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Fun and Games 7 By DarkArtist -- Report

The ones who were awake with even a bit of energy left are the lucky ones. They were able to get out of her reach in time. But the others, many whom were still dozed, drunk, or otherwise soon found themselves gobbled up. They thought for sure after the first few she would stop, or maybe slow down while they try to get the door open. But no, it was far too late the moment she got them all into one room.

Each one she ate disappeared quickly into her belly, as those inside find their space dark, damp, and cramped. The star player from earlier was already weakening, with most of his energy sucked from sex, as he succumbed to Nights stomach. All the actions and movements only increasing the intensity of being in such a hot, cramped, blue space to no doubt speed up digestion further. This team, who had beaten a nother team for the trophy, now beaten and eaten by one person who was about to turn them all into more layers of fat on her already obese body.

The waterboy who tagged along with them, who was among those who got first dibs, pleaded with her as his turn came up. "I-I-Ill go willing!" he said "But please, do it with your ass!" Night was all to happy to grant this request. Bringing her massive ass to him and using her magic to bring him in, sinking him into her anus feet first. Indeed, his hard cock was delighted to rub up against her ass cheeks and into her anus as he disappeared between two big white mounds of flesh and fur. He even came as his arms sunk in, and his head, now poking out of her anus. He went out, with a smile in his face, having told no one of his secret fetish.

The last few football players now saw that the room had gotten quieter. Thier numbers now thinned, the horse player tried one last time to open the door in terror, unwanting to be consumed by the large white bat. Night, took her time getting back on her feet to walk over him, licking her lips, her belly already quite full yet all too willing to take on more. It was also in this she remembered the coach who would no doubt be coming back soon. Indeed, she thought, he will suit as desert, once she devours the last of this team...


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Posted by jak55 5 years ago Report

How many players did she eat already?


Posted by AssImilate 5 years ago Report

You forgot the anal vore tag