aside, towards her pack and their base. Clara was stunned by the sudden action, and got her barings just as Franziska got mounted by a falling zombie.
“RUN! GET TO THE BASE!” Franziska cries out as more zombies surround her. Franziska’s voice shook Clara out of her shock, and she quickly grabbed Franziska’s pack of resources before rushing off, trying to mentally block out the sounds of her friend and lover’s cries of pain over the sickening splats of flesh against pavement.
Franziska opened her eyes, feeling cold and hollow. She grabbed her head as she stood up, trying to remember what happened, when she looked down and noticed her stomach ripped open and her intestines strewn about. “Fucking zombies… killing me like that… If only I was stronger….” She thought, as she slowly pulled her organs back into her stomach cavity. She soon noticed her liver missing, and looked around to see another zombie amongst the sea of broken bodies, clutching her fresh liver like a pillow. She recognised him, the one who ended her life and the only one of the horde that fell on her that was smart enough to use her body to soften its fall. Enraged by the sight, Franziska stumbled forward, grabbing the unaware zombie and instinctually sinking her teeth into his flesh. The sound of cracking bone resonated through the alleyway as her jaw snapped the zombie’s neck. Yanking hard, she ripped off the neck and instinctively swallowed, feeling the cold flesh slide into her stomach. Even the act of consuming alone made her feel stronger, as the flesh soon melded with her body.
With the zombie now dead, she carefully took her liver and shoved it back into her body. Looking down at the sea of corpses, and felt they were the key for her getting stronger, strong enough that she can protect Clara, even in death. She began ripping tearing and consuming the bodies, losing herself to a feeding frenzy. The sound alone enough to scare off any survivors in the area. The hole in her stomach soon closed, and her body began to bulk up. Too entranced by the feast that she didn’t notice her bones rearranging and growing within her, her general size growing to titanic proportions. Her clothes, unable to take the strain, rips from the pressure, revealing her muscular but now motherly nude form to the world. With her added size, she was soon able to gulp down the corpses whole, hastening her transformation even further.
By the time she was done, there was nary a scrap of flesh left in the alleyway, and slightly more than a week had passed. Her ravenous feast made her body huge, easily four times the height of a human, each step she takes shaking the ground and cracking the pavement. Franziska looks over her new form, enjoying her ample body and much more sizable bosom, her mawful of sharp teeth grinning in excitement. She flexed her scab covered arms, feeling the scale like scabs shift as she moves, acting as a sort of scale mail. She then moved her fingers, all ending in sharp claws that can easily rend flesh and bone. Her eyesight, already near perfect in life, had now become enhanced, allowing her to see further and even clearer than before.
Looking at an overturned barrel, she remembered why she wanted all this power for, to protect Clara, and squeezed her way out of the narrow alleyway to the main road, stomping towards the warehouse which was her former home. Praying to whatever god that gave her this second chance that she is still alive.
As she slowly made her way to her destination, Franziska noticed other zombies beginning to follow her, stopping when she did. Grabbing the nearest one, she gulped it down to see what it would do, but realised it didn’t even struggle or go against her will. It pursued her curiosity, and she pointed at a nearby car,roaring out something that sounds like “Go”. With yells of reply, the small horde with her charged at the car with surprising speed, causing Franziska to grin once more. With a horde at her disposal, she will definitely protect Clara, so she thought, as she resumed her journey, slowly amassing an even bigger horde as zombies filter in to the group.
Clara was distraught, the love of her life gone in a moment. Franziska’s cries of agony still haunting her everytime she tried to sleep. She felt dead inside, barely moving except to get food and water to keep on living, though she is starting to question the point of the action. She had left her lover to die, to save herself. Part of her was tempted to leave the safety of their base, and find Franziska to die by her side, or by her undead hands.
As Clara was wallowing in depression, outside, a group of armed male bandits a staking her place out. They had been watching the duo for a couple of days prior to only one of them returning, but the traps in the entrance way prevented them from attacking her directly, at least not without casualty. Their only option was to wait till the now lone survivor leaves to catch her unawares on the road. Of course, they wanted her alive, they can’t restart their idea of society without a few breeders under them, after all.
Clara stumbled to the stockpile, her stomach rumbling as she searched for any more food. After a futile search, she sighs as she sits amongst the discarded cans, looking towards the fire escape. She didn’t want to do anything, but she still needed to eat. Dragging herself up, she lumbered towards the exit, and out of the building. Unknowingly right into the sights of a sniper located on a billboard in the adjacent building. Clara only took a few steps out onto the streets before the shot rang out, the already weakened girl falling to the ground with a hole in her calf. Stunned, confused and in pain, Clara didn’t notice the gang of men that appeared out from behind the various vehicles on the road, surrounding her and tying her up without a thought.
Franziska was only a few crossings away from the warehouse when she heard the shot, her pace quickening as she feared the worst, knowing that neither her nor Clara had a gun. The horde she amassed started roaring as they kept pace with her large shrides. She soon saw the group of men, and Clara’s distinct ponytail seen on the person carried over one of their shoulders. Part of her was tempted to charge in and wreak havoc, but then she noticed that none of them had any guns, leading her to scan above for the shooter. Spotting the gunman, she grabbed one of the zombies by her side, and flung the human shaped missile at him with a rage-filled roar.
The poor girl had given up. She was shot, bleeding bound and now carried off to who knows where. Wishing she would die from her untreated wounds, her thoughts was interrupted by a loud roar and the sickening sound of splatting meat.
