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Fun and Games 2 By DarkArtist -- Report

The lights in the buss came on as the passengers got a look at what had stopped them. A few sticking their heads out to get a better glimpse at the bat woman before them. The gawking males were all too quick to get excited, some even whistleing.

"I see they don't mind a chunky woman with the meat in the right places" thought Night with a smile.

Two of the players came out to talk to her. "So what did you mean by make it worth our while?" said the rather grinning horse as he looked over Nights cleavage. The wolf kept his distance, but the face he made was clear as day to what he thought.

"You boys must be coming from a game. Whats your team name?" questioned Night, as she leaned abit to let her cleavage spill alittle and her breasts sag to tease the two men.

"New Berry City Jotuns," said the wolf.

"Really? What a nice name, and since you boys are on your way home, I would like to get a ride. I'm a lonely lady who got lost looking for a party. If your so inclined, and if your coach will let it, I wouldn't mind going with you guys with you. What do you say?"

The gawking of the men became all the more audible. No doubt already ready and wanting to get a piece of action before the game. Night stared up at the sitting coach in the drivers seat with a sultry smile, "Perhaps youd even get some fun, coach?"

The players were already a stones throw away from begging the coach, and it didn't take long to make a decision. "Alright alright. Not like we need to go straight home once we get to the lockerrooms. You can come with dear...but no sex on the bus. This bus is a rental."

Nights smile went ear to ear as the group cheered and she began her ascent. "Allow me to help you up miss," said the Horse, whose coat said "Jenkins" on the back. Althoguht helping her was just a nice way for him to get a feel of her big ass as she walked up.

"Oooo, how nice of you young man," said said as she walked up into the bus, drenched in the smell of jocks, testosterone , and sweat. She didn't even mind when some tried to grope a feel, or slap her ass, as she found a empty seat they so generously gave to her.

"Not what I had in mind for my night...but this may turn out to be much better anyway," Night thought to herself. "Wonder if they will give me a jersey to remember them by..."

(End of Part 2)
(I suck at drawing buses. good thing this is the last time I have to draw the exterior)

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Posted by dokudoku 5 years ago Report

Vlad, you suck at drawing buses >:u


Posted by DarkArtist 5 years ago Report

They're my krpytonite. Vehicles give me hives. ono


Posted by DirtyMac 5 years ago Report

You ain't tge the only one.