Heya! I am Eka! I sorta run this site with Leshana
I don't actually have a gallery. I don't really draw any more, but lots of people drew stuff for me! They are awesome! You can see most of it in my Favorites folder!
See you later! Eka
Discord: Ekake
PS: If you have a problem with this site, I would appreciate if you send me a PM
This is a post that I've been meaning to write for a while. It is not inspired by anyone in particular, but my own critique toward the criticism we have found in many communities as a whole. I am not a stellar example of giving or receiving good criticism. So, hopefully this post will encourage myself, and perhaps others, into a more… shall we say, “efficient“ attitude toward criticism.
Drawing and writing, for business, personal, or even entertainment like fan fiction and fantasy, as soon as we involve the word “Art”, it becomes a personal thing. We cannot help but make strong emotional connections to our creative work. For us, it is more than work, it is a performance, an unique presentation of ourselves, whether we express ourselves through writing, pictures, sculpture,...
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