Up above them, the shooter couldn’t even cry out as his body was eviscerated by the force of the launched zombie, the duo turning into a messy meat fireworks and showering the streets below with gore and his gun mangled in the impact. The bandits look towards the sound of the roar, seeing the huge monstrosity that is Franziska and the large horde at her command. In a panic, they dropped Clara and ran, leaving the bound girl alone as bait to hopefully buy time, the zombies ravenously chasing after them. Seeing the end, Clara closed her eyes, and prayed that her death was swift. However, the drum of footsteps rushed past her, the cries of death coming from the bandits that attacked her, but not a hand or feet touching her curled up form.
Clara kept her eyes closed as she felt the earth shake, the huge creature slowly lumbering towards her. Her confusion got deeper as she heard her name called, forcing her to open her eyes. Before her was the giant creature, clearly a woman from the sagging breasts and exposed nether lips, though also lacking in any sort of femininity thanks to the rows of sharp teeth, thick muscles and blood covered claws. “C-clara? I-its me…. F-fran…” The creature growled, as it slowly reached forward. “I-i’ll keep y-you s-safe….” Clara, delirious from blood loss, wiggled towards the creature, the sharp claws easily cutting her bindings. “F-Fran… Y-you.. You came back…” She says with a pleased smile, leaning forward to hug Franziska, her head only reaching her hips. “Y-yes… a-and w-we will be together… forever~” Franziska coos, before squatting down, her slit engulfing the confused girl’s head.
Franziska looked down at the bound Clara, curled up, scared and bleeding from her wound. Her mind raced with ways to help her lover, how to keep her safe from future harm. She looked at the horde of zombies as they tore the bandits up, feeling the need to spread her desires to the others. The only reason why the zombies spared Clara was because Franziska explicitly told them to kill everyone except the blonde hair one. She needed a way to ingrain the thought of protecting her lover. Thinking about her lover, she realised that she perhaps had a way, and began shifting about her insides, moulding her womb to both protect her lover. She had already made love to Clara in the past, but now she wanted to breed her.
Excited, she tried to calm her nerves as she called out Clara’s name, seeing the girl open her eyes in surprise. “C-clara? I-it’s me…. F-fran…” She tries cooing, as she reached to cut the bindings. “I-i’ll keep y-you s-safe…” The moment Clara is free, the girl went forward to hug Franziska while saying “F-Fran… Y-you.. You came back…” Franziska’s massive boobs hiding her grin from the girl, feeling her head against her pussy, she began her plan. “Y-yes… a-and w-we will be together… forever~” She says, before engulfing her lover with her slit. A tentacle from within her womb shoots out, wiggling down Clara’s open mouth as she tries to scream in alarm. It wiggles deep into her body, squirting warm fluids inside her and filling her up. Clara struggled as she felt her belly expanding, the fluids squeezing its way through her intestines and forcing out all her wastes in a torrent of white and brown.
With her lover now cleaned internally, Franziska pushed Clara deeper, the tentacle wiggling out from her ass and into the ravaged girl’s pussy, pumping Franziska’s mutated seed into her womb almost immediately. Clara was stunned at how fast it all was, and soon found herself in the musky confines of Franziska’s womb, her belly hurting as her womb is filled to the point she felt she might pop. Thankfully, the tentacle soon pulled out, and began worming its way back out of her mouth, leaving the girl panting and trapped. The walls around her started to shift, squeezing down on her somewhat tightly and covering her with a surprisingly pleasant feeling slime that made whatever pain she felt go away and healed the wound on her leg.
“I love you…. Clara~” Franziska coos as she pats her belly, feeling Clara within. She made sure all her needs were cared for, her hunger, thirst, and health, before moving on, resting her hand lovingly on the bulge as she walks to her old home, smashing her way through the wrecked cars that barred the entrance and then relaxed, enjoying the feeling of her lover squirming within her.
Clara opened her eyes from a blissful sleep, shaking the last bits of her dream from her head, a memory of her first meeting with Franziska’s new form, chuckling at how fearful she was on her first day here. She looked over to her side, smiling at the two thin, human shaped creatures at either end, caressing her overly large pregnant belly as their tendril like mouths play and drink from her massive bosom. They were her children, brought about by Franziska’s love for her, and there were many more roaming outside her fleshy home. Clara’s belly was impossibly large, thanks to the fact she needn’t eat or drink. Her entire digestive tract wilted months ago, giving more space for her young within to grow. She got up and stretched despite her size, feeling the touch chord that connects her to her lover from the back of her neck. She then walked around a bit, looking at her other roommates as her children clung on to her body, others with similar blonde hair to her’s, but some clearly dead before being brought here, all sporting round, pregnant bellies and partially fused with the walls. She watches with glee as one of them begin to squirm, the child within being forced out of her womb and into the world.
Clara goes to the new child, and gnaws off the cord connecting mother to child and giving it a loving kiss before pushing it through a much bigger cervix nearby. She felt her lover shudder as a new child is let out, and began caressing the walls, pressing her round form against the fleshy walls, and purring in pleasure as she felt something push back.
Outside, Franziska grew to titanic proportions, a good half of the warehouse her throne and roof destroyed to make way for her upper body. On there, she relaxed and felt her lover and new lovers inside her massive belly, producing more and more loving children to help catch those who will not conform to her rule, be they living or dead. The humans began calling her the matirach, an undead being that wishes to cover the world with her children. Many outposts were already destroyed by her intelligent, agile and deadly children, and it wouldn’t be long before the whole city belong to her and her many mates.
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1: Warming the chill of undeath with the fires of conquest and lust By S1nZ -- Report

In a destroyed world, two lovers are brought together closer than they ever thought possible with the death of one.

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