
Author Type: Gallery User

Registered Since: 8 months ago

Last Seen: Feb 12th, 2025

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Certified braindead romaboo.

If you wanna talk, go for it, I love chatting with people.

I probably have the most basic tastes ever in vore, as I like oral/anal/unbirth, specifically the swallowing, and nearly only F/F. I like mass vore and good internals too.

For now, I write stories in my own unamed medieval setting. I plan on exploring multiple facets of vore with it. I don't really want to limit myself, and the only two things I'll definitly never write will be incest and underaged. Also, this should be expected on this site, but I'm still going to say it because what I write tends to be pretty violent : I do not condone the actions my characters partake in, this is all fantasy and fiction, please be nice to the other beings stuck with you on this planet.

Don't expect too much regularity, I'm a lazy guy.

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A tasty


------F/F, F/M, Tail vore, Oral vore, Unwilling prey------

It was one thing to get killed by a giant man-eating monster. It was another to see it swallow an entire family before your eyes, and then yet another to know you’re next. And why do you know it ? Because you’re in its very mouth, getting licked vigorously, while your friend is

The noble girl and the wild

young man

In the forests of Samnitium, a young noblewoman named Elisa was running for her life, with but a slave accompanying her on her run. In normal circumstances, she would have been in a palace, living the high life, getting high and sleeping around like a normal wallian noble of her age. However, her father just so happened to have married her to a duke and general from the borderlands,


fruitful hunt

The Wallians might be herbivores, but that didn’t mean that they don’t practice animal farming. There are many uses to an animal other than its meat : its leather and wool to make clothes, its bones to produce glue, its fat to make soap, its speed to transmit messages, and of course the help it could provide in farming. So the Wallians learnt how to raise animals, and are now the masters of ma

An unexperienced young lady

One of the most annoying things in life is wanting to complain, yet being unable to do so. When you were supposed to be patient, yet being bored just by waiting a few minutes. Standing there hungry, yet being unable to find food. Such was the current lot in life for Cornelia, a young female Chatti, who was on the lookout for preys. She had a quite common look for her species, if only a bit small, standing at only 1m70 (5 feet

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Posted by slag00001 2 months ago Report

Your story preview thumbnails are Yellow text on a white background and I can't read them.


Posted by FurryTastyTreat 5 months ago Report

<< Reply To Trajan

You're welcome. Pleased it meant something. That story was very well-executed, so vivid.


Posted by IddlerItaler 7 months ago Report

<< Reply To Trajan

Yea I used to watch Dovahatty a few years back so I'm familiar with his artstyle and his type of humour. Maybe I'll write a story mimicking it someday; most of my works are set in an OC fantasy universe and they get historian commentary from time to time.


Posted by IddlerItaler 7 months ago Report

Thanks for the watch. Your avatar reminds me of simpler times, lol.

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