
Author Type: Gallery User

Registered Since: 4 months ago

Last Seen: Feb 12th, 2025

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Chapter 1
The magic forest felt more magical than Jack ever thought a forest could be. And for a guy who spent every free summer moment hiking through California's vast, expansive, forests, that was saying something.
It wasn't just the trees either—although, they were true marvels. Their trunks twisted and spiraled up, creating a fluted, almost ethereal effect. Groups of trees seemingly twisted together, like twine, forming phenomenal scenery.
Every so often, a glimmer of something superna

Chapter 1
The first couple days of the blizzard weren't that bad. I mean, yeah, we were trapped in what felt like an isolated snow world, but we had each other. I we were vacationing in this cabin perched on a hill above an ice-covered river in Alaska. It felt like the entire family had been holding our breaths for this great adventure to start only for it to end so swiftly with Jack Frost making his unwelcome appearance.  
 This harsh weather was only supposed to last a day, at l

Chapter 1
In the far future a global radioactive incident created a metamorphosis that would not only change the biology of all non-human mammals but also scatter society into a new form that would be unrecognizable to the humans of yesteryear. This incident caused a mutation in which all mammals would mutate into anthropomorphic forms and give them human levels of intelligence. This was nothing compared to their most powerful mutation, the ability to eat other creatures whole. With these new ca

Chapter 1
Tom was an 18 year old boy who just finishing another day of his senior year in high school. He decided to walk home today, instead of taking the bus, to enjoy the changing of the leaves. Little did he know he would be seeing a lot more red then he anticipated by the end of today.
Tom sighed as he walked through the familiar streets of his suburban neighborhood, his book bag slung over one shoulder. The yellowing leaves danced around him, drifting lazily from the trees. The smell of fr

Chapter 1

I couldn’t help but feel the tiniest bit resentful about my current position in life. I mean, what guy wouldn’t? I was standing in our kitchen, debating between tofu or chicken for lunch, a chore I’d never thought I’d be doing as a married man, let alone a married man to an anthropomorphic horse, albeit an incredibly beautiful one, and brooding.

Chapter 1

The room was drenched in sunlight. The yellow rays cascaded through the tall window, bathing the murals on the walls in a warm glow. I glanced up from the crudely-drawn centaur I was etching on my sketchpad. I loved this room, which, painter's tape and stained drop-cloth haphazardly covering the room said, was about to be painter's blue with white clouds. I despised that I loved it, despised that I loved the painter and

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deathjump9000's Tags

Hey before we begin this shoutout I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm almost finished with a simple cock vore rebirth story that I will release by the end of this week. I just have to think of epilogue scene. A rebirth story just doesn't feel complete without a scene or description that shows how their new life is turning out. I am also slowly going to release some of my unfinished, abandoned stories, or first drafts. I already released one here.

This week's story shoutout is Steele's Due by TARDISType50

When it comes to this story, I have been hesitant to shout it out as I kind of believe the author sort of ruins his own story by the end of the story,...
[ Continued ... ]

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Shout Box

Posted by Cartography 1 month ago Report

Thank you for the watch! I don't think I've been watched by anyone yet, so thank you! I haven't uploaded in a bit, but that's 'cause I've been working on a large personal project, one day I'll post more often, I promise.


Posted by TheDarkTraveler 2 months ago Report

thanks for the favs

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Posted by TheFloofyCow 3 months ago Report

Thanks for the fave on here as well!

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