
Author Type: Gallery User

Registered Since: 16 years ago

Last Seen: Apr 25th, 2024

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do I look?" Asked a Neko girl by the name of Rella. Her pitch
black hair reached down about an inch over her shoulders and was
neatly straightened so that it framed her young, attractive face. Her
red painted lips smiled slightly towards a human girl who stood on
her dorm room desk. "Good.
Pretty." Replied the human girl by the name of Ashley. She was a
petite thing, even by human standards. Standing a few inches over
five feet. In comparison to her large friend she

Richard stared at the massive screen displayed across the curved window of the cockpit. He stood rather awkwardly on the outstretched hand of Kikata. Dinner, or lunch...or maybe it was breakfast, was rather strange. He sat on the edge of a wide plate, Kikata had spooned over some of the strange meat and thick creamy substance that she assured him was a delicacy back on her home planet. In the end he could have eaten just about anything, his taste buds no longer fighting against the terrible food

Kikata walked across the frozen white plain, idly following a the line that led along a small square map in the upper left hand portion of her visor. She had tried to search the marines name in a data base but got too many hits to sort through them all. She sighed, her legs growing a bit tired from all of the walking. She was a bit startled at the humans reaction to her techniques, she was trained early on in her search and rescue courses about how to handle smaller creatures in these sorts of e

December 2, 2076 Earth Calendar

Planet DX-50067

“It looks like a snowball”

“It is a snowball”

“Not so much, it's more like a ball of ice”

“What's the difference?”

“Well, you have snow...and then you have ice” The man retorted with a smug grin. He turned back towards the window of the sleek starship, the shuttle starting to vibrate as it entered the atmosphere.

“Fucking scientists” The other mut

September 13, 1962Jerald peered out over the bright blue waters below. He eyed a dark cloud nervously, creating a sharp cut in the bright sunlit waters. His plane vibrated lightly as he continued forward, nothing to cause him any real alarm...yet. As he approached the cloud he noticed a grey swirling touching down on the water. He started to tilt away from the concentrated storm but felt the stick jerking back the other way. He gritted his teeth as he pulled against this strange force with all h

(This story just randomly popped into my head, and I just wanted to get it down. Warning: Very, very sexual content inside, don't read if your one who gets offended easily)Mike sat on the edge of the cliff, Alicia had wanted to go on a walk with Snow but he decided he wanted to talk with Liza for a while instead. Liza sat with her back propped against the cliff next to him, long body descending deep into the blue waters below. It had been a few weeks since they had gotten back from their journey

"So" Valnara began, "I'm sure the idea of walking back down this mountain doesn't really excite you?" "Oh not at all" Liza mumbled. Valnara smiled, "Well I think I can help you out with a short cut" They all perked up excitedly, Valnara grinning down at them as she waved her arm, the same light that Mike had saw from before spread across thin air, touching down at the floor before them. She rounded the strange vision as images started to appear."M-M

They looked at each other, wondering if they should stand their ground or flee from what ever had caused the massive shift in the rocks. They stared into the blackness, jumping again as the rock wall itself seemed to move. Then it fell through, surprisingly light shone in. "Uh" Liza started but was interrupted by something pretty terrifying. A massive white figure moved in front of the opening. A large eye peered in at them, or at least it looked like an eye. It glowed brightly thoug

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Ginbug's Tags
CanineCatgirlDemonDigestionEndosomaF/MFoot PlayFull tourGiantessGrowthHumanHuman PreyM/FMacro/MicroMouth playNekoNeko PredNeko/HumanNon-fatalNudityOralOral VoreSMSame_sizeSci-FiSexShrinkingSoft VoreSoul VoreStoryStreamingTongueUnbirthViolentcrushinggentlehard(ish)megamouthplaywebcam

I have been here for a while, but have always been a little slow to share my stuff, but now I finally have an archive slot to share my stories, so hooray for that!

I can only really do stories, I am a terrible artist when it comes to drawing...and photography wouldn't really be relavent here (that is my artistic format in real life...and that is as much as you will get out of me :P).

Anyway, I tend to write softer/gentler stories...however I do have a few violent and dark stories as well. I am an explorer of the fantasy, there are some areas that I know I do not like but I am more often than not willing to explore other areas in stories or role plays. I actually have an entire...
[ Continued ... ]

3 Replies
Shout Box

Posted by alockwood1 1 year ago Report

Hi buddy.


Posted by scimitri 12 years ago Report

<< Reply To Ginbug

I think you must have got me and "bright" mixed up, he was the one who asked that on your blog ^^


Posted by Vitric 13 years ago Report

Saw your post in the full tour thread and decided to see if you had any works and I loved them! I have my own thread in the "work to be shared" forum if you care to check it out.


Posted by Firefly212056 13 years ago Report

Really love your giantess stories. I can't stop reading them and I really like Amy.

Hey do you have any plans for Rob and his little adventures?

[ Reply ]


Posted by DragonOfEmerald 14 years ago Report

Your welcome! And thank you for making it.

